Guides of Alps DINARICHE


WWF Alpi
This is an approach to the maintenance of the biodiversity that founds him on a very vast spatial staircase or the alpine arc in his/her entirety, on objective for a long time term, also 50 years, on the partenariato and on the collaboration with the actors key, on the involvement of the local communities, on the individualization of the direct and indirect causes of the loss of biodiversity and on the formulation of proper strategies for the complexity of the themes to treat.
Particularly, the WWF European Alpine Programme foresees the layout of a vision, or of a desirable scenery, for the biodiversity of the ecoregione.
In the meantime the program is concretely already busy for the maintenance of the biodiversity of the Alps on three specific themes: Freshwater, for the maintenance of the rivers of the Alps; Nature 2000 and Net Emerald, for the completion and the application of these nets in the alpine Countries of the European union and in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and the environmental education of the boys of the Alps, Kids for the Alps.
To these activities they participate all and 5 the WWFs alpine and other organizations.
How contribution to this vision, in the Alps 23 priority areas are already been individualized for the biodiversity, that is important areas for the greatest number of present (that is of groups of kind or habitat) taxa.

Geographical and landscape considerations on the border
Above all I make to notice the writing, 'Alps Giulie' that, according to this paper, they would be extended by River (Croazia) Tarvisio.
The writing 'Prealpi Giulie' on the paper it appears in correct position instead.
Suffered to north and northeast of that zone prealpina, the said Alps Giulie they are properly extended that nothing have to whether to see with the south-western layers of the Carniola, the Carso, or worse, the thick one of the Snowy Mountain and the first ones hangs some Alps Dinariche situated to northeast of River in Croazia.
The characteristics of these mountainous systems are similar to the Alps Giulie and the white calcareous rock it allows to suppose a common origin.
As he/she is known, the true chain of the Alps centrally races to the system orografico and you/he/she is constituted by the succession of mountainous systems whose rock is type magmatico, eruptive and however crystalline.
Parallelemente to the central chain, whose tops reach the maximum heights of the alpine system, two bands of mountains are extended whose rock and' type calcareous.
For tied up matters to the orogenesi of the alpine chain, these systems orograficis parallelly race to the central whip of the Alps both to north that to south of this: the southern calcareous band more oriental than the Italian alpine arc and' that of the said Alps Giulie properly.


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Region Emilia-Romagna:: Geology:: Planet earth - You history of the Alps
The chain of the Alps belongs to a grandiose band orogenica, in strong relief on the surrounding earths, derived by the alpine wrinkling - himalayano.
The principal mountainous systems to begin from west, are represented by the Chain Betica and Sierra Nevada, from the Rif and from the atlas of the Cloths Algerian, from the Pyrenees, from the arcs of the Alps and the Appennino, from the Alps Dinariche and from the arc carpatico, Balkans, Pindo, Peloponneso, Anatolia with the mountains of the Ponto and the Tauro, the Caucaso, the Zagroses, the Hindukush, the Karakoram, the Himalaya and after a shoal deviation toward south, the chain develops him fraying himself/herself/itself in the mountains of Indochina up to plunge in the Sea of the Probe (fig.
Properly The said alpine chain is limited from the Geologists toward west with the line-fracture Sestri-voltage, second the meridian in Genoa.
It is brusquely interrupted in correspondence of the north-western sector of the Appennino, while to east it damps him with the "basin in Vienna" and with the Hungarian lowland that you/they divide her/it from the Alps south Dinariche and from the east Carpazi.
The Alps, long around thousand kilometers, they draw an arc very accented in the western part, to stretch him and to widen in the oriental sector, in correspondence of the Caravanches and the Prealpis Stiriane. - the portal transfrontaliero of the territories sloveni and Venetian
The area is found in the point of meeting among the Mediterranean world, the Alps and continental Europe, to I untie him/it some roads that bring through the lowland southwest padana, along the valley of the north Isonzo and in central Slovenia, bringing the tourist in the lowland pannonica and toward northeast.
To the extreme northwest you/he/she is delimited by the crest of the Sabotin (609 ms) mountain that has in front of itself the Saint Mountain, already part of the landscape carsico and extreme layer of the Alps dinariche.
To these alpis they make part the plain ones of the Banjšica and of Trnovo, among which the valley of Cepovan wedges him.
From the top a marvelous landscape enjoys him: in the beautiful days of sun it is possible to push the look up to the Istria, to Venice, to the Dolomites, to the Alps Carniche and Julia.
The forest of Trnova and the lowland of the Banjšica are the extreme layer of the Alps Dinariche.
The Collio can be admired in all of his/her extension from the tower of Gonjace, tall 23 meters, from where the look can space from the lowland friulana to the sea, from the Alps Giulie to the Dolomites, from the forest of Trnovo in the Valley of the Vipacco, up to the Carso.

