Guides of Footsteps Ski


SKI.IT - white Weeks, Ski & Snowboard in Trentino
An only ski-pass for 140 fittings of gone up again and 340Km of footsteps between the Dolomites of Brenta and the group Ortles Cevedale.
It books your white week in Trentino In Val of Sun, 120 Km of connected footsteps with Madonna of Campiglio: FOLGARIDA dipped in the green, for a calm period of relaxation and fun on the snows of the Trentino MARILLEVA for the lovers of the total ski, tourist complexes with all the services and direct access to the footsteps.
Next to the great skiing carousels, the calm and the convenience: PEJO ski, thermal baths and nature in a beautiful valley, rich of traditions, in the natural Park of the Stelvio Mountain BONDONE great ski and snowboard to few kilometers from Trento, city rich in history and culture.
Only 98 € for 2 nights in Hostel and Skipass 2gg Coverings Bondone Scia Free in March.

Footsteps Ski Ski: dolomiti ski
The footsteps of this itinerary are splendid and proper for everybody; particularly spectacular I am the descent that conducts to the Armentarola and the longest footstep in the Dolomites from the Lagazuoi: the footstep Bellunese, that from Point Fortress, going down along the slopes of the Marmolada comes up to Malga Ciapela.
The skiing district of the Owl is an ideal point of departure, that always recalls a great number of impassioned, but the 'skiing Turn of the Great War' you/he/she can also be begun from the tall Abbey from Arabba or from Malga Ciapela.
The run of the love, calls him/it this way because at the end of a day of ski among Moena, footstep St. Wandering, Falcade and Castelir of Bellamonte it is easy to take him one… crush.
Over three kilometers of footstep it conducts us to the footstep St. Wandering, from where the heaven of the ski is reached reserved to the families, among the Top Man and Costabella.
Going down along the footstep 'Direct' the chamois intents can be perceived to browse some lock of grass in the wood.


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Ski tour great war - ski flirts - Footsteps Ski - Ski: dolomiti ski
The footsteps of this itinerary are splendid and proper for everybody; particularly spectacular I am the descent that conducts to the Armentarola and the longest footstep in the Dolomites from the Lagazuoi: the footstep Bellunese, that from Point Fortress, going down along the slopes of the Marmolada comes up to Malga Ciapela.
The skiing district of the Owl is an ideal point of departure, that always recalls a great number of impassioned, but the 'skiing Turn of the Great War' you/he/she can also be begun from the tall Abbey, from Arabba or from Malga Ciapela.
Ski tour great war - ski flirts A great museum open air ', in degree to testify how much cruel pits the destiny of thousand of soldiers, often busier to fight the rigid winters that not the hostile troops, it attends all the impassioned of history and those people which are simply curious.
The 'Turn of the Great War' it counts in everything one hundred kilometers to cross for half with the skis to the feet on come down mozzafiato and for the other half with the skibuses and the fittings of gone up again.

ski footsteps bridge of tonal wood
Wood bridge - Tonal it is a modern station of winter sport that offers the absolute guarantee of snow thanks to the Glacier Presena, that is reached with a funivia of 5 minutes, is possible to ski the whole year where.
The new ski footsteps of Wood Bridge - Temù.
Wood bridge - Tonal it has ultramodern fittings of programmed innevamento, able to cover well 50 of the 100 km of footsteps of the whole area.
8 fittings of gone up again ability of transport of 34.000 people / now 100 km of footsteps Innevamento programmed permanent Footsteps for competitions New chair lift quadriposto with hood to automatic agganciamento, brought 2.400 people / now individual and collective Lessons of ski, snowboard, ski leading Raced ski, snowboard for children Raced special for agonisti Visualizes the footsteps.
The skiers have available 6 new fittings of gone up again 8 new footsteps all you draw in the wood and of average difficulty.
The district Adamello Ski is so able to offer 100 km of footsteps all enjoyable ones with an only skipass and all connected ones in descent (Ghiacciao Presena - Tonal - Wood Bridge - Temù).
Altitude footsteps from m 1800 to 3000 mt of the ghiacciao Presena, ski the whole year.

