Guides of Formation Alps


Region Emilia-Romagna:: Geology:: Planet earth - Her Orogenesi
The orogenesi is the long trial that brings to the formation of the chains of mountains.
This trial knows various stadiums: the stadium where you/they are sediment the sequences that you/they subsequently will be deformed and they will constitute the new mountainous chain, the stadium of convergence among the plates with subduzione of the oceanic lithosphere and finally the stadium of collision among two continental blocks, that it provokes the ispessimento of the lithosphere and the real formation of the mountainous chain.
All the chains formed him during the Mesozoico and the Tertiary one are counted to the orogenesi instead Alpine.
In reality these two orogenesis are not anything else other than two intervals of a same orogenesi (you see Chapter 3 - "You formation of the mountains") dictates CALEDONIANA.
This movement brought to the formation of new mountainous chains, that you/they are called ERCINICHE in their complex.
In Italy, the phases of this orogenesi are recognizable in Sardinia and in the Alps Carniche.
Probably the Mesozoico was an interval of time characterized by fratturazione of the supercontinente Pangea, and not from the whole that geologic phenomena that brings to the formation of mountainous chains.

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How much thick it is the terrestrial crust? Is Qual the temperature of the center of the Earth? Is Qual the average of the temperatures that there are on top of the Everest? Than does it get up every year the mountainous chain of the Alps? .
Formation of the Alps around 60 million years ago, continent Africa and Europe again find again him of forehead.
From the clash the first reliefs of the Alps are born.
Speak of first reliefs because the total trial of the formation of the Alps has lasted million of years...!The animation shows a trial lasted about ten million of years and that you/he/she has given origin to the Alps.
From such clash the Chain of the Alps was born through a trial lasted million of years.
It was so that the Alps, that until then you/they had lived a sort of incubation inside the terrestrial crust and costantentementes under submarine conditions, began almost their life subaerea (that is they emerged from the sea), thin to assume ago the actual morphological (actual form) configuration around 18 million years.
In reality the lifting of the Alps still continues to the rhythm of around a millimeter the year (0, 9 millimeters for the precision).
The Everest Mountain belongs to the Chain of the Himalaya and its altitude on the level of the sea it reaches the 8.850 meters.The Chain of the Himalaya is formed in the same geologic period together with our Alps and to other important mountainous (Pyrenees, Caucaso) chains .Come in all the points of the Earth, the temperature on the top of the Everest it varies from season season.


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To explain the geology of the Sardinian-raced block is necessary to frame the evolution of the whole basin tirrenico in the last space 100 But, since the formation of such block is intimately tied to the developments of the tectonics of the basin of the central Mediterranean, resulted by the differential push practiced by the African plate toward that euroasiatica, that wheel on a pole of rotation located to wide of Morocco.
In the algero-Provenzal geologic sector, a process of rotation of blocks litosferici (sfenocasma ligure) has brought to the formation of new oceanic crust and the rotation of ca.
Contemporarily to the action of the sfenocasma ligure was activated, in phase post-collisionale, a new process of east subduzione of the Sardinian-raced block, with the associate formation of a volcanic (volcanism Sardinian calcalcalino) arc.
The subduzione, lasted up to the superior (35-30 But) Eocene, you/he/she has brought magmatico to the formation of an arc among the Oligocene and the Miocene whose produced they appear on the surface in Provenza today, in the Corsica and in Sardinia, united in that period to the actual French territory.
With the Oligocene in northern Appennino it begins the formation of the chain, preceded by the identification of the avanfossa.

Portal of the Valchisone and Germanasca - Her Western alpi
2.1 Historical signs On the order Tectonic-PALEOGEOGRAFICO Of the Alps Occidentali within the Alps Occidentali they are of fundamental importance the studies and, above all, the finished surveys between the end of last century and the beginning of the '900 from the Italian group formed by S.
To them the Geologic Paper of the Alps Occidentali is also owed, to the staircase 1:400.000, still actual and precious.
Then The dominant theories were type fissista; he/she was thought, that is, that the alpine chain was formed only following movements type vertical and every alpine unity was currently where there rooted it is found.
In opposition to the fissistis, the Swiss geologists realized that the alpine unities were partly deprived of plinth, you unstick and transposed because of compressive strengths and horizontal movements.
Argand hypothesized a succession paleogeografica and concluded that the Alps represented the refolding of the strata of plinth in supple regime, to great staircase, so that to have the native reconstruction all it took is developing these great lain down folds and the various dominoes they returned to be placed side by side the one to the other.

Alps and parks, vacations to horse, trekking to horse, horseback riding, equiturismo, equestrian formation, stage, raced of formation, assistants environmental equestrian guides, alpine horseback riding, ippovie
Alps and Parks, v oluta and promoted by the G.E.E.M.
-Group Equestrian Excursionists Monregalesi and from the Center of Alpine Horseback riding "You CANUNIA."
Alps and Parks you/he/she has worked and he/she works with the patronage of the corporate body Of Management Parks it is Reserves CUNEESI, of the GAL MONGIOIE, of the Province Of Wedge, of the Communities' Climb on some Committee of it territorially involved.
Alps and Parks it has precise social purposes, tourist - environmental actions to the exploitation of zones of mountain to the confinements between Italy and France, of the districts of Roero, Langhe, Parks and Natural Reserves of the South Piedmont.
Alps and Parks: it is the associative result of tourist entity with common objectives that, also maintaining an own identity, you/they have decided to invest on projects to ample ray uniting the experiences of the single ones as maximum expression disicurezza, quality and preparation.
And' the planning common of all the activities of tourism, study, popularization of his/her own territory, of formation of his/her own Operators and Guides.