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Foundation scientific cultural Eugene and Maria Rustia Draw of it
The limits of the province of Zara come ampiati to the Alps Dinariche; the breath of the city chief town did him vast, yes that the fall of the Serene Republic will gather the city in full fervor of economic and cultural life.
- The limits of the province of Zara come ampiati to the Alps Dinariche; the breath of the city chief town did him vast, yes that the fall of the Republic will gather the city in full fervor of economic and cultural life.
The limits of the province of Zara come ampiati to the Alps Dinariche; the breath of the city chief town done him vast, will gather the city in full fervor of economic and cultural life, to the fall of the Serene Republic.
1796-1797 - Napoleone spreads to S of the Alps: in the 1796 spring it begins the Country of Italy.
The power Venetian marinara had the best on the Napoleonic invaders, not analogous fate it had the terrestrial military resolution, that he/she saw the clean supremacy of the bodies of armed cisalpini, determining the definitive collapse of the millennial Republic.


Tourist Agency "GABER" d.o.o.
In the sense geotettonico, the Gorski Kotar belongs to the mountainous chain of the Alps Dinariche and introduces the more part' woody of Croazia.
The meaning of Risnjak is in the fact that in a small area relatively, thanks to the specific position of Gorski Kotar, four types of climate are woven: the alpine rigid climate, the mild climate of the Adriatic, the continental characteristics of the Pannonia and the freshness montanea of the Alps Dinariche. - The Adriatic sea - Meteorology
The presence of this wind is caused by the particular conformation orografica of the adriatic area: the presence of important very near mountainous (Alps Giulie and Alps Dinariche) chains to the sea and parallel to the coast.Another cause of the formation of the bora is the strong difference of pressure and temperature that you/he/she can be formed between the inside and the coast.So much greater it will be this difference of pressure, with so much more violence it will blow the bora.
With the tall pressure cold air flows on the dry land, behind the alpis Dinariche, and it stagnates here at first without any movement, up to that it climbs over the montages and, with increasing speed, it is channeled in the valleys and it gets depressed on the Adriatic.

Flowers of Mountain - SOIUSA
in collaboration with the Italian Club Alpino.
The atlas orografico of the Alps is the concretizzazione of the SOIUSA, her "Subdivision unified international orografica of the Alpine System": a modern key of reading of the complex orografia of the Alps and an innovative proposal of updating of the traditional one "Partition of the Alps" (introduced in Italy in the distant 1926 and by now obsolete) and of normalization of the different national alpine subdivisions-not you always inspire to criterions you conform and sometimes in contrast among them-in an only European classification of the mountainous groupings of the Alps according to the actual geographical literature and of mountain.
In the SOIUSA the Alps finally assume the role of European mountainous system, in which for the first time a harmonica fusion is gotten with an uniform morphological-altimetrico-alpine criterion of the Italian groups of the partition of the Alps duly adjourned with those French of the Alps Occidentali, those Swiss of the Alps Centrali and those Austrians, German and sloveni of the Alps Orientali.
The unification of the national alpine subdivisions, included the "Alpenvereinseinteilung der Ostalpen" (the subdivision of the Alps Orientali according to the austro-German alpine clubs), you/he/she is been able to entirely achieve thanks to the adoption of the most rational concept of alpine bipartition in Alps Occidentali and Alps Orientali (also born by geologic bases and fitogeografici) instead of that traditional of 1926 trisection, unacceptable in Austria and Germany.

Atlas orografico of the Alps. SOIUSA
The atlas orografico of the Alps is the concretizzazione of the SOIUSA, her "Subdivision unified international orografica of the Alpine System": a modern key of reading of the complex orografia of the Alps and an innovative proposal of updating of the traditional one "Partition of the Alps" (introduced in Italy in the distant 1926 and by now obsolete) and of normalization of the different national alpine subdivisions. not you always inspire to criterions you conform and sometimes in contrast among them. in an only European classification of the mountainous groupings of the Alps according to the actual geographical literature and of mountain.
In the SOIUSA the Alps finally assume the role of European mountainous system, in which for the first time a harmonica fusion is gotten with an uniform morphological-altimetrico-alpine criterion of the Italian groups of the partition of the Alps duly adjourned with those French of the Alps Occidentali, those Swiss of the Alps Centrali and those Austrians, German and sloveni of the Alps Orientali.
The unification of the national alpine subdivisions, included the "Alpenvereinseinteilung der Ostalpen" (the subdivision of the Alps Orientali according to the austro-German alpine clubs), you/he/she is been able to entirely achieve thanks to the adoption of the most rational concept of alpine bipartition in Alps Occidentali and Alps Orientali (also born by geologic bases and fitogeografici) instead of that traditional of 1926 trisection, unacceptable in Austria and Germany.
The Press Web
The organizations WWF of Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France they work for a long time in way coordinated for the safeguard of this important natural patrimony in a vision transnazionale, bringing forth a program common of maintenance alpine ecoregionale in the area defined by the Convention of the Alps.
The wealth in biodiversity of the Alps.
The territory of the Alps, according to the confinements defined by the Convention of the Alps, measure 190.912 square km, of which 27, 5% in Italy.
The Alps are one of the last natural regions remained in central Europe and they entertain 30.000 animal kinds and 13.000 vegetable kinds that great present biological differences document.
The more kinds notes that live in the Alps I am: the brown bear, the stambecco, the chamois, the wolf, the lynx and the royal eagle, besides a big number of endemic (what they live here exclusively) kind.
The Alps are the most important reserve of water in Europe: great rivers as the Rhine, the Gnaws and the Po they have you their sources.
The principal partners of the WWF in the program of maintenance ecoregionales for the Alps are: .