Guides of Snow LAZIO


It drives Web Of the Skier
The heaven of the snow waits you with open braccia.
Other information concern: the interactive road itineraries that allow the tourist to be impressed the optimal run to reach the select place, the service meteo in real time, the signaling of the commercial services on the spot.
We learn to know the new code of the snow.

Discoveritalia - Special Snow
The thick one of the Terminillo raises him at the edge of the Lazio toward the region abruzzese.
According to some everything the thick mountainous of the Terminillo, inclusive in a wedge that moves to east the confinements laziali and that he/she certainly remembers the morphology of the mountains abruzzesi, of authority you/he/she would have been transferred within the confinements of the Lazio by Mussolini that he/she wanted a great snowy mountain in the same region in which the seven fatal necks in Rome rose.
But the ski in the Lazio is not only Terminillo.
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The mountain in the Lazio for the ski and the vacations, white week in the Lazio, to ski lazio, vacation mountain Lazio, scrambled lazio, trekking lazio, deep ski lazio
The mountain in the Lazio - Snow in the Lazio Elenco of the tourist places of mountain in the Lazio; you discover the skiing stations of the Lazio for for white weeks.
The Mountain in the Lazio for the ski and the Winter vacations.
L' Appennino Laziale has the most elevated mountain of the slope appenninico, the Gran Stone; in a skiing district primarily surrounded by mountains covered of snow it is possible to taste suggestive landscapes.

I live Basin - Snow I Live Basin - Footsteps ski I Live Basin - to ski to Field Basin - white Week to Field Basin
to the insignia of the ski and surrounded by the snow.
I live Basin: ski footsteps, fittings, white week and snow.
I live Basin it is found between the Ernici Mountains and the Cantaris to around 100 kilometers from Rome and to an about twenty from the ancient town of Looks and 40 km from Fiuggi Terme notices city termele of the Lazio.
ROAD NET: easily attainable from all the greatest chief towns in province of the Lazio and Campania.

Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Meteo Lazio - Snow in the Lazio also to very low quotas
Forecasts " Meteo Italia Europe Asia Africa Oceania Nord America South America Meteo Regione " You regional " chronicle Meteo Lazio Snow in the Lazio also to very low quotas of Stephen De Carolis In the day of January 25, snowfalls are verified, also consistent, in a lot of areas of the region, also to the doors of the Capital.
The depression centered (850 hpas times 12 of 25/1) southwest of the coast, caused by the entrance of arctic air from the Valley of the Gnaws during the nighttime hours, that you/he/she yesterday has provoked snowfalls in the whole Center Italy, you/he/she has also caused phenomena on the region, with falls of snow also to 100-200 ms.
Snow's bows in the evening hours have also been signalled to Rome Fiumicino and to Wafer, with a temperature of 3°..
But the Viterbese and the Reatino have been the most stricken zones: to Viterbo the temperature has remained the whole day to 0°C and the snow (what you/he/she has also overcome the 10 cms in the province) you/he/she has created notable uneasiness to the circulation.
Precedents articles Lazio, heavy rains on the whole south center of the region bleached Rome, no...
hailed only Maltempo in the Lazio Pesantissimo downpour on Viterbo Siamo us...


Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Meteo Lazio - You snow appears on Rome and province
Precedents articles Lazio, heavy rains on the whole south center of the region bleached Rome, no...
also hailed Maltempo in the Lazio Pesantissimo downpour on Viterbo Neve in the Lazio to very low quotas we are alone us...
Monday clouds in increase to the Center North, prelude of the winter zampata The editorial of Gianluca Musto Probable recrudescence of winter die? Meteo Sicily Week End style "True" Winter the Meteo to 3 days Three days of beautiful spring time, local afternoon troubles Meteo news excepted from the World Maltempo in Pakistan: abundant rains in the whole country, snow in mountain Good morning Italy residual Cloudiness to the South extreme but few phenomena.


