Guides of The Alps


WWF Alpi
What can do with us Associates to the WWF! He/she adopts an animal you Sustain a project 5 for thousand to the WWF La your inheritance for the Nature Vacations Nature & Fields Visit the Oases Panda Shop Newsletter Petitions and Activism Voluntary online for the environment Service Civil Formation, job Next Appointments.
Alps Her organizations WWF of Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France they work for a long time in way coordinated for the safeguard of this important natural patrimony in a vision transnazionale, bringing forth a program common of maintenance alpine ecoregionale in the area defined by the Convention of the Alps.
BIODIVERSITY VISION Alps discharge here the complete (English and Italian) document where the concept of ecoregione deepens him, the alpine environment is described, the methodology used in the job of maintenance ecoregionale, the data of synthesis for the individualization of the 24 priority areas and the biocorridois.
Besides the document contains the description partner economic and the political context of the Alps and an analysis of the threats to the biodiversity.
Besides numerous involved institutional and technical partners, until now the program sees the active share of hundred scientists, which you/they have started to use the available information to define the areas and the themes on which it is more urgent to intervene.

Discovery Alps - to Meet on the Alps
March 6 th 2007, The diffused tourism in mountain: which perspectives in the Valley of Aosta? .
The Italian athletes conquer the World Cup of ski of mountaineering on the Adamello.
Cogne - Cup of climb on Ice - female Platform.
Tuesday, 13 March 2007 Lenzerheide entertains the final FISs of the World Cup of Alpine Ski The first thirty of every specialty they are challenged on the snows of the Swiss place of Luca Lorenzini Lenzerheide, laughing place of the Swiss Alps, in the canton Grigioni, turns him for some days into the world capital of the alpine ski.
Scheduled, up to March 18, the final phase of the Fis Ski World Cup 2007, or rather the World Cup of Alpine Ski.
A to follow him continuous of competitions with the best thirty athletes of every specialty hocked in footstep, both in masculine field and female.
Today, with the contraction of the wooded uses, the awareness of the multifunzionalità of the forests is great climb on of it.
The alpine shelter Willy Jervis, sets to 1.732 meters in Val Pellice (To), the inferior extreme of the great Basin of the Prà is found to, among groves...

info: THE ALPS

Photo by

The Alps in Rome - Resort "alpine" in the Simbruini Mountains to un\'ora from Rome
there and' a great deal pleasant to hand her the welcome one in the site web of Alps in Rome.
It will find you elements of information on manifold aspects of the life of the Simbruini Mountains and relatively to the activity' of Alps in same Rome.
This site web expresses the awareness that to introduce who are and as we act, putting cognitively us in the amplest unexplored context what context of the system country to tall quota of the center Italy, constitutes one of the privileged streets for it interactively promotes with our supporters and consumers a more coherent and systematic attainment of our finishing line: being a reality of suitable breath to contribute to realize the opportunities set to the relationships city-mountain from the close examination and widening of the factor definitive against-exodus (city give to the peasantry') or parcellizzato (exploration of the places, stay, from the visit to the shelter to the walk, up to the knowledge of the territory).
It intends us to reach to gradually mirror, in his/her principal associative and operational components, the complex potentialities offered to whom requires and it desires to escape from the metropolises to recover energies lost psico-physics in areas of the found again comfort: family, children, groups precostituiti, studious, artists.

" Video flight among the Alps Svizzere " sdamy
Home Suggerisci! Who Contacts are Newsletter Video I fly among the Alps Svizzere Very suggestive this video that takes back the flight to low height from a fight airplane among the Alps Svizzere.
As to free from the handcuffs her rotatory in skidded Japanese Robot: unbelievable! The fastest way to peel an egg firm Video to prevent road accidents to Resolve the cube of rubik with the nose A horse will participate in the next Tour de France Video: to use a person as skateboard her China celebrates the new year of the pig Video elephant angry Windows it Approves: it interviews to the Hyenas Video: launch a girl in the basket The cat that plays the piano As to Also open a Mazda with a tennis little ball the chair now folds up him! Safety system for saw circular Video northern Aurora seen by the space The parking lot perfect Champion of sketch circle to hand frees India and video lapdance amateur Ghandi Video with the technique of the 'stop motion' Yume Neko: Cat robot giapponese.un beautiful gift of Christmas!!! Video: Skidboot the dog that understands the English A ping table pong inusuale Video: as to get off the rising PSP Scaricare of a Video from Youtube, Metacafe, Google Video, Myspace...