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Directly situated on the footsteps, it has 45 rooms all endowed with private services with phon, TV, safe.
From the aereoporto directly to the ski footsteps.
Placed in a comfortable position, to few kilometers from Trento and from the highway of the Brennero, the Bondone Mountain offers 20 Km of footsteps and 6 fittings of gone up again.
The innevamento is guaranteed by the fittings of innevamento programmed that they cover the 90% of the area sciabile today.
For the lovers of the northern ski the Bondone has the Center of the Fund of the Viotes (tel.
0461 948032-948105), 35 Km of footsteps of various difficulty in a calm basin to the presence of the Dolomites of Brenta.
Services: school of ski, shelter, restaurant with cafe, parking lot auto and camper, field sleighs, field of practical sledog, locker rooms with showers, local sciolinatura, ready help, rental ski, organization of competitions for agonisti and not, snow baby (tel.
For the one that practice instead ski mountaineering and winter touring, the Group of the Three Tops absolutely represents a place to try.
For the one that instead reaches the footsteps with a proper mean, you/he/she can exploit the free service of the you shuttle-park that it will connect the places of Vason, Red Rocks and Viote (every festive day up to the end of March and every day in the period of the Christmas festivities)..


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Directly situated on the footsteps, it has 45 rooms all endowed with private services with phon, TV, safe.
From the aereoporto directly to the ski footsteps.
The Val of Sun introduces endless opportunities for the lovers of the ski: the footsteps of FOLGARIDA - MARILLEVA, connected skis to the feet with the near Madonna of Campiglio, PEIO in the historical National Park of the Stelvio and Footstep Of the Tonal one, that he/she offers footsteps well beginning innevate November actually to end April, actually extending himself/herself/itself to the 3.000 meters of altitude of the glacier Presena.
Folgarida and Marilleva, with 24 modern and fast fittings of gone up again that they serve 30 ski (50% easy, 36% averages, 14% difficult) footsteps for general 50 km, constitute an authentic heaven for the lovers of the alpine ski as of the snowboard.
The connection ski to the feet with the near Madonna of Campiglio allows to have an only skiing district of well 120 km to the presence of the stately and unmistakable Group of Brenta.
The two stations are both endowed with footsteps illuminated for the ski in nighttime: to Folgarida the last 400 meters of the Black footstep, confirmed for various competitions, center of the Championship of the World ISF Snowboard 1999 and of the Trophy Mickey Mouse of Snowboard; to Marilleva 1400 the footstep Snowwhite, that offers music and animation for the special evenings on the snow.


To ski to Pescasseroli - Site official fittings ski of Pescasseroli
To ski to Pescasseroli Situata in the tall Valley of the Sangro, Pescasseroli is the most important center of the National Park of Abruzzo.
Webcam installs live Images from the fittings of ski of Pescasseroli.
Situation meteo and conditions of the snow on the ski footsteps of Pescasseroli...
Bulletin footsteps complete Bulletin of the snow, open fittings, forecasts meteo and conditions of the footsteps adjourned by the direction of the ski fittings of Pescasseroli...

To ski to Pescasseroli - Site official fittings ski of Pescasseroli
This place offers ample and different possibilities for a winter vacation: 14 descent footsteps, modern fittings of gone up again, rings for the fund ski an infinity of paths to be crossed in harmony with the nature.
These fittings create a very various carousel of footsteps, action to satisfy different demands.
The tallest tops, the best fittings, wide and amusing footsteps, here is the offer of the Abruzzo for the impassioned ones of the snow.
You set in one of the most beautiful angles of our Park we can find around 20 km of descent divided in 14 ski footsteps for all the difficulties (3 black, 6 redheads, 4 blue, 1 field school), and from some varying fuoripistas.
News and events Crazy 17 /02/07 Crazy persons of snow of snow it is a tense demonstration to create a moment of meeting between young people of spirit and sportsmen, between residents and tourists, among lovers of the snow and not it is an original run to teams with creative means all to slip,… on the footstep of the field school near the fittings scioviari of Pescasseroli.

