Guides of Alps PADANA

Alps PADANA, experts' firm forwarders with center to Rubiera, to the center of one of the most dynamic and productive zones in the Emilia (Reggio Emilia, Modena, Snatched and Sassuolo), it has been being for 10 years hocked to offer a service of transports and national and international consignments of great reliability.
Services Partners Il service that Alps PADANA offer you/he/she is characterized by a tall specialization of the transports.
This means an orientation toward the local production looking for real forms of collaboration with the entrepreneurship of the territory, so that to organize a typology of in conformity with service in everything and for everything to the [continuous] Alps PADANA are able to guarantee to his/her clients a capillary service of high quality and with extremely advantageous conditions, through the creation of a solid net of partners that he/she embraces the whole Europe and the non European Community also opening himself/herself/itself to the Rest of the world.
News: 31-05-2006 on behalf of Alps Service a new plant of painting is technologically in progress of realization advanced that will be installed near our center of Rubiera.
Map of the Site Firm: Who are: Where we are: Partners contacts: Italy: Europe: Rest Of the World Services: Transports:: Street Earth:: Street Sea:: By air: Special Services:: Logistics Reserved Area Home Page English Version Alps Padana Srl further to be firm leader in the sector of the international transports by earth, sea and airplane it is able to offer, through the support of Alps Service Srl, society entirely checked from Alps Padana Srl with establishment to Bastiglia in Modena, a range of services to tall assistant value finalized to the management of the outsourcing of some of the principal productive activities of the industrial sector what, for instance: the withdrawal of the material from Your establishment or near Your suppliers e/o assemblers the complete cycle of cleaning in tunnel automated possible protection of the parts not to be painted the complete cycle of painting to liquid (solvent or water) for pieces up to 500 Kg.
with dimensions up to 2000x2050x2000 of maximum encumbrance, in 2 automated fittings situated to Bastiglia (MO) and Rubiera (King) endowed with the most modern systems antipollution possible assemblages of the product ended packing with material furnished from the client or from us furnished on the specifications of the client it delivers some product ended to the Italian or foreign final recipient (client) through the support of the network Alps Padana.


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SUNDAY: Grey skies On the Lowland PADANA, Prevails The Sun On Alps E To the Center-south - last time - 3B meteos: the portal of the meteorology
last time Domenica: Grey skies On the Lowland PADANA, Prevails The Sun On Alps E To the Center-south Italy to the sun, but the fogs have conquered the lowlands of the North The time of Sunday 14 January: To the North in prevalence sunned on the alpine sectors, grey skies on lowlands and hills for hazes and more present benches of fog to the morning, cloudy in Liguria with drizzle on the Genoese.
The temperatures will have the tendency to already go down of some degree during Sunday on the Alps, Monday some anywhere also remaining above the averages of the period.

A PO' Of Sleet In the Lowland PADANA, Unstable Trailing To the South Center - analysis italia - 3B meteos: the portal of the meteorology
analysis italia A PO' Of Sleet In the Lowland PADANA, Unstable Trailing To the South Center To the slopes of the Cimone Mountain, 1200m On our peninsula are reaching the clou the break-in of maritime polar air activated him Monday, said lunge it will exhaust not entirely his/her effects within Friday morning before having given weak sleet on the lowland padana.
Thursday' prevailing Clouds on Italy with residual precipitations on tirreniche and to the north, to exclusion of the Alps.
Possible sleet in the lowland padana to the morning.
Northerly: Beautiful time on all the regions harmless middle-tall annuvolamenti excepted on Alps center oriental.
Wide frosts to the morning and after the sunset, stung of -5°c in the lowland padana.


Alps - News
Alps and Tourism: 5 years of moratory for the new ski fittings above the 1.500.
It signs the appeal to defend the wolf on the Alps.
Wolf, to risk his/her future on the Alps.
Smog, Sunday the North afoot Domenica goes 25 for the alarm pollution stop to the autos in the centers of the Lowland Padana, one 'megalopoli' diffused where 20 million people almost all live 'autodipendenti.'
The doddier of the great WWF La megalopoli padana, the diffused city of the north (30.000 km.
This the photo that emerges from the dossier "North Italy: a Bombay on four wheels" Analysis and proposals for the Megalopoli padana in movement", introduced by the WWF on the occasion of Sunday of stop of the traffic of 25 February of the whole north Italy.
On the occasion of the block auto of February 25 the President of the WWF Fulco Pratesi has written to the Presidents of the Regions of the North, proposing 10 structural interventions and 20 concrete actions for "to govern the mobility in the megalopoli padana."
Analysis and proposals WWF for the megalopoli padana' (pdf, 52 Kb)>>.


WWF Alpi
This is an approach to the maintenance of the biodiversity that founds him on a very vast spatial staircase or the alpine arc in his/her entirety, on objective for a long time term, also 50 years, on the partenariato and on the collaboration with the actors key, on the involvement of the local communities, on the individualization of the direct and indirect causes of the loss of biodiversity and on the formulation of proper strategies for the complexity of the themes to treat.
Particularly, the WWF European Alpine Programme foresees the layout of a vision, or of a desirable scenery, for the biodiversity of the ecoregione.
In the meantime the program is concretely already busy for the maintenance of the biodiversity of the Alps on three specific themes: Freshwater, for the maintenance of the rivers of the Alps; Nature 2000 and Net Emerald, for the completion and the application of these nets in the alpine Countries of the European union and in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and the environmental education of the boys of the Alps, Kids for the Alps.
To these activities they participate all and 5 the WWFs alpine and other organizations.
How contribution to this vision, in the Alps 23 priority areas are already been individualized for the biodiversity, that is important areas for the greatest number of present (that is of groups of kind or habitat) taxa.

