Guides of Alps IT


WWF Alpi
What can do with us Associates to the WWF! He/she adopts an animal you Sustain a project 5 for thousand to the WWF La your inheritance for the Nature Vacations Nature & Fields Visit the Oases Panda Shop Newsletter Petitions and Activism Voluntary online for the environment Service Civil Formation, job Next Appointments.
Alps Her organizations WWF of Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France they work for a long time in way coordinated for the safeguard of this important natural patrimony in a vision transnazionale, bringing forth a program common of maintenance alpine ecoregionale in the area defined by the Convention of the Alps.
BIODIVERSITY VISION Alps discharge here the complete (English and Italian) document where the concept of ecoregione deepens him, the alpine environment is described, the methodology used in the job of maintenance ecoregionale, the data of synthesis for the individualization of the 24 priority areas and the biocorridois.
Besides the document contains the description partner economic and the political context of the Alps and an analysis of the threats to the biodiversity.
Besides numerous involved institutional and technical partners, until now the program sees the active share of hundred scientists, which you/they have started to use the available information to define the areas and the themes on which it is more urgent to intervene.

Regional park of the Alps Apuane
Welcome in the site official web of the Regional Park of the Alps Apuane - Park ANTITRANSGENICO.
It wins who gets the smaller score: in case of parity the good positioning is worth, if parity persists the second good positioning it is worth and so via;.
Besides the first three teams will be rewarded in base to the number of the enrolled athletes in the general 10 competitions.
The questions of share and the professional curriculum, compiled according to the criterions established by the Proclamation, you/they must reach, directly with delivery to hand or to mean of the postal service - with exclusion of any other mean - within and not over the hours 12, 00 of Saturday March 24 th 2007 to the specified following address: .
The file (* .pdf) is already available in the specific section of our site, while for the "papery" it will need to attend a few months.
In effects, the official presentation of the volume and the free distribution they are submitted to a specific event by to get organized, very probably, inside the 28a edition of Carrara marmotec, scheduled from on May 30 to June 2 nd 2007.
Tuesday March 13 th, near the Center Visits of the Park of Castelnuovo Garfagnana (Plaza of the Grass, 1), at the 17.00, the third meeting of the thematic " Forum will be held her tourist receptiveness and the mobility inside the Park "; .

info: ALPS IT

Photo by

Park of the Alps Marittime - official Pages dell\'Ente of Management
And' the widest Piedmontese park and among the vast of Italy.
Numerous tops over the 3.000 meters, lakes, grasslands, small glaciers, the abundance of alpine fauna and botanical kind they constitute an unique environmental patrimony.
Had twinned since 1987 with the French national Park of the Mercantour it protects an area, astride the Alps, of 100.000 hectares that, in 1993, you/he/she has gotten the European Diploma for the environment.

Park Alps Apuane - official Pages dell\'Ente of Management
The Alps Apuane distinguish him from the near Appennino thanks to the sour morphology a great deal, with their valleys deeply engraved and the imposing slopes and very tilted.
The Apuanes are known for the beauty of his/her own marbles and for the depths abysses and the great hollow of the subsoil carsico.
The geographical position of the thick one, its exposure and the different nature of the rocks determine the presence of environments how much you ever launch and conflicting, that favor the wealth floristica and faunistica of the territory.

Discovery Alps - to Meet on the Alps
The Italian athletes conquer the World Cup of ski of mountaineering on the Adamello.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007 Lenzerheide entertains the final FISs of the World Cup of Alpine Ski The first thirty of every specialty they are challenged on the snows of the Swiss place of Luca Lorenzini Lenzerheide, laughing place of the Swiss Alps, in the canton Grigioni, turns him for some days into the world capital of the alpine ski.
Scheduled, up to March 18, the final phase of the Fis Ski World Cup 2007, or rather the World Cup of Alpine Ski.
A to follow him continuous of competitions with the best thirty athletes of every specialty hocked in footstep, both in masculine field and female.
Today, with the contraction of the wooded uses, the awareness of the multifunzionalità of the forests is great climb on of it.
Trait of union between past and present is...
The alpine shelter Willy Jervis, sets to 1.732 meters in Val Pellice (To), the inferior extreme of the great Basin of the Prà is found to, among groves...
New Center Visitors of the National Park of the Gran Heaven.
You/he/she has opened the leaves to Cogne thanks to the collaboration with the Foundation Grand Paradis, corporate body created with the assignment the to valorize the naturalistic and cultural tourism.


Bank Alps Marittime
It visits the pages devoted to our products and you discover the new proposals of contocorrenti thought for you....
'Life is as a trip: at first it is learned to walk playing, then the first flights are detached, therefore the important finishing lines are reached."
With this slogan the Bank Alps Marittime you/he/she has launched from 13/09/2004 the new products of the "Line Young people."
Enough with the worries and the fears to pay on Internet with his/her own credit card!.
And' arrived Bankpass: the innovative service promoted by the ABI (the Italian Banking association) realized together with the Banks, that it allows to effect, in total safety, the payments on all the present on-line shops on the net that you/they allow the payment through credit card.
Credit Sprint: Easy to have, comfortable to return, in small monthly installments.
For visulizzare in corrected way all the pages of the site and to exploit to of it full the possibilities it installs Adobe® Reader® and Macromedia Flash Player.
Products for the Partners | Map of the Site | You number useful | Link Interessanti.