The Alps Marittime in photo
the images of suburbs, valleys, peaks, lakes of an alpine region endowed with great personality.
from the valley Vermenagna in the valleys Chalk and it Uncorks of Demonte, from the hill of Curtain to the Maddalena, without forgetting the valleys of Oltralpe.
It will silver (group) - from valley of the Assistant.
It will silver (group) - from valley of the Assistant (2).
House (pian of the) - I pour hill of the Mercantour.
Costabella of the Piz - from footstep Scolettas sottano.
Entracque - panorama from the footsteps of alpine ski.
Entracque - parish of Sant'Antonio.
Entracque - footsteps of the Viver in nighttime (alpine ski).
Festiona and the average valley Uncorks of Demonte.
Fremamorta (lakes) - toward collar of the Valasco.
Lausarel - from the near of the footstep Scolettas sottano.
Lausfer (lakes, valley of the Tinée) - from the Saboulé.
Crazy (mountain) - seen by path for hill Ciriegia.
Dead (valley) - sees with top of Valcuca.
Piz (tall beak) - climbing to the refuge of the Lausa.
Portette (lake) - looking I pour the hill.
Praiet (pian of the) - sees I pour hill of Window.
Praiet (vallone) - climbing I pour hill of Window.
Downfall (vallone of the) - from the lake toward valley.
Sant'Anna of Valdieri the rye's party.


The Caravan of the Alps 2005
100 roads to play Black Flags Biodomenica Caccia to the Treasures of Italy I Change of Climate her Caravan of the Alps Carovana of the Climate The Client Mysterious Climate and Poverty let's Unpack us Party of the tree Festambiente Goletta Green Schooner of the Lakes The Keepers of the Nature it Drives Blue Italy is not on sale Kyoto, the light that doesn't consume the Planet Them I want Alive Mal'Aria Non you joke with the fire Nontiscordardimé Operazione Rivers Pendolaria Piccola Great Italy PM10 I hold you of eye Project Cernobyl Puliamo the World Salvaitalia Salvalarte Beaches Clean Stops to the mercury The three days of the swan Train Green Feeding Ecosystem Urbano Turismo Appeals and petitions Earth Futura: the world that we want Legambiente and ANEV: an accord to promote the eolico.
Caravan of the Alps, realized in collaboration with the Office of the environment and the Guardianship of the Territory, it is the country of Legambiente for the defense and exploitation of the Alps: a great space they climb on international, situated geologic giant to the center of the European continent.
Over 4 million inhabitants they live in the Italian Alps: a wide region in which enormous natural resources are assembled and of biodiversity, but also a great economic and productive potentiality.


Caravan of the Alps 2006
100 roads to play Black Flags Biodomenica Caccia to the Treasures of Italy I Change of Climate her Caravan of the Alps Carovana of the Climate The Client Mysterious Climate and Poverty let's Unpack us Party of the tree Festambiente Goletta Green Schooner of the Lakes The Keepers of the Nature it Drives Blue Italy is not on sale Kyoto, the light that doesn't consume the Planet Them I want Alive Mal'Aria Non you joke with the fire Nontiscordardimé Operazione Rivers Pendolaria Piccola Great Italy PM10 I hold you of eye Project Cernobyl Puliamo the World Salvaitalia Salvalarte Beaches Clean Stops to the mercury The three days of the swan Train Green Feeding Ecosystem Urbano Turismo Appeals and petitions Earth Futura: the world that we want Legambiente and ANEV: an accord to promote the eolico.
In the ample Italian alpine territory they live over 4 million inhabitants.
The areas climb on they are studded by thousand of inhabited centers, that disclose an extraordinary and fragile cultural mosaic of it.
Unfortunately a lot of valleys live a condition of strong uneasiness and they are to risk of depopulation: a phenomenon that, if you/he/she won't be embanked, it will bring to the disappearance of many elements of the landscape and the alpine identity.

