Mediamente: Umberto Eco
Offre cenni biografici e bibliografici oltre ai testi di alcune interviste al
noto scrittore.

Liber Liber: Umberto Eco
Cenni biografici e bibliografici. E' possibile scaricare De Bibliotheca.

Il nome multiplo di Umberto Eco
Un articolo di Andrea Ridolfi, con la ricostruzione del caso e commenti.

Umberto Eco's Multiple Name
Site on conspiracy theories, evolving out of Eco's novel Foucault's Pendulum.


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Umberto Eco: Porta Ludovica - Author Homepage
Umberto Eco web resources.

Umberto Eco
Links and content referencing the Italian semiotician Umberto Eco's work and ideas.

Umberto Eco
A profile of the author, with selected bibliography.

Umberto Eco
Dossier proposant une bibliographie exhaustive et liens dans l'encyclopédie de l'Agora.


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The World According to Eco
"Italian novelist and semiotician Umberto Eco expounds upon the Net, writing,
The Osteria, libraries, the continental divide, Marshall Mcluhan,and, well, God.

Umberto Eco
Biografie, Bibliografie und Rezensionen, Links.

Umberto Eco and His Travels in Hyperreality
"Umberto Eco in his essay, Travels in Hyperreality, saw the emergence of the age
of simulation. He recognized that when simulations promise us something better ...

Eco Online
Informationen von Helge Schalk rund um das literarische und wissenschaftliche
Werk des berühmten Italieners. Einführung, Bestseller, Textarchiv, Bibliografie, ...


Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose
Indexed online study notes on Eco's most famous novel.

Eco, Umberto - Wikipedia
Biografi og bibliografi.

Umberto Eco und Michel Foucault
Lutz Hagestedt untersucht, inwieweit man Ecos Roman "Das Foucaultsche Pendel"
als Beitrag zu und als Kritik an Foucault lesen könnte.

Eco, Umberto
International forfatterbibliografi.

Umberto Eco (Portrety)
A humorous cartoon portrait of the author, at a Polish-language website.

Umberto Eco: Baudolino
Historischer Roman. Rezension von Daniela Ecker.

Eco WWW v.

Umberto Eco's piece on Mac and DOS, Catholic and Protestant
A brief bit of wit from Eco himself on personal computing operating systems, and
the religious divide betwixt the two main churches.


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