Region Lazio - News
it returns to the menù for the navigation with screen reader Six in: Home > file news > detail news text of the news or resulted of the search Maltempo: emergency snow 28/12/05 - Lazio under the snow.
They are more than 20 the busy teams of the regional civil Protection with half spazzaneves.
In the province of Frosinone the principal signalings concern the zones of Morolo, Vallerotondas, Fillet.
For any signaling or application it is possible to contact the operational room of the regional civil Protection to the toll-free number 800.940918 press the page | he/she invites to the reading menù navigation with screen reader.

Excursions in the Lazio Visite Driven Trekking to Rome and in the lazio
Excursions in the Lazio Visite Driven Trekking to Rome and in the lazio you Go to the contents Menu principale:.
enroll in our NEWSLETTER you will receive every week news and information of the FIE Lazio sent a mail to pointing out in object registration newsletter.
it visits the site of the great project of the Fie lazio
Great success the snow's party I lend accounts and photo.

Vacation on the snow: to ski in the Lazio |
Vacation on the snow: to ski in the Lazio Home > Ideas to Travel: Nature & Sport > Vacation on the snow: to ski in the Lazio Principali skiing Place in the Lazio: .
Crib of the empire Romano, leaned out on the Tyrrhenian sea, the Lazio offers a whole very different scenographies to his/her visitors among them...
Appointments chosen by the Lazio Eventi, fairs, shows and festival.

Corriere della Sera - Between Abruzzo and Lazio
In the 800 granulated of snow for the whole summer.
During last century in his/her house to the strata of the mountain Veils, to the border between Abruzzo and Lazio, there was a tradition of family that in summer was respected every day: to the afternoon it used sherbet or granulated.
The refrigerator had not been invented yet, but snow was enough.
They took the snow and they brought her/it to valley in great sacks, protecting her/it from the warm one with the straw."
To house snow was accumulated in the wine cellar.
"I frequent that mountain every season - Nicola adds - and snow disappears at the most all to the first of June."

RaiNews24 - Maltempo. Snow's storm in Milan, postponed the game Milan-Lazio
Snow's storm in Milan, postponed the game Milan-Lazio Lombardia in the storm Keys chronicle Links ACI (Automobile Club of Italy) ~ Aereoporti in Rome ~ Airport of Linate ~ Airport in Milan Malpensa (Site of the SAE, the society that also manages the port of Linate) ~ FS - Railroads of the State (The official site dell Railroads of the State) ~ Index of the Italian aereoportis ~ Information on airplanes and airports ~ Society Highways - Traffic (Forecasts on the motorway traffic) serious Uneasiness more and more in Milan, under a storm of snow, with very strong wind.
Postponed to given to destine him the game Milan-Lazio, valid competition for the quarters of ending of Cup Italy.
Cancelled flights to Fiumicino Sono at least an about ten the flights cancelled to the airport of Fiumicino for the north Italy because of the snow.
According to as you/he/she is learned to the office control flights of the Roman port, to suffer delays and cancellations they are the upcoming connections and departure from and for the ports of Malpensa, Linate, Venice and Rimini.
Emilia Romagna: blocks and tails difficult Situation on the highways of the Emilia Romagna because of the ice and of the snow.

The week dall \ '26 December all \ '1 January
The last week of the year has been characterized by a notable intensification of the cold some on the whole Peninsula, particularly to the Centronord, and from the maltempo, with the snow's return on a lot of areas of lowland and the appearance of phenomena that in the last years inusuali is become more and more, respecting so the climatology of the period and also favoring in some cases new thermal records.
All of this because of an arctic intense nucleus of icy air of origin continental in come down from the Russian steppes, that you/he/she has involved only not Italy but good part of the Continent, struck from cold intense and from plentiful snowfalls, that have rarely interested subject regions in such event (you are enough to think about the fallen snow during the week in big Brittany, also bleached London, in France, bleached the Brittany, in Belgium and Holland, you bleach Bruxells and Amsterdam).
The day 26, the icy nucleus was still found oltralpe, but the time has already gone worsening for the damp tides of Libeccio that the front preceded north in partnership Atlantic to the vortex, with the first fallen rains to lines on Romagna, Breaks, Tuscany, north of the Brands, Umbria, Lazio, Molise, Centronord of Puglia, Campania, western Sicily and southern Sardinia; isolated upside-down in forenoon on Campania, southeast Sicily and in the afternoon in the Lazio.