Guides of Fauna Alps


Fauna of the Alps Orobie
The meetings with the fauna of our mountains, often occasional, irripetibili, unexpected, that only leave a weak memory, they are often deposited in the memory in messy and confused way, but enough an instant, a seen again image, an underlined detail, a read description, because revives him, and makes to revive emotions.
He didn't typically treat in origin of an alpine kind, but it is probable that it is installed on our mountainous chains during the periods interglaciali, being typical of the sunny and stone territories of latitudes inferior regions as the Balkans and the Caucaso.
They have been being in action for five years some studies deepened of the kind, started from the District Alpine Valley Brembana, that will be made known during 2003 and that they will be object of a scientific publication very attended.
The Sordone and the alpine Chaffinch are two very beautiful small birds that represent the extreme adaptation of some passeriformis to the tall quotas.
They frequent pietraie, ghiaioni, moraines, rocky slant, but also alpine grasslands, where however solitary rocks appear on the surface here and there, above which love to stop in observation, from superior quotas to the 1300 meters thin over the 2000.

Animals Alps Orobie
Fauna Orobie (Clicca Qui) Gli animals are important part of the complex ecosystem of the Park.
Few protected areas can boast a wealth faunistica as that of the Park of the Orobies because the fauna, although with very different finality.
The chamois, thanks also to the favorable habitat, you/he/she has reached important (around 5.000 animals) density so much to result among the most consistent of the Alps.
The avifauna almost all includes the kinds typical of the western alpine arc from the rooster forcello, to the white partridge, to the crowd of passeriformi.
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in Tall absorbed Val Brembana in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.


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Aspiede Vipera Alps Orobie
Aspide - Fauna Alps Orobie (Clicca Qui) Her vipers aspidi that for frequency and not for irascibility they are the more dangerous home ofidis, they are diffused in the lowland, in the hill and in mountain until to a limit of altitude on the level of the next sea a great deal to the 3000 ms.
Exemplary completely black (melanici) they are extremely rare in the it Swears but frequent in the alpine area, where you/they can also represent the 50% of a population.
In the Ticino two subspecies of common viper are differentiated: the Viper of the Alps (Viper aspis atra) from the more marked dorsal ornamentation, characteristic of the Sopraceneri.
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in Tall absorbed Val Brembana in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.

WWF Alpi
Alps Her organizations WWF of Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France they work for a long time in way coordinated for the safeguard of this important natural patrimony in a vision transnazionale, bringing forth a program common of maintenance alpine ecoregionale in the area defined by the Convention of the Alps.
BIODIVERSITY VISION Alps discharge here the complete (English and Italian) document where the concept of ecoregione deepens him, the alpine environment is described, the methodology used in the job of maintenance ecoregionale, the data of synthesis for the individualization of the 24 priority areas and the biocorridois.
Besides the document contains the description partner economic and the political context of the Alps and an analysis of the threats to the biodiversity.
European (Panda Photo) lynx You wealth in biodiversity of the Alps Il territory of the Alps, according to the confinements defined by the Convention of the Alps, measure 190.912 square km, of which 27, 5% in Italy.
The Alps are one of the last natural regions remained in central Europe and they entertain 30.000 animal kinds and 13.000 vegetable kinds that great present biological differences document.

Fauna of the Orobies
Especially in the tall alpine pastures of our valley… Roe The roe as the chamois, and' one of the more mammals' diffused in our valley.
Faina You Faina alive in the deciduous forests, but also in open and rocky hilly areas, and on the Alps Orobie it also reaches the 2000 meters of altitude.
The Partridge Bianca La white partridge is a characteristic kind of the alpine environment and nivale and superiorly recognizes him for his/her brown summer plumage with stains grigie.
Or they will bring us to the alpine shelters, already 'modern' and endowed with every confort, in a protected and sure environment for every band of age; they are found in the most beautiful and fascinating angles in the Valley.
The natural landscapes, that of time in time they stupendously appear us new and at the same time almost family, they have the thousand faces of the most beautiful alpine mountains, with their sharp and sour profiles sweets, decorated at times, at times by the intense stains of the mughis and by the stately elegance of the last laricis that you/they fight with the icy breezes of the grassland of tall quota.
Our Alpine Fauna - An occasional trip often is not enough, safe for some fortunate but a certain frequentazione of the most interesting places will allow us, as, to enter a new relationship and more and more narrow with the environment they climb on, offering us the opportunity of particular meetings and readings of the alpine ecology more and more deepened.


