Guides of Snows Of Snow


Snow's bows
1: the lace lace of Koch) From the lace lace of Koch the so-called bow of snow can be gotten.
All it takes is combining together three copies of the frattale along the sides of an equilateral triangle.
To be precise, belongs to a category of more general frattali: the L-systems..
For further information on the Bow of snow of Koch the corresponding page can be consulted..
In this frattale it is possible to distinguish endless copies of the bow of snow and obviously also of the lace of Koch.
In literature this frattale is said note Hexagon of Koch..
The figure 2 can be gotten nearby also as part of the frattale, gotten through seven similar transformations: her are used for the preceding frattale more another used, if so you/he/she can be said, to fill the figure.
4: the frattale bow of Koch "full").
Some preceding frattale is possible to get some variations adding a sixth similar transformation that allows of "to fill" in more marked way the figure 5.
5: varying pentagonal of the bow of Koch).

The bow of snow of Koch.
The bow of snow of Koch is a particular curve frattale built by the mathematical Koch beginning from the lace of Koch.
It deals with a curve built on the sides of an equilateral triangle.
On every of the sides of the triangle the lace of Koch is built..
You observes that the second figure is a star of David (it adorns with stars to six points).
4 The curve has the same dimension frattale of the Lace of Koch or a: is equal.
And' important to notice that the bow of snow of Koch cannot be gotten applying a certain number of geometric transformations.
Enough in fact to observe that the frattale is not autosimile, or it is not divisible in a number of parts similar to the whole figure.
To get the curve him cannot apply then to the technique of the IFSs but it needs to use another technique, that of the L-systems..
To get the Bow of Snow of Koch as frattale LS they are used the following leggi:s.
Another way exists for building the Bow of Snow.
The construction approves above as a construction can be defined for addition, in as for the figure of departure, the triangle, other elements are added.


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Snow cold thing is
ATTENTION! The contained illustrations in the page are of and sclusiva ownership and you/they can be used only free by third in their documents getting the authorization of it from the author.
The snow and the intense cold are natural phenomena that are in some areas rather communes and relatives: the north regions and to south of the globe, the zones climb on of it, they are normally prepared to face these phenomena limiting the uneasiness and the dangers for the population.
In some exceptional cases, however, the quantity of snow and the low temperature can put also excessively in crisis the most experienced and prepared communities.
In other cases, where snow and cold are very rare events, a snowfall of modest dimensions is enough to create serious difficulties.
The punishment is worth therefore to know these more phenomena to fund.
With to alternate some day to the night and the to follow him some seasons, the different areas of the globe they receive a different quantity of light and heat.
The different temperature of the air puts in movement her "car of the time" atmospheric.
This trial, on great staircase, it produces a cycle (atmospheric circulation) that brings the warm air of the equator up to the polar zones pushing the coldest air in those zones toward the equatorial band.

Snow cold thing is didactic Version
If you are not interested to the "Didactic Version" we recommend you to consult the common version selecting the special button.
The contained animations in the page are of and sclusiva ownership and you/they can be used only free by third in their documents getting the authorization of it from the author.
The snow and the intense cold are natural phenomena that are in some areas rather communes and relatives: the north regions and to south of the globe, the zones climb on of it, they are normally prepared to face these phenomena limiting the uneasiness and the dangers for the population.
In some exceptional cases, however, the quantity of snow and the low temperature can put also excessively in crisis the most experienced and prepared communities.
In other cases, where snow and cold are very rare events, a snowfall of modest dimensions is enough to create serious difficulties.
The punishment is worth therefore to know these more phenomena to fund.
With to alternate some day to the night and the to follow him some seasons, the different areas of the globe they receive a different quantity of light and heat.
The different temperature of the air puts in movement her "car of the time" atmospheric.

TecaLibri: Ian Stewart: What form does it have a bow of snow?
More than a chronological account, nevertheless, is a harvest structured of scientific ideas.
The reader won't find only you bows of snow, since the scientific and mathematical concepts that explain the bows of snow derive from more general questions - to which are inextricably connected - on the creation of the natural forms.
However I promise that when we will have reached the end of the trip I will have explained the enigma of the bow of snow.
They were parts of the stem of a lily of fossilized sea.
I realized of it for the first time when my uncle gave me a book that explained the bond between hexagons and nests of bee.
Me he/she wanted even more us to understand that the nature introduces mathematical regularity because the physical laws that produce her are mathematical laws.
And I was by now of mezz'età when it came me to mind that this is only a partial explanation, since the laws are mathematical to the level of the atoms and the galaxies, while the forms that we see everything around us have a human staircase.


The Sky - Curiosity\'
When the bright radiation strikes the snow this it suffers the phenomenon of scattering provoked by the numerous frozen surfaces of every crystal that involve as mirrors.
More' or less in equal way the bright various lengths of wave come scatterate giving the white color to the snow.
The bows of snow are symmetrical crystals of ice, whose form depends on the conditions of the time from the temperature of the air and from the damp: nobody results therefore equal to another.
They generally have a hexagonal symmetry and 12 branches rarely produce him, forming a star and giving life to the so-called bows dendritici.
The precipitazionisis form only if the clouds reach elevated quotas, with low temperatures to be allowed the formation of an enough number of crystals of ice.
To our latitudes the presence of crystals of ice in the superior part of the clouds is an essential condition for the formation of the precipitations.
In a composed cloud primarily from droplets of water but that it also contains crystals of ice, the air is saturated in comparison to a surface of water but sovrassatura in comparison to the ice.

