Guides of Poetries On the Snow


Charles' Bramanti-Scrivere poetries Playing
And the lake, the almond tree already in snow, the same moon they clear me.
The poppies The poppies are anywhere, the sunset rouses them and turns on them all, red it is also the dog that pants on the road in its time of liberty.
abandoned on your white, warm skin, now redhead of timidity ....
With snow's wings in the proscenium of the great love, eccoci....
They break small waves on the keel of the dreams, a harmonica in sky it dresses her of red: the ship, the ship enter my sunset! .
Dock The sun gilded the mopeds of the boys that feathered, snow's wings expanses of the gulls.

elisabetta zampini
This year, when by now the most intense cold it seemed to the shoulders so much that his/her children already went down in garden for the recreation without jacket, a morning, unexpected, snow has returned: Surprise, wonder, so more curiosity in a blue sky and with the sun.
This way the occasion has been cultured and I has introduced two poetries that speak of snow to his/her/their children.
"And' snow's time."
The closed sky the night snow has wants... falls! .
It lay on the earth and on the roofs, stunning all with his/her brightness, and it was really sumptuous, it was really beautiful.
In the version in Italian, you/he/she has been asked to underline the sentences that suggested the idea of the snow instead.
On the poetry of Evtuscenko, you/he/she is done a more classical job instead.
His/her children have riscritto a poetic text or of poetic prose on the snow, beginning from their experience with the possibility to use words or images of the read poetries, also mixing the languages.
January, snow's time; the sky is dark as the apron of a baby.


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Welcome in!
on the shore of the sea the young mother has sat.
as life grows challenging snow and hoarfrost.
THE TREE OF JADE: it tells an ancient Chinese legend that Wu Gang, punished for having wanted the immortality, it is forced to saw the tree of jade that is found on the moon and that, just, it continually increases.
The sawdust of the tree of jade going down on the earth confuses him with the snow, rather, snow is not perhaps anything else other than the sawdust of the tree of jade that goes down on the earth.

In winter, when snow went down to cover the ground, the hunger, done him acute, it pushed the fairs to go out of their dens and to look for in the sheepfolds a sheep, a lamb, a rabbit.
The tracks left on the snow pointed out the arrival of the voracious wolf and its return in the den of the mountain I Benefit.
Here and there on the snow they were spots of blood that the wounded or with the throat cut victims had disseminated.
This way the two young people departed to the search of the fair following on the snow of it the recent traces.
A lot of time had not passed from when Tonio had departed that the animal, going out of the thick of the wood, it appeared to the open one and cautiously, lazily moving the head and sniffing the cold air in the winter, it advanced on the frozen extended white of the lake.
It was with a leap next to the spread out wolf on the snow and with a second hit to the skull it ended the beast that wheezed.
Bent him on the animal, with a knee supported on the snow, it extracted from a pocket the long jackknife and it started to skin him/it.
In spring, disappeared the snow and loosened him the ice, the lake it threw again to shore, one day, the body of the wolf: the whole country raced to see him/it.

Poetries in the Night
I am a dreamer... that a fable lives.... that he/she lives the night through the poetries....
Pian plain Snow him ambientava in that foreign country.
To the eyes of Soseki, Snow seemed same poetry, painting, calligraphy, dance and music at the time.
It was Snow and it represented the whole beauty of the art.
When the beautiful foreigner had concluded the number on the rope, and is returned on the earth, Soseki didn't succeed in braking the desire to approach her/it.
It looked at her in the eyes, and in turn Snow quadrated him/it.
To nineteen, Snow had already crossed more than one hundred kilometers on its tense rope, often risking the life.
You/he/she had extended his/her rope among the two towers of Notre Dame to Paris and you/he/she had remained different times in equilibrium above the cathedral, as an Esmeralda made of wind, snow and silence.
Looking up there her so distant, the upright body in the sky as a white flame and the gold hair caressed by the wind, you/he/she would be told her/it the goddess of the snow.
The thing most difficult when it advanced in the light of the world, it was not to be transformed in bow of snow.
And also because when it quivered in air it seemed light as a bow of snow.


The Brigade Lolli
Looking for Garcia Marquez on the snow of the Carnia.
"The tears went down soon to tell to the snow what would not have been able to explain to words.
Snow listened and suggested her to sleep."
Its first book (not of poetries) entitles him "You Ann's snow" (you see beginning of the article), I edit from the Library of the image and gone out in spring on the national territory.
In precedence Gigi had written "Times prisint", a delicious harvest of poetries in friulano and at least two stories: "The vous" (the voice) and "The path", besides a show "The Troi and the ruvîs" (The path and the landslide) that you/he/she is introduced as "a diary of words and songs that it tells the daily paper, unstoppable to confabulate of every with himself."
It often finds them, on the point of an ulcerated sensibility, of a sweetness and of an innocence that you/they do faith of his/her absolute honesty.
A community where as soon as we learn to know the character of his/her grandfather and the mother-child of his/her/their great-grandfather and of his/her/their grandmother; father-in-law and daughter-in-law were not loved ("among them there was cold and snow") because she set the responsibilities to his/her/their father-in-law for the death of Ann (his/her great-grandmother) in the wood, in the middle of the snow.


