Guides of Alps Giulie


To lpi Julia, eight hundred alpine Itineraries it proposes alpine itineraries and escursionistici, become by now of the classical ones, through the reconstruction of the history and the stories of the 'pioneers' of the mountaineering friulano and of the first climbers of the region.
The guide has been built, placing side by side to some historical stories and relationships of epoch the technical cards of the slopes that contain the essential information for the modern mountain climber.
The work is divided in two volumes: the first one is devoted to the Alps Giulie, inclusive those oriental in territory Slovenian; the second in the Alps Carniche and the Dolomites Friulane.
You/he/she is preferred to stop on a historical (years Sixty of the eight hundred-first years of the Nine hundred) phase and on a generation that precedes the advent of a more technical and turned mountaineering to the search of 'undertaken', what he will affirm only accomplishedly after the Great War.
In the mountaineering of the epoch numerous aspects cohabit between them in contradiction, also staying true that the dominant component of the mountaineering friulano in the second halves the 800 is that exploratory and scientific, with the presence of charismatic and historical (Giovanni Marinelli) figures of the Alpine Society Friulana.


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from the morainic reliefs that lean out on the tall lowland to those flyshoidis of the oriental Friuli, from the sour chains prealpine to the tops of the Dolomites of Ovens and Pesarine, to the alpis Julia and culminating Carniche in the 2780 ms of the Coglians mountain, the tallest peak of the region.
From the geologic point of view, in our province the terminations of three mountainous chains are settled: the chain ercinica Paleocarnica and those alpine of the oriental southern Alps and of the external Dinaridis.
The alpis Tolmezzine Tale unity actually extends him to the course of the tall Tagliamento; it is this the dominion of the sediments mesozoici (triassici particularly) with great development of rocks arenaceee, calcareous marnose, calcareous dolomitiche and dolomie.
The alpis Julia In this sector they appear on the surface in prevalence rocks mesozoiche with particular development of the principal (superior Triassico) dolomia.
The prealpis Carniche Sotto this name they are understood the reliefs that actually extend him to the lowland from the valley of the tall Tagliamento; on such sector they appear on the surface terrestrial of inclusive age among the superior Triassico and the superior Miocene.
(from the guide of the Alps and Prealpi Carniche and Julia).

Military Historical museum of the Alps Giulie - Where we are
This history, that goes from the Napoleonic period to the 2 to world war, is told inside the historical museum - military of the "Alps Giulie", created by the administration domunale of Tarvisio and managed by the association "historical Group Tarvisiano."

Alpine society of the Julia - Section in Trieste of the CAI
Alpine society of the Julia - Section in Trieste of the CAI.
The review of activity "Alps Giulie" the first time was published in Trieste in the distant 1896, following the unique volume of the 'Actions and Memories of the Society of the Mountain climber Triestini' (1885) and to the two volumes of the 'Actions and Memories of the Alpine Society of the Julia' (1886-1887 and 1887-1892)..
Brief interruptions excepted, the review 'Alps Giulie' it goes out today still, with semestral lilt, and it currently represents the greatest source of information related to the manifold activities that the Section in Trieste it develops.
In an arc of time that broadly overcomes the century, you/they have written on Alps Giulie mountain climber and speleologists that have greatly contributed to the development and the 'history' of such disciplines, sporting and scientific to once.
You/he/she is sent, free, to all the ordinary partners of the alpine one, and exchanged with sections of the CAI, alpine associations, Museums, Libraries, scientific and cultural Institutes.
The complete series of Alps Giulie is consultabile near the library of the SAG.


Western Alps Giulie
The Western Alps Giulie are of the mountains of extreme beauty.
In the book 50 select itineraries of different length and difficulty are described: pleasant give Sunday trips and from the binding strong streets up to the easy climbs, proper only to people with a good experience or addiritura accompanied by an alpine guide.
The photos and the sketches of the painter and mountain climber Danilo Cedilnik. Den, together with the precise descriptions of the itineraries and to all the necessary technical data, they mostly facilitate the orientation.


Thousand Opportunity - Friuli Venezia Julia - Guide of SuperEva
Friuli Venezia Julia, earth of border, narrow among the river Livenza, the Alps, the Adriatic Sea, morphologically formed by a mountainous part to North, the Carnia, and from a region level uniform almost to half from the course of the river Tagliamento that receives the waters from the Fella and in the terminal line marks the border with the Region Vneneto.
Earth of mountainous frontier, often difficult, he/she understands the southern slope of the Alps Carniche where we find the tallest mountain, the Coglians, 2780 ms and the western sector of the Alps Giulie with the peak of the Jôf of Montasio, 2753 ms.