Skiing fittings aloft Adige
Skiing fittings aloft Adige Adiges there are aloft 29 skiing stations with more than 1.000 km of footsteps.
Almost 1.200 km are footsteps for the classical fund ski and him "skating"..
Dolomites Superski Sette of the twelve skiing districts that constitutes the Dolomites Superski, the greater skiing carousel of the world, aloft Adiges are found: Plan de Corones, Tall Abbey, Val Gardena / Alpe of Siusi, Caress, Tall Pusteria, Obereggen and Valley Isarco..
Ortler Skiarena 13 in partnership stations, around 200 km of footsteps you/they can be innevati with the snow guns, a skiing carousel that understands the west part of the tall Adige, from Merano up to the Footstep Resia and two districts in the outskirts of Bolzano (St. Martin in Val Sarentino and Horn of the Renon on the homonym plateau)..

Footsteps Ski of Foppolo
.Ski footstep Montebello Seggiovia gradient from 1.817 to 2.073 ms - length 778 ms Chair lift quadriposto that from the Fourth Log cabin it brings to the Montebello.
Two are the footsteps: the black (pitarocca) footstep that almost goes down parallel to the chair lift and the more redhead (Mezzolo)' easy.
.Ski footstep Valgussera Seggiovia gradient from 1.820 to 2.167 ms - length 1.325 stings ms The more' tall of the district of Foppolo and Carona.
Two footsteps: black footstep from the slope north, for experienced skiers and red (east) footstep that it goes down with easy slant for then to take a narrow passage that reaches the P.sso of the Cross.
The black (5) footstep and' one of the more' difficult of Foppolo, important and continuous inclination that puts also to hard test the more skiers' experienced.
.Sciovia Foppane - ski Footstep Taurus Dislivello: from 1.741 to 2.130 ms - length 1.131 ms You more footstep' technique of Foppolo, cause its exposure to the sun and years with little snow makes her/it few practicable during the arc of the year.
Important inclinations, the footstep is proper for experienced skiers.
.Sciovia Vago - Connection Foppolo / Carona Dislivello from 1.795 to 1.983 ms - length 636 ms You footstep connects Foppolo with Carona in Val Carisole, from the P.sso of the Cross to the Shelter Giretta, two footsteps: redhead and blue of easy route.

I rent apartments houses vacation Foppolo
Around 2 ample terraces the ski equipment in winter can be held and to catch the sun in summer.
'House Vacations Quartabaita' it is a small, sunny and comfortable apartment set in a tall plan of the condominium Three Tops, really to the departure of the fittings of gone up again: an ample stay with angle cooking and read couch, a cameretta with bed in castle, bath and two balconies that lean out on the ski footsteps.

Akja Associazione Voluntary Help and Safety Footsteps Ski
Akja Associazione Voluntary Help and Safety Footsteps Ski L' association AKJA - Association Voluntary Help and Safety Footsteps Ski (technical term that points out her/it "stretcher" used for the transport of the traumatized on the ski footsteps), is officially born in 1993 from the wish to constitute more him in only organism groups of volunteers of the help on footstep, that you/they operated in the stations of the tall Valley Brembana (Bergamo).
AKJA is legally recognized to regional level, and with Regional Decree n.
And' besides affiliate in the list of the Associations of Volontariato of the Civil Protection near the Department of the Department of the Interior, and therefore near the Prefecture of the Province in Bergamo, from March 1998, for his only and exclusive activity of Help and Safety on the Ski Footsteps.
470 of 27-12-2000) on the formalities of management of the service of help on the ski footsteps.
From his/her foundation the group has operated for about 100.000 hours of service of patrol, and effected over 4.000 interventions on the demanis assigned sciabili, for accidents and traumas of various entity, often with recognitions from the infortunatis and of their families, also rendered explicit often on the local press as well as through messages reached our address e-mail and on our site web.