Guides of Alps OROBICHE


Mountains Orobie Bergamo
Manifold they are the opportunities for the excursions in quota, following ancient mulattiere or the sharp pain net of alpine runs joined by the Path of the Orobies Occidentali that it unties him from Cassiglio to the shelter Bald, touching the footsteps and shelters through sceneries of rare and suggestive beauty.
Placed in the heart of the Lombardy the territory bergamasco it is characterized for being the real ring of connection between two environments and cultures: lowland padana and alpine chain.
Prealpi give Orobiche they go down rivers and streams that mark deeply ideal so industrious valleys as for the tourist stay.
The prealpis bergamasches are a great green area of absolute landscape and environmental interest, that you/they today can be 'lived' in more direct and involving way thanks also to equipments and suitable services.

Shelters Alps Orobie Valley Brembana
The Shelter Footstep St. Mark 2000 for your vacation relax to 2000 meters altitude in the Alps Orobie.
And' a base ideal for excursions of alpine and naturalistic interest, offering in more, for the impassioned ones of climb, the possibility to repeat alpine slopes or situated streets of sporting climb to few minutes of walk from the Shelter Hut 2000.
I shelter Bald Brothers situated in the Tall Valley Brembana, to the confinements with the Valley Seriana, and' one of the more' beautiful amphitheaters of the Prealpis Orobie.
To a hour around from Milan and from Bergamo, in the splendid frame of the Prealpis Orobiche.
The area of the Orobies is characterized for the presence of the ample Park of the Alps Orobie (around 63000 hectares, founded in 1989), characterized by deep forests, ample pastures still intensely monticati and a great wealth floristica and faunistica.
In the Alps bergamasche, thanks to a less intense industrial development in comparison to other zones lombarde, numerous ancient suburbs are still found, while more aloft life flows still as once characterized by the rhythms of the sun and the seasons.
And' is in the departed centuries, and it is still it, space of existence of our alpine communities that you/they have known how to turn sour and hostile valleys to the man into a jewel and harmonious agricultural landscape drawing the fundamental elements of life in the time.


Photo by

Pieroweb - Valley Brembana - Park of the Orobies - S. Wandering Thermal baths - Zogno - Bergamo
ALPE Corte from the Log cabins of Mezzeno for the Footstep of the Marogella - From Hauls to the SORNADELLO and FOLDONE... three pages! -- March in earth in Bergamo, of Luciano Ravasio--New Beautiful Photos from the excursions orobiche 'spring' in the winter 2006-2007 in 'Your Photo' and 'Last Photos'--For a complete vision of the news you go in 'Events'--' >.

Shelter of the Court, Valgerola - Alps Orobie
It deals with an ancient alpine shelter with attached chapel, opportunely restructured and very pleasant.
In winter, snow allowing, it is possible to reach the shelter departing from Sack going up again with the skis of mountaineering the lawns that lengthen above the already quoted inhabited of Mellarolo.
And' also possible to rent near the shelter comfortable snow rackets for excursions dipped in the relaxing nature of this valley of the Alps orobiche valtellinesi.

Lakes Alps Orobie Valleys Bergamasche
The Alpine Lakes and Prealpini of the Valleys Bergamasche Uno of the aspects that more' they strike the visitor that draws near to the Alps Orobiche and' the abundance of superficial waters.
This' he/she explains him in first place with the particular position of this mountains, directly prospicente the lowland and surrounded by two great Lakes prealpini Lombardi, the Lake of Chest of drawers and the Lake of Iseo.
During the summer the reliefs raise the stagnant masses of air on the lowland and on these Lakes; in such way and' insured a contribution of very superior rain to that, for instance, on the Alps Retiche to the of the' of the Valtellina.
The limit of the snows that you/they remain during the whole year on our mountains, situated around the 2.700 meters, and' one of the more' low of the whole Alpine arc.
The Rocky structure of the Alps Orobie not and' extraneous to the abundance of superficial waters, in how much these mountains are constituted in prevalence by rocks crystalline and metamorphic raincoats.
Instead the zones Prealpines are rich only of water in correspondence of the fondovalles.
The glaciations that beginning from around 500.000 years ago they invaded in more' the principal valleys that dug the mirrors of water of the Lakes Prealpini taken back, they marginally interested only the mountains brembane, that was interested only from the ices in the tall part, actually to Brembana Plaza.