I decree that founds the Body of the Hunters of the Alps.
It begins the formation of the 2° Regiment Hunters of the Alps.
1° and 2° Regiment Hunters of the Alps, a company guides to horse, a squad of Genoese policemen they depart for the field.
It begins the formation of the 3° Regiment Hunters of the Alps.
The deposit of the Hunters of the Alps is transferred by Wedge Savigliano.
The 3 Regiments of the Hunters of the Alps are orderly 3 battalions.
After the armistice of Villafranca, the greatest part of the volunteers dismissed him; the Office then with decree 6 September ordered the breakup of the Body and the formation d' a Brigade Hunters of the Alps, constituted by 1° and 2° Regiment.
I decree May 14 th 1860, the Brigade had then name "Alps", regiments 51° and 52°.


Times 10 - Heaps In Formation On the Alps - last time - 3B meteos: the portal of the meteorology
last time Times 10 - Heaps In Formation On the Alps Ore 10: watershed between the Valley of Cogne and the Vasavarenche (AO) Sono only the 10 of the morning while we are writing, but the skies on the Alps already introduce a numerous team of clouds rather wide cumuliformi, kind on the Northwest.
Today in fact the instability on the alpine arc is in increase in comparison to the last days, because of the approach of a cold front from the North Europe that in day it will touch the Alps also baiting upside-down stormy that they will bring toward the tall Lowland Padana, from the northern Piedmont up to the Northeast.
On the lowlands of the North instead the skies are mainly still clear of from cloudiness and the front it doesn't climb over the alpine arc yet.

Still Stormy Symptoms To the Center-south it is On Alps, Tall Pressure In Taken back By West - analysis italia - 3B meteos: the portal of the meteorology
analysis italia Still Stormy Symptoms To the Center-south it is On Alps, Tall Pressure In Taken back By West Anvils of the cumulonembis on inside Cilentos announce a more unstable afternoon to the South The Center-south Italy it is still in the unstable coils of the Atlantic depression that Italy has crossed and that he/she will be more active in the day of Saturday on the southern regions where great it is the convergence between north-oriental tides and the unstable damp flow on the inside reliefs.
Tuesday' beautiful time and more heat, afternoon stormy instability on Alps and southern Appennino.
Northerly: In prevalence sunned to the morning accumulations excepted on the alpine sectors and appenninici, kind among Tall Adige and Dolomites.
In the afternoon harmless veilings to the Northwest, heaps in formation on the reliefs generally, with upside-down and some storm in prevalence on Tall Adige, Dolomites, Appennino ligure-emiliano, more sporadic elsewhere it prevails the sun on lowlands except a storm in trespass on tall Venetian lowland.
In the afternoon you accumulate stormy in extension and formation on the dorsal one, particularly between Abruzzo and lower part Lazio, prevails the sun along the shores.

Alps you/he/she is recognized by the Office of the Productive (ex Office Industry) Activities what subject having functions of technical coordination, to national level, and of interface with analogous central structures, to international level, relatively to the activities developed by the Organisms Notified for the principal Directives of the New Approach and Global Approach.
Alps you/he/she is recognized besides by the Office of the Infrastructures and the Transports (ex Office of the Transports and the Navigation), General Direction of the Terrestrial Transports as Organism for the initial, periodic and occasional verifications of the equipments tec­ni­che in endowment to the shops of autoriparazione and it furnishes such services through proper adherent Asso­ciati to special Convention.
Attached List of the Associates to the Card of Presentation Alps Revisione January 2004 alto.jpgs.

It meditates - Italian Mediateca Digitale
The Formation Of the Mountains You mountainous chain of the European Alps is constituted by trentotto tops that overcome the quattromilas meters high.
The images proposed in this audiovisual show the presence, on the Alps, of it washes to pillows, of calcareous rocks formed him from residual of sea organisms and of fossils of admonished.
On the Alps I am therefore you introduce rocky formations that constituted the present sea backdrop among the two plates in origin, inclined aloft from their movement.

F.I.S.O. - Course of Formation for Technical School
Scholastic of Belluno, raced of Formation for Technical School, finalized to the organization of Technician Scuola in the Regional technical Pictures FISO.
The course will develop him in the days 3, 4, 24 and February 25 th 2007 near the Middle school 'Pertini' of Cadola of Bridge in the Alps (Bl, as from enclosures)..
Cadola of Bridge in the Alps (Bl) Scuola 'Pertini.'

The Formation of Molar
The Formation of Molar is not the soccer team of the country, that also had actually a glorious past to land to the serious D in 1969, on the contrary a geologic succession.
It is necessary to underline that such formation is universally recognized by the geologic environment so much to also appear as Molare's Formation in some papers geologiche of the Antarctica.
The geologic meaning of this complex of rocks, that goes from the conglomerates to the sandstones to the marne, is of fundamental importance in the evolutionary picture of the creation of the Alps.
The Formation of Molar dominates the Lake Den.
This lifting brought after sometime to the emersione from the seas of a new mountainous chain: the Alps.
The coarsest materials were deposited in correspondence of the mouth, while the more goals as toward the breadth of an a little deep sea positioned behind the chain alpine newborn.
The importance of the Formation of Molar is that to mark the definitive emersione of the alpine chain.
In the Valley Scrivia such formation takes the name of Conglomerate of Savignone since constituted by pebbles of different nature.