WWF Svizzera - Alps
The Alps extend him for around 1200 kilometers, they reach the 300 kilometers of width and they occupy a surface of 192 000 km2s.
A situated natural and cultural landscape in the heart of Europe that he/she embraces well eight countries (Slovenia, Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, France and Monk)..
A rampart for the wealth of the kinds Thanks to the great diversification of rocks, grounds and climatic zones, the Alps boast an extraordinary variety of habitat.
The appointment of the WWF The WWF Switzerland, together with the organizations WWF of the bordering countries, has started a common program that has as objective the maintenance of the biodiversity and the landscape beauty of the Alps.
This objective is attainable if we give more space to the nature, allowing so to animals and plants to be reproduced in all liberty; we will use the alpine resources, what the landscape, the ground, the water and the wood, in sustainable way; we reduce the pollution produced by the traffic to bearable levels, from the housebuilding, from the agriculture, from the tourism and from the exploitation of the hydroelectric energy.

NEWTON - The Italian wolf returns to repopulate the Alps
Apples, onions and red wine, hostile of the tumors.
The Italian wolf returns to repopulate the Alps.
In comparison to the first years Seventy in which the population was esteemed around the 100 animals have reached 400-500 and this despite the poaching and the illegal demolition persists.
The Italian wolf him riappropriando of its territories is slowly and returns to repopulate the Alps.
But the meaningful aspect even more, as it underlines a study of the Wwf, it is the increase of the area of distribution that it substantially occupies today the whole chain appenninica from Calabria to the Alps Marittime and also the alpine chain at least up to the whole Valley it Uncorks in Piedmont.
This expansion is in continuous evolution, and it is probable that the Italian kind continues to gradually expand toward north ricolonizzando all the frank-Italian Alps and soon also italo-Swiss.
The Italian population of wolves has been in past described as subspecies separate, but recent analysis you/they have shown that the genetic distance of the Italian wolf from the other European populations is in the limits of a normal variability in a same population.
The genetics has, shown also besides an unique characteristic of the Italian wolf that allows its recognition through the Dna mitocondriale.

Alps Apuane
This extraordinary alpine landscape on the sea contains an unbelievable variety of flowers and rare plants.
The walls, the numerous caves carsiche and the deep caverns of the Alps Apuane, recall many impassioned of speologia and mountaineering.
In every case, for the one that comes from the North along the valley of the Thin one or for the one who crosses the coast band, the Alps Apuane they immediately hack him as an element of the landscape that, once come into the visual play, it doesn't abandon him/it more for over hundred kilometers, not only imposing himself/herself/itself as.
In the plain one intensely cultivated they are lined up parallel to the sea the centers of Carrara, Mass, Pietrasanta, Camaiore, that has given origin to the relative ones "harbors", you now frequent bathing stations.
The Apuanes, held in past sour and inaccessible mountains.
they constitute today, so much on the slope tirrenico how much on that inside that looks at the Lunigiana and the Garfagnana, a tourist district of great interest, not only for the presence of the caves and the other testimonies of the industry marmifera, but also for the numerous opportunities that offer from the naturalistic point of view.
speleologico and escursionistico, without neglecting the testimonies historical - artistic of a zone historically of frontier, astride the footsteps that from the lowland padanas conduct toward central Italy.

The mountains: Alps and Appennineses |
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They extend for a general length of well 1000 Km, from the Liguria up to reach the Footstep of Vrata in Croazia.
They have elevated mountains, from the pointed tops, formed by hard and compact granite rocks.
The alpine chain divides him in three parts: Alps Occidentali, Plants and Oriental.

ASTRA - international Transport of commodities through the Alps
International transport of commodities through the Alps.
Near A2 Gothard In 2005, the number of the heavy vehicles in transit through the Alps is again decreased, attesting himself/herself/itself to 1'203'970, 51'394 in less in comparison to the preceding year, equal to a 4 decrease, 1%..
Notable variations are recorded on the Sempione, with a growth of over 10%, and to the Gran St. Bernard, with a 14% considerable decrease.
These two passes, as experience teaches, introduces the greatest fluctuations.
Particularly, the transit of heavy autoveicoli through the Sempione strongly depends on the climatic (snow) conditions.
Partly, the increase of the runs through the Sempione as the contained diminution relatively of the transits to St. Bernardino they explain him with the maltempo of the month of August.
Well, in fact, the A2 has been closed to the traffic for various days among Flüelen and Erstfeld and the traffic you/he/she has had to be diverted.
I traffic commodities through the Alps Gestione of the traffic to St. Gottardo.
Following the fire in the gallery of St. Gottardo happened in 2001, along the aces of St. Gottardo and St. Bernardino the frequency of the traffic commodities in transit you/he/she is limited for safety motives.