The Fauna
The texts brought in this section are drawn by the book "Fauna of Oc" of the Prof.
The southern portion of the Alps Occidentali, with the metamorphic and eruptive thick complexes that constitute the Alps Cozie, with the crystalline and metamorphic chain of the Alps Marittime, and with the powerful formations carbonatiche carsificate of the Alps Liguri, represents an unitary territory of particular meaning and naturalistic interest, that you/he/she can be defined as Alps Occitane or Alps of Oc.
reassuming the history of the territory, the principal factors that have conditioned, modeled and characterized the animal population of the southern Alps Occidentali you/they can be schematized in the following points: .
Fauna L of an area depends, in his/her composition, from historical factors, pregressi, paleogeografici and paleoclimatici, and from actual, environmental and ecological factors.
If then this territory is not homogeneous, but I varies and articulated, with tall mountains and deep valleys, with glaciers to few kilometers from the sea, with a rich and complex structure of the vegetable landscape, then it is evident that also a fauna as many, or still more, rich and complex you/he/she has been able to populate this territory as result of colonizations, and of phenomena of isolation and speciazione.


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Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie - Valley Brembana
Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie bergamasche.
Especially in the tall alpine pastures of our valley… Roe the roe as the chamois, and' one of the more mammals' diffused in our valley.
Now he/she lives especially in the Park National Gran Heaven and in some zones of the Alps.
Fauna of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie Bergamasche.

Animals in extinction on the Alps. Ulisse
Anthony Zinghini October 21 st 2005 A general answer, valid for the whole alpine fauna, it is a lot of difficileda to give, both because it needs to differentiate kind for kind, both because for the greatest part of the invertebrates the data to disposition don't allow to give a certain response.
However as it regards the vertebrates they exist more complete data and fortunately for a lot of kinds the demografic situation is rosier than some a long time ago: the ungulate ones have been being already in general expansion for many years; many raiders what the wolf, the lynx, the bear, the gipeto they are returned to populate the Alps (above all thanks to well succeeded projects of reintroduction); others as the real owl and the royal eagle have been being already in expansion for many years.
Finally among the amphibians you/he/she must be remembered that the black Salamander, typical of the Alps, have a limited areale and fragmented and for such reasons you/he/she can be considered to risk 'intrinsic' of extinction.

Piedmont in Pills - Parks - Fauna & Flora
Very Rich the Fauna of the Piedmont results.
Numerous kinds of rare birds nest in the alpine valleys and in the lake zones and along the rivers.
In the maritime Alps it is frequent the summer passage of the Muflonis coming from France.
In the Valley of the Chalk the fauna is constituted by a good number of birds as the wandering hawk, the royal eagle, the gheppio, the swallow montana, coral caw, the woodpecker muraiolo, the codirosso.
In the Alps Cozie and Val of Susa the fauna is alpine with chamois, bucks, roes, mufloni and stambecchi.
On the Alps Lepontine chamois, marmot and alpine hare excel, while her the volatile ones the royal eagle and the rooster forcello.
On the Alps Liguri and Maritime beech tree and fir abound, while on the Alps Cozie, Pennine and Graie the larice reigns.
In Valsesia, in the Alps Pennine the Fritillaria grows tubiformis from the campanulate great flowers.

The Alps Apuane
In the zones where the presence of the man does him less to feel we can also meet the squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), the capinera (Sylvia atricapilla), the alpine (Phyrrocorax graculus) caw, the wandering (I Bend peregrinus) hawk and the swallow montana (Hirundo rupestris).
A discourse entirely apart it deserves the fauna cavernicola, represented by all that animals that you/they have known how to suit for the extreme conditions of life that are found inside the numerous present caverns on the Apuanes.

L’orso in Trentino and in the Alps: Is actual and perspectives
(2006): The bear in Trentino and in the Alps: Is actual and perspectives.
The bear in Trentino and in the Alps: Is actual and perspectives Status.
It achieves of it that for every possible capture of a bear a special authorization is necessary released by the Office of the environment, that in turn he founds on an opinion of the institute National Wild Fauna.
Such plan should bring besides, in the case of problematic bears, to the delegation to the Administrations of the provinces and regions of the arc alpine oriental center of the realization of specific measures of control and intervention.
To halves the '900 the brown bear on the Alps was almost extinct.
Such risk has induced the natural Park Adamello Brenta (PNAB), the Autonomous Province of Trento (Pat) and the National institute for the Wild (INFS) Fauna, with the support of different corporate body to start an ambitious project of repopulation, with the objective to implore the extinction of the kind.
The most recent respects related to the animals that gravitate in the north-oriental portion of the Alps confirm the existence of a varying number among the 5 and the 10 samples, gravitating in the Friuli V.G.
Such coordination is in phase of extension, for obvious motives, also to the other countries of the alpine arc.