Path of the Orobies - Alps Orobie
tall Valley Brembana, the Path of the Orobies Occidentali a complete itinerary and diversified that part from Cassiglio and it touches the principals Shelters of the Orobies Brembane crossing the more zones' interesanti from the naturalistic, environmental and alpine point of view and arriving to agree with the Path of the Orobies Orientali to the Shelter Bald.


Mountains peaks Alps Orobie Valley Brembana - valbrembana
Mountains and peaks of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Simone, Foppolo to come down then to Bordogna and to go up again the Valsecca of Roncobello up to Mezzeno and to the Footstep of Marogella divides the territory brembano in two well separate entities: To north the Alps Orobie constituted by rocks of flinty nature, ax railway and compact (Three Lords, Ponteranica, Horn Stella, Aga, Devil, Diavolino, Grabiasca, Madonnino, Cabianca) that entertain a particular flora entirely formed in kind prevalence 'ossifile' that is' able to live only on grounds acids; to south instead the Prealpis Orobie Bergamasche, of nature primarily calcareous-dolomitica, on whose clear rocks, from the colors similar to the ashes of an out (Dull Campelli, Pegherolo, Horse, Valgussera, Menna, will Plough, Alben, Venturosa, Cancervo) hearth grow the kinds 'basifile' that is' proper for to live on substrata rich in kick.
The Path of the Orobies, that develops him along the mountains of the Province in Bergamo, allows to bathe in the heart and in the wildest zones in these Alps, offering really suggestive foreshortenings of the environment how much unforgettable occasions to admire the flora and the fauna (marmots, chamois, the eagle and by now numerous flocks of stambecchi.

Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie - Valley Brembana
Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie bergamasche.
Especially in the tall alpine pastures of our valley… Roe the roe as the chamois, and' one of the more mammals' diffused in our valley.
Now he/she lives especially in the Park National Gran Heaven and in some zones of the Alps.
Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie Bergamasche.

The cheese Bitto, produced typical of the Alps Orobie
As The Valleys Of the BITTO are Reached - From Sondrio the government n.38 of the Valtellina is crossed in direction Morbegno, immediately meeting some of the valleys orobiche where cheese is produced Bitto.
And' this the new street transorobica that traces, for long lines, the ancient Road Priula and that it still crosses the Alps Orobie to the Footstep of St. Mark.

Park Alps Orobie, Bergamo, Sondrio, Lombardy, news, itineraries, information
The Alps Orobie, the chain that, with a length of almost 60 km, it separates the valleys bergamasche from the Valtellina, they deserve, without doubt, the appellative of alpi.
Also the Alps Orobie as other mountains of the band prealpina lombarda, during the First World war you/they were strengthened by the Italian army in forecast of an advance of the enemy that, then it was not verified.

Valtellina Hotels - Trenino Rosso of the Bernina - they Throw, Valtellina, Tall Rezia - Weekend of the Taste by Sunrise Holidays
Just departed by the station of they Throw it is begun to slightly climb, with sight on the Alps Orobiche valtellinesi (to the left) up to come, in a couple of minutes, on the square of the Madonna of they Throw (to the left - photo 1), splendid Sanctuary built following the apparition of the Madonna in this place to the inzis of the XVI century (September 29 th 1504).
Old he/she Took her with his/her beautiful restaurants and hotels, the train it races among the cantonal road and the Poschiavino (to the right - photo 7) for a line characterized by verdant lawns, pastures and pinete, with shed houses of typical alpine style, to reach the following femata of Them Curt, where the train is forced another directs to use the road center to pass between the church of S.Antonio and the near (photo 8 - train in direction they Throw) houses.
more' in low, but also the Alps Orobiche that they serve as background to they Throw and above which is found the Footstep of the sunny one that puts in communication the Valtellina with the Valcamonica.
From Morteràtsch to Pontresìna the train almost races in plain, to fund-valley up to reach the pineta of Pontresìna and the characteristic stop of Suròvas in alpine (photo 24) style.

Lombardy shelters
The area of the Orobies is characterized for the presence of the ample Park of the Alps Orobie (around 63000 hectares, founded in 1989), characterized by deep forests, ample pastures still intensely monticati and a great wealth floristica and faunistica.
In the Alps bergamasche, thanks to a less intense industrial development in comparison to other zones lombarde, numerous ancient suburbs are still found, while more aloft life flows still as once characterized by the rhythms of the sun and the seasons.