Alps Occidentali - Touring and northern ski dall\'Appennino Ligure in the Alps Lepontine
The novelties of the site (09.03.2007 updating) Updatings.
For information to contact the authors through e-mail:
Meteorological events can determine changes in the morphology of the landscape and therefore in the described runs, that consequently have an indicative value.

Trekking on the Alps Occidentali - Turn of the White Mountain / Tour du Mont Blanc - photos
the problem was tied up to Wordpress, that has been replaced in the management of these news by some small php....
1/1/2006: What would you say of it of Yellowstone? With the new year, new itineraries introduced by we are finishing the cards of the excursions in two splendid parks nazionali:.
13/1/2005: Card of the naturalistic excursion to Brosso (Val Chiusella - TO) Come promised, Gian accompanies us in one of his/her excursions preferite:.
For further information and possibility of accompaniment, you/he/she can directly turn us to the same Gian (
22/11/2004: Accessible site The job of the last months to bring the site to good levels of accessibility starts to give its fruits...
Despite the appointment it is possible that something is escaped: the signalings of possible errors are well axes! Soon the description of all the images of the trekkings and the excursions will be completed also.
8/11/2004: Novelty in the site Here finally on-line the section news and the introductory page to the origins of the site! Snooping in the section who troverere the presentation of Gian, a new friend of

Alps Occidentali - A virtual visit with panoramic photos
I live in Valley of Susa for which I/you/they have involved in before person in the stories related to the project of the railway line to high speed / tall ability Lione-Turin.
As almost all the inhabitants of the zone are contrary to this project for numerous motives.
You tries to make to pass the opposition to the TAV for a protest localistica of selfish mountaineers, but the situation is well different and whoever can realize informing himself/herself/itself some..
If is visiting this site he/she wants to say that somehow you have available some time.
Welcome to this virtual visit of the western Alps.
The site almost contains 240 photos to 360 degrees, taken back by panoramic points in mountain.
The photos have been taken back in the Piedmontese Alps, among the Valley it Uncorks of Demonte and the Valley of Aosta.
Besides it is possible "to jump" from a photo to the other, moving himself/herself/itself on the territory.
Detailed instructions are available: recommend him to consult to draw her maximum profit from the vision of these pages.
What to do if not results to see the pannings?.

Flora of the Alps Marittime - botanical Cataloguing of the flora of the Alps Marittime
Complete botanical cataloguing and adjourned of flowers and plants of the Alps Marittime.
When it speaks of Alps Marittime, today he habitually intends a very narrow territory, inclusive between the Hill of Curtain and the Hill of the Maddalena.
Here I have chosen to intend her in well wider way, not only including the Alps Liguri up to the line Albenga - V.Tanaro, but also thick secondary French up to the Esterel.
I let to others to judge the validity or less than this extension.
And' a choice also dictated by the botanist that to the Flora of the Alps Marittime, agreements in this way, have devoted, with its collaborators, 40 years of searches: E.Burnat.
His/her Floras des Alpes Maritimes and his/her herbarium, to one century of distance they are still unsurpassed.
The present job is infinitely more modest and without any pretension of completeness, on the other hand never attainable.
He/she wants only to be an attempt to offer, under the thin and synthetic form of the database, enriched by the photos however, a general panorama of the flora of the Alps Marittime.
Maritime they are represented around him 84% of the Families, the 79% of the sons-in-law and the 55% of the kinds censussed in Italy.

Association R.A.R.E. - Links
Association Manufacturing Valleys of the Bitto Associazione of the historical producers of the cheese Bitto.
Civilization Country national Association for the exploitation of the biodiversity.
races Biodiversity and guardianship of the animal germoplasma of the Piedmont and the Valley of Aosta Races of the Piedmont and the Valley of Aosta.
Biodiversity and guardianship of the animal germoplasma of the Piedmont Razze of the Piedmont.
Association Italian Breeders and Manufacturing of the goat Girgentana Informazioni on the goat Girgentana.
The king's hen-pen Rich site devoted Italian and foreign (it / en) avicole to the races.
Chicken of the Valdarno Sito rich in photo and video of the chickens of the Valdarno raised by Linda.
Guineas Razze of faraone with quotations related to the Prof.
Stackyard Banca dates with connections to the sites of various races.
of interest national Office of the Agricultural and Forest Politics To the voice "Productive Areas > Zootecnia" the atlas of the kinds and races raised in Italy.
International CIPRA Commissione for the Protection of the Alps (it / en / de / fr / slo).
CIPRA alpMedia The service of information for the Alps (it / en / de / fr / slo).

I remove NBC | The Radio Of the Alps
It robs in the bank to Caldaro: in action two bandits armed with knife.
You identify the two victims of yesterday's avalanche on the Alpe of Fanes.
Good but not excellent the economic-social situzione of the Trentino: introduced the fifth annual Relationship today.
Entrepreneur altoatesino postponed in opinion for sexual violence against one employee of his.
Wounded baby of 4 years in non serious way after being fallen from the chair lift to you Make of the Paganella.