Legal manual for l\'auto padana
Among the "gadget" less expensive padani and surely more beloved, there are the stickers; two of them seem to on purpose have been "projected" for the auto: the stemmino with the effigy of the Sun of the Alps and her "pseudosigla.
The Sun of the Alps is a small green sticker on refracting white background, of around 3, 3 cm of diameter, that seems done waits for for being applied on the Italian plates, for-prio above the mark of the Republic.
The thing that leaves perplexed (and is serious, in a self-styled State "democrat") is that the Tutelary officers of the calm one to live they seem to worry very more than a Sun of the Alps on the plates of the autos padane, that of the damages from these suffer, to work of "dissentient city civilians!".
These pages furnish a tool of useful defense to brake the arrogance of certain individuals that you/they seem more irritated by to proliferate some Solos of the Alps that from the reinvigoration of the crime of every day.
In base to the new code of the road, every padano would have the right to affix the refracting adhesive stemmino with the effigy of the Sun of the Alps on the circular relief of 32 mm of diameter, sets some centimeter above the mark of the Italian Republic, in the back plate of the auto.

Lowland Padana - MSN Encarta
Chosen by Encarta I best texts on the matter Lowland Padana, chosen by the editing of Encarta Cerca for in Encarta Cerca for in Encarta information on Lowland Padana.
Preview of the section Lowland geographical Padana Regione of northern Italy; contained among the Alps to north and west, the Appennineses to south, the sea east Adriatic; it constitutes the widest Italian lowland, developing himself/herself/itself for well 46.000 km²s, a surface equal to the 70% of all the level areas of our country, and interesting, in great or smaller measure, the territories of the Piedmont, of the Lombardy, of Veneto, of the Friuli-Venice Giulia and of the Emilia-Romagna.
The Lowland Padana derives the name from the river that it crosses him in west-east direction, the Po (Padus in Latin); but more properly padano-Venetian Lowland or Lowland you/he/she should be denominated padano-Venetian-emiliana, since partly they plough her/it Venetian rivers and emiliani that don't render to the Po as the Adige and the Rhine; but during the glaciations of the quaternary era, when the Lowland Padana occupied vast lines of the actual Adriatic sea, the rivers that directly flow today in the sea they also met in the Po.

Alps - MSN Encarta
It looks for in Encarta Cerca for in Encarta information on Alps.
Placed in Europe centromeridionale, it develops him to arc for around 1.300 km, with the part concave revolt toward the Lowland Padana.
Conventionally the western limit of the Alps is considered the Hill of Cadibona (435 ms), where the Appennineses start; to east the limit is marked by the footstep of Vrata (879 ms), where the Alps Dinariche begin.
The tallest peak of the chain, that is also the maximum top of the European continent, is the White Mountain with a height of 4.810 ms; the middle altitude of the Alps is of 1.300 meters.
The Alps occupy a surface of around 200.000 km²s and they are included in the confinements of seven nations: France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, Slovenia and Italy; it reverts in Italian territory the whole southern slope.
On both the slopes the Alps descend gradually toward the lowland with an ample denominated hilly band Prealpi.
Fundamental element that has favored the commercial traffic and the communication between Italy and the North Europe has been the opening of imposing railway and road galleries under the Alps.
The population of the Alps is ancient and numerically elevated for a region montana: already inhabited in prehistoric epoch, the Alps count around 15 million inhabitants today.

On-line EFFEDIEFFE Giornale - Manager Maurizio Blondet
Concluded the wars with Pirro and won the Greek colonies, Rome devoted him to the conquest of the other great nation that was appropriated in Italy, to the beginning of the preceding century, and that is to the conquest of the Roosters of the Valley Padana.
The conquest of the Gallia Cisalpina was a consequence of the Roman expansion and a series of conflicts of border that you/they were not appeased entirely never, during the preceding century.
Some Gallic teams, coming from the Valley Padanas, realized to the call of the great loot, and the Romans had the whole time to systematically grow stronger.
Therefore they not only tightened in a mighty alliance all the Celtis of the Valley Padana, but they called in them help other people celti beyond the Alps.
In front of consul Papo's legions, the Gesatis were lined up come from over the Alps and the Insubris.
The Valley Padana was still obviously inhabited for the most part from Gallic populations.
The operations of real conquest of the Gallia Cisalpina began the battle of the Talamone shortly after.
Very harder it was In subjugation of the Roosters, inhabitants among the Alps and the Po.

MeteoSvizzera - alone Carnival under the corianders...?
The haze's reentry In the last days pre-carnevalizi the time on the slope sudalpino has been characterized, day by day, from a qual certain meteorological variability.
The cessation of the west wind on the slope sudalpino typically provokes the rotation of the winds to low quotas and the reentry of air from the Lowland padana.
The haze's reentry from the Lowland padana, seen by Locarno-mountains toward southwest (photo M.
reentry-foschia.jpg, 515 KBs Rientro from east Among the various meteorological phenomena of the slope sudalpino, close to the reentry of the haze, the cosidetto must also be signalled 'east reentry.'
It deals with a reentry of cold air from the Balkans or the Alps austriche toward the Lowland padana.
This air in practice the Valpadana invades, it goes up again toward the Alps, but it is found closed by the circle of the mountains prealpine that does, in practice, a function of 'dike.'
In this way the present air in precedence on the Valpadana is lifted by the arrival of the cold (what being denser flows in proximity of the ground) air.
It results a wide cloudiness that covers of it, according to the intensity of the east reentry, the whole Lowland padana or only a part.