BOWS OF SNOW: " Blog Archive " Crash. Blog. A bow of snow.
To one month from the Christmas, and' a pulsation of eyelashes, a look on our world.
On his/her differences', on his/her beauties and on his/her lowness.
In the climate of consumerism that goes growing, and' the emotion that doesn't have price.
Full of contradictions, of lowness and of inexplicable heights.
It is to stop at times us, to look at this picture of extreme complexity', and' priceless.
In our niches of affairs, in our small worlds.

Fables, school and music: Snow's bows
edited by Gennaro, Marlene, Joseph and Guglielmo Molino.
- Who knows where will go! - they wondered some small bows of snow that fell in one day in winter.
- I want to end on a roof together with my companions, so will chat some before sciorglierci! - .
- I would want to cover a tree of Christmas instead; I always bewared them of quassù! - .
- And I would want to fall on the tail of a cat to make him/it become rabid! - .
- And I would want to become a small part of a snowman! - .
- I would want to end on the hand of a baby! -.
- it kept on repeating a bow, but he/she didn't succeed in finding a different dream to realize.
The wind arrived and pushed all the bows in various directions; each went where he/she wanted to go, but the undecided bow stayed in the sky to turn and to think for the whole winter.

Ian Stewart, "That Form Has A Bow Of Snow? -MAGIC NUMBERS IN NATURE"
"Ian Stewart is teacher of mathematics to the university of Warwick, in Great Britain.
It regularly conducts telecasts and broadcast and you/he/she has written articles for Natures, New Scientist, Scientific American and many other periodicals…."
The book consists of three parts, respectively you entitle: "Principles and configurations", "The mathematical world", "Simplicity and complexity."
In the preface, the author explains as this book both "a harvest structured of scientific ideas.
The reader won't find only you bows of snow, since the scientific and mathematical concepts that explain the bows of snow derive from more general (to which are inextricably connected) questions on the creation of the natural forms".
In this volume, the purpose of Ian Stewart is that to show the shine of the mathematics avoiding the calculations.
The beauty of the mathematical forms, can be appreciated instead by whoever," and the author shows him/it using himself/herself/itself the forms of the nature, from which "we have gotten the mathematics."
After the reading of the book, I have prepared a presentation in .ppt, that I intend to use with my pupils to arouse their curiosity cognitiva stimulating them to the study of the frattalis; precise that some images are drawn by the same text, others are been created by me, still using the programs Fractint and ChaosPro and others I/you/they have been drawn by the site web:

Teacher Alberto " Un I play for cutting out bows of snow.
Make to Flake is an amusing tool, a kind of game that allows to create a bow of snow as they is his/her children refolding for a long time and cutting out a sheet of paper.
You creates his/her own crystal, cutting out him/it to liking with a forbice through mouse, the preview looks him and then, if likes us, can save him/it in our computer and straight to send him/it to really name through email as a postcard of wish!.
The saved fileses are normal classical images jpeg (or more complex files eps to be opened with editors of digital grrafica thing that I dissuade).
The creations can be commented by the authors and the rich gallery of the bows of snow can be visited also created by the consumers them freely usable.
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Micropulizia with bows of snow of carbonic anhydride
The geometric conformation of the nozzle of the gun determines the dimensions of the bows of snow according to the different applications.
In the process of cleaning with snow of CO2 and' remarkable above all the phenomenon termoforetico that is gotten: the thermal gradient between the surface of the piece and the bow creates a differential thermal that produces, in turn, a moment that the separation of the contaminant provokes from the surface to treat.
The process of cleaning with the SNO GUN doesn't leastly notch of it' the delicate surfaces of the semiconductors, of it' the lenses of the optic systems of precision.
Besides, since' the CO2 doesn't introduce conductivity, whatever electronic component can be also clean when you/he/she is found under tension under conditions of extreme safety.
In fact and' easily transportable anywhere and' necessary his/her use, exclusively requiring for his/her operation to be connected to a cylinder of CO2.
You/he/she can also be furnished in the automatic version inside a special plant.
The SNO GUN has a lower part cost of exercise and eliminates the problems of disposal proper of the solvents, in fact the contaminants are removed entirely using a flow of inactive CO2.

A bow of equal snow all\'altro doesn't exist: Sony PS3 Commercial - belongs to the network of,, and
A bow of equal snow to the other doesn't exist: Sony PS3 Commercial
Thursday, October 26 th 2006 doesn't exist a bow of equal snow to the other: Sony PS3 Commercial.
We see therefore the two video commercial that explain the power of calculation of the Cell Processor and the extraordinary abilities of the reader DVD Blue Ray.
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