sent forth to the hours 14:00 of 13/03/2007 valid up to the edited by hours 28.00 of 14/03/2007 the Command Alpine Troops.
The snowy coverage of the territory is continuous in the slopes in shade above the 1200 meters on the alpis and above the 1300 on the prealpis while in the slopes to the sun it is continuous above the 1400 meters on the alpis, corroded and irregular on the prealpis Carniche, almost absent on the prealpis Julia.
Currently the thicknesses of the snowy mantle above the 1600 meters are middly of 105 cms on the Alps Giulie (with values of 195 cms to the Rif.
Gilberti), 65 cms on the oriental Alps Carniche and of 85 cms on the western Alps Carniche.
For the activities ski alpine, you consider the characteristics of the snowy mantle and the elevated diurnal temperatures, it recommends him the maximum prudence in the crossing of the open steep slant over the superscript of the wood, increasing the safety measures in the crossing of the zones of accumulation in proximity of gullies, crests and forks, avoiding the movement in the warmest hours of the day.

Autonomous region FVG - Meteo
A decisive impulse migliorativo of the bulletin has happened beginning from 1983 year when has been founded the AINEVA (Association Interregionale of coordination and documentation for the inherent problems the Snow and the Avalanches) that associates the Regions and autonomous Provinces of the Italian alpine arc; The primary objectives of the AINEVA are I exchange him/it and information popularization, the adoption of methodologies common of harvest and data processing, the popularization of publications, the formation of the technicians and the diffusion of the bulletins avalanches with the best standards to the purpose of the prevention of the danger of avalanches.
The actual Bulletin avalanches of the Friuli Venezia Julia continues on this road: it is an informative tool that foresees the danger constituted by the fall of the avalanches in a determined space, the regional alpine arc, in a determined interval of time, 48 or 72 hours.
17 fields of manual survey of the data nivometeorologici daily effected from private and from forest around the hours 8.00 of every day; some data are also used coming from stations Meteomont and from regions and States contermini (Veneto, Austria, Slovenia); 16 automatic stations with hourly relief of temperature of the air, strength and direction of the wind, height of the snow and, in some cases, relative damp; 19 fixed fields of relief of the inside structure to the snowy (I outline penetrometrico and stratigraphy) mantle effected with weekly lilt by the forest (some correspondents with those of daily relief) personnel; from 5 to 8 reliefs weekly itineranti, in the varying place, of the stability of the snowy (understanding penetrometria, stratigraphy and block of skid) mantle that long itineraries are effected scialpinistici from forest and qualified alpine guides.

In the heart of the Alps Giulie, in the distant valleys of Thirty and Bohinj, and been born ago centuries the fable of Zlatorog, that is of a mysterious white chamois from the gold horns, that it had a spellbound garden in tall mountain and at the same time it was the custodian of an immense hidden treasure.
In a release of anger Zlatorog I destroy the avid hunter and, after having destroyed his/her own alpine heaven, shots forever.
To that epoch, thanks to the initiative of the association Museums of Slovenia (and precisely of his/her senore for the protection of the nature) and the Alpine Society of Slovenia you/he/she was taken in lease for a 20 year-old period the valley of the lakes of the Triglav, having a surface of 1400 hectares, with the name of 'alpine Park of protection.'
From it they widen to form of raggiera in tune the directions, the valleys whose streams feed two big rivers that have the source in the Alps Giulie: the river Soca (Isonzo) that him gena in the Adriatic and the river Sava affiuente of the Danubio, that throws him in the Black Sea.
In the territory of the park, as elsewhere in the Alps Giulie the limestones predominate, sediments deposited ago primarily him in the tertiary era around 200 million years.

Shelter Luigi Pellarini - Carnizza of camporosso - Group Jof Fuart - Alps Giulie
you/he/she has been built in 1924 and devoted to the alpine Luigi Pellarini, fallen during the First World war on the M.Chiesa (halt.Asiago).
Since then you/he/she has developed a precious service to the mountaineering, becoming one of the most important shelters in the Alps Giulie.
New building in alpine style realized in leterizio and wood, on four floors.
The whole coastline that surrounds the shelter, with middle gradient of the walls around the 600m, it is terrestrial of election for mountaineering. - The ski beyond the footsteps
Scialpinisti stopped by the forest Tarvisio - The tourist compresorio of the Valcanale is famous for its naturalistic layouts and for the scialpinismo.
Scialpinismo in Friuli - Ovens than Above David Capellari it furnishes us some proposals Ovens Scialpinistiche than Above in Friuli Venezia Julia.
After a consignment of ski mountaineering in the Watkinses Mountains (Greenland in 2000) the passion has remained me for the Arctic one.
Nicola, Gianluca and Giovanna are enthusiastic skis mountain climber all as me affiliate to the section in Padua of the CAI where I develop the activity of regional instructor of ski mountaineering.