The Brigade Lolli
And' true that is a thin librettino of sun 52 pages, considering two of it of post-faction of Michael Gazich, but they are only poetries, in friulano with under the translation in Italian and 50 pages of poetries equivalgono almost to 50 poetries (39 for the exactness).
But as Maieron he/she writes? And does of thing write? According to Gazich "You poetry of Maieron is born from an internal war, but it refuses to be poetry on the war, on the struggle.
There is a great and celebrated tradition in the western poetry, from the Iliade Homeric up to the Pain of Ungaretti, of poetry on the inside or external war to ourselves: the original bet, defeated, of Luigi Maieron has been that to take the risk to detach from this tradition and to write an epic of peace, on the peace, destined to produce peace."
Entirely different the run from that succession to write his/her first novel "You Ann's Snow", yet environments, situations and also words, in some cases they are similar.
But, Maieron says: "The layout of the 'Ann's Snow' you/he/she has helped me to make visit to the underground part, to go down in the room of the buttons of the feelings.

"I don't do literature." Poetry and truth in Paul Celan " The Warehouse Pintacuda
To the beginning you beat fast on the keyboard, you want to fill the white spaces.
And' a mine of images, could draw even at least four hundred of it marvelous sms of love and to conquer as many women with the poetries of Poppy and Memory.
There was inside Charlie Chaplin in the Fever Of the gold that to make up for a cup of coffee simulates a congelation, I have also put there some scene from the Company Of the ring and I have closed the everything inside one of those bottles that you/they sell in the shops of souvenir, those with the snow inside that all it takes is turning for veder to snow on the Colosseum or on the Tower Eiffel.
When everything seems lost, someone draws near to the benumbed self, he bends and he/she offers him some snow, snow that before you/he/she has heated among the hands to throw out some drop of water of it.
And' an indistinct figure, the self blinded by the reflex of the sun on the snow doesn't succeed in distinguishing her/it, it is a vision to vanished contours.
The self of the cycle chews that snow and Silvestre the herring but the substance it doesn't change, that to share food with the respective guides the key becomes for accessing a new dimension other.

farapoesia: Colds and other poetries (Luigina Bigon)
Thursday February 8 th 2007 Colds and other poetries (Luigina Bigon).
The bird beats the wings on the window.
In the poetry 'Colds' the poetess has made, with a to follow him of sibilant sounds, the noises / silences that surround the places in which snow is first character.
For priority I thank Alexander with his fast and impressionistic notes, then Adeodato that adirittura has made me fly among the American areas post-beat generation; following the voice of Giorgia that has found in Colds all the to follow him of sibilant sounds: if we look well at the first part of the poetry over that sibillante is also sibylline where it says 'blood's stains on the snow, perhaps a wounded titmouse.'
Instantly go off me the image of the stained snow.
Gianni) Three poetries (Milo De Angelis) but of me, passing to the jail cell (Gabriella Bianchi...

Snow - Maxence Fermi of it-
In his/her Haikus he/she knows how to sing only the shine and the whiteness of the snow.
and of a bow of snow that falls light from the sky.
Snow is a poetry a poetry that falls from the clouds in white and light bows.This poetry arrives from the lips of the sky from the hand of God.
There am diecimila ways to write the word snow.
On the snow every man can think funambolo.

Letteratour - In class: The text regolativo
You must take a ray of sun that reflects him on the snow.
Poetries of Gnawed it Shaves (from "Recipes of the Sorceress Eufrasia") her/it.
"This story is a completely fantastic poetry because the leaves, the ear of wheat and the flower cannot withstand for one month and then a ray of sun reflex you/he/she cannot be taken on the snow" (Matteo V., Vittorio, Martina, Alice).
In fact, it exclusively serves to give information, of any type, on the reality as it is, without any subjective (then without I/you/he/she enter it our state of mind or the desire to influence who listens to us) implication..
You take the backpack and put us the snow and with the photographic car photographed.
You take buckets, shovels, balls and a surf table, then mixing well the all and put him/it on the car.

Anthony Ariberti - You Party of the Christmas - Poetries
Poetries of Christmas: The Magician of Christmas Si I was the magician of Christmas.
It returns To the beginning Poetries of Christmas: The planet of the trees of native.
Poetries of Christmas: The poor men's tree.
Filastrocca of Christmas, snow is white as the salt, the snow it is cold, the night is black but for his/her/their children it is spring: only for them, to the feet of the bed it is in bloom an albereto.
Of the snow every bow you turn him/it into toy that I/you/he/she fall there then near to every small child.