Guides of Alps PENNINE


Description name Alps
Classification of the groups of alpi with their names: .
Alps Occidentali from the Hill of Cadibona to the With the Ferret.
Alps Centrali from the With the Ferret to the Footstep of the Brennero.
Alps Orientali from the Footstep of the Brennero to the Footstep of Vrata.
They derive the name from the ancient population of the Ligureses appropriated in the Alps Occidentali and, as all the other alpine populations, subdued by the Romans.
The Leponzis were a population ligure appropriated in this line of the Alps subdued from August.
Name already in use in Roman epoch for the Alpeses Reticae, it derives from Raeti, population of origin etrusca sheltered him in the Alps Centrali after the Celtic invasion.
It also concerned two Roman provinces, the Raetia Prima in alpine circle and the Raetia Secunda more to north, toward the Danubio.
Dolomite is the mineral (double carbonate of kick and magnesium) one that constitutes the dolomia, sedimentary rock organogena that forms to a large extent the skeleton of the reliefs of this sector of the Alps.
Image of the alpis from the tall one from the program freeware WorldWind 1.3.1 of the Nasa.

Switzerland - MSN Encarta
This can be separated in three physical regions: the alpine region, the Mittelland (or Swiss Highland) and the chain of the it Swears.
The reliefs of the Alps, characterized by jagged peaks and steep throats, they occupy around 60% of the surface of the country; the imposing chain unties him in the south of the country and you/he/she is traditionally divided in a northern section and a Southerner.
To the northern alpine section, situated to north of the furrow formed from the valleys of the Gnaws and of the Rhine, the Alps Bernesi belong, that culminate in the peak of the Finsteraarhorn (4.274 ms), the Alps of Glarona and the Alps of Uri.
In the Alps Bernesi the Aletsch is found, the widest of the alpine glaciers.
The southern alpine section includes the Alps Pennine or Vallesi, where the tallest tops in Switzerland are raised, among which the Point Dufour (4.634 ms), belonging to the thick one of the Rosa Mountain and the Cervino (4.478 ms); the Alps Pennine are delimited to west by the footstep of the Gran St. Bernard and to east from the Footstep of the Sempione.
On the northeastern slope of the Alps Pennine the thick one is risen some White Mountain a small part of which it is situated in Swiss ground.
They belong besides to the southern alpine section the Alps Lepontine, that the Canton Ticino dominates and they includes the pass of St. Gottardo.


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Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Analysis Meteo - the Western flow that will also have been interesting l\'Italia for next week Continues
Next week will continue to the insignia of the tides from the Western quadrants that however they will also interest mostly Italy because of the anticyclonic movements to West of the Alps.
In the meantime we will have particularly an increase of pressure to the North with the maximum anticyclonic that will be positioned on the Alps Occidentali.
Sees the evolution barica, on the Alps in the today's afternoon we will have an improvement that will be for the most temporary and it will persist up to tomorrow.
The phenomena could also result intense on the zones Oriental prealpine and on the alpine zones to East of the Alps Pennine.
From Thursday afternoon the time will improve even if a certain variability will persist particularly on the zones of border with weak precipitations and few meaningful along the confinements of the Alps Graie, Cozie, Pennine and Lepontine.
Next week meteorologically speaking won't be proper for the agricultural practices, while the snow that will arrive on the alpis below the 2000mslm will have a temporary duration.

Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Analysis Meteo - spring Instability
These tides will continue to interest us up to the night between Wednesday and Thursday when we will have the descent of a least depressionario to the ground from England toward Algeria to West of the Alps.
On the Alps Centro Western we will have the formation of the usual one instead "nose" favonico that will determine on the North Italy a principal manager of the tides from the Northern quadrants.
Sees the evolution barica, among today and Thursday morning the whole Alpine arc will find again him to the takings with the clouds that will bring discontinuous and shed precipitations.
Such precipitations among today and tomorrow they will be more probable and consistent from the group of the Alps Pennine Lepontine toward East.
Between Wednesday and Thursday the passage of a more intense front will bring on all the zones moderate shed precipitations, locally intense on the Alps Pennine, Lepontine and Orobiche.
The phenomena could also result intense on the zones prealpine lombarde and on the zone Lakes.
From Thursday afternoon the time will probably have the tendency to improve even if a certain variability will persist particularly on the zones of border with weak precipitations and few meaningful along the confinements of the Alps Graie, Cozie, Pennine and Lepontine.

- HelmutDumler, Willi Burkhardt: "The great book of the Quattromilas of the Alps", Zanichelli, Bologna, 1998.
- it is a Club that the mountain climber gather that you/they have climbed one the superior tops of the east slope of the Rosa Mountain to the 4000 meters, or rather: the Point Dufour, the Nordend, the Point Zumstein and the Point Gnifetti.
- you/he/she has been founded in 1960 by the novarese Romeo Bere you and it currently counts around 400 associates, among the mountain climber of Europe.
Club "Friends of the Cervino": the mountain climber that have climbed her/it "Gran Pecks at" and they love this that is considered, to good title, the most beautiful mountain of the world, can stick to this Club that has center to the following indirizzo:.
(Union International Alpine Associations): this important corporate body that, besides it has ufficializzato the list of the 4000 of the Alps, it has the following indirizzo:.


Untitled Document
Alps Marittime (From the Hill of Curtain to the Hill Ghiliè).
Alps Liguri (from the Hill of Cadibona to the hill of Curtain).
Central (From the Hill of the Traversettes to the Hill of the Monginevro) Alps Cozie.
Central (From the With the of Rhemes to the With the de the Seigne) Alps Graie.
Alps Marittime (from the Hill of the Ghigliè to the Hill of the maddalena).