Guides of Ski Competition


Ornello Sport - Price list Ski Competition
You specifies that the present skis in this page are the official models used in cup of the world and you don't introduce in the catalogs of the firms or seen again specialized, it is possible to purchase them only on anticipated booking.
These skis are not recommended for a tourist use but only for agonismo.

Ski competition, compares prices and offers ski competition on it Finds Prices
Paramani for competition batons in material Shock RESISTANT SBS in dimeter of 18mm.
They leave the free hand and at the same time they protect the knuckles.
It deals with a fundamental accessory to improve the performances of the boots.If correctly used it guarantees the maximum performance from the boots and an extraordinary control of the skis, it improves the confort, and.
Cane from competition ski Giant Slalom in aluminum HTS 6.5.
 The strap used by the athletes of World Cup of Ski.
It deals with a fundamental accessory to improve the performances of the boots.If correctly used it guarantees the maximum performance from the boots and an extraordinary control d.
Scott canes from competition ski WC Slalom.
Canes from cup ski of the world of slalom in aluminum 18mm with hilt NOTCH STRIKE done in soft rubber to favor the taking and with grip to sustain better the glove.
Ski mask or snowboard with lens in policarbonato antiscrach UVSTOP with specchiatura multistrato antigraffio, with fitting in material plastic with support in soft velvet that guarantees a tall comfort.
Mask from competition ski with Double Super lens ANTI - FOG.


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Organization competitions alpine ski, competitions and demonstrations on the snow: preparation footsteps and layout, timing, reception office competitions. Launched Kilometro
Organization competitions of ski, competitions and demonstrations on the snow for alpine ski, snowboard, launched kilometro KL: information, prices / rates for the organization of the competition / competition, preparation traced - footstep - crossed, timing, service reception office of competition and classifications.
The footsteps are confirmed for competitions FIS of masculine / female alpine ski and kilometro launched masculine.
- The footsteps delll'Alpe Ciamporino is confirmed for all the competitions FIS of masculine and female alpine ski: special slalom SS - slalom gagante GS - SuperG SG - come down free DH, and besides also for competitions and demonstrations of kilometro lanciat masculine (speed ski) KL.
Organization events and demonstrations on the snow for alpine ski, snowboard, telemark, carving launched kilometro, freeride, snowpark, sport on the snow and winter activity: organization, preparation and beating footsteps - traced - I crossed, timing, services of reception office competitions and classifications.
Special discounts for ski club and sporting organizations settled with the station - for information to contact the direction of the fittings.
Organization of regional, national and international competitions of alpine ski: the footsteps are confirmed for all the masculine and female specialties FIS: organization competition, preparation and traced fresatura - footsteps - I crossed - manche, services of reception office competition and classifications. - Federation Italian Winter Sport
Six blues of the fund in competition in the sprint of Drammen.
The summoned for the World juniores-under23s of northern ski to Tarvisio.
Final of Cup Europe of alpine ski, the summoned blue.
World jr of alpine ski, Skube gold in slalom.
All the positionings of the blues in the first three places of the various disciplines: it is hunting to the record Disciplines. - Fotogallery Sci competitive Sicily - Snow, Sport and Tourism - You passion for the ski, the Etna and the sea:: winter edition:: Tuesday March 13 th 2007:: .
The photos of the athletes of ski Italian club.
The ski East South club in training on the French glacier.
Instructions for the dispatch of your photos so that to facilitate its publication on .
You contribute to the development of a new tourist pole in the slope west north etneo.
Friends of EtnaSci: the ski club Mareneve and the group of the impiantistis.
Said "Trick", Gattista of the skiing station of Plain Provenzana and of the Vulkan Snowpark.
It drives to the site - Map of the site - Publicity - as your homepage - you Add to the Preferred ones - E-mail.


Vallée gasps d\'Aoste
Ski: valid competition of giant for the regional qualification cat.
Ski: competition of giant slalom valid Csi for the Gran Prix Valle of Aosta and Piedmont, organized by the Polisportiva You Thuile (10, 30); .
'1/o Trophy Aosta Snowboard Club', competition of Big Air, open to all the categories, valid for the regional circuit Kia Motors.


Ski Lagorai, ski in trentino, in Valsugana! Funivie Lagorai Passo Brocon
For the lovers of the snow, of the ski, of the snowboard, above all for the families and for his/her/their children here is a new idea dovre to find footsteps of average and easy difficulty, amusement park SKILANDIA for the smallest, fields school, so many additional services.
Besides I rent ski, boots, rackets... and so much other still!!! .

The Policemen's weapon - Home - The Citizen - Information - News
1/19/2006 4:11:00 PMs (Handle) - BOLZANO, 19 GENs - you/he/she is developed in Forest of Val Gardena today, the first competition of slalom special share international FIS, valid also for the classification of the Cup Italy and for the assignment of the IX Trofeo 'gold Medal to the Valor Militare Heads Francis Gentile' VII Edizione, organized by the Center Sporting Policemen in collaboration with the Center Policemen Alpine Training of Forest of Val Gardena.
The layout of competition has been predisposed on the footstep 'CIR' of the skiing District of the Danterceppies, draws of footstep already used for the female free descent on the occasion of the 1970 World Championships and officially reopened this year following the realization of a new plant of gone up again.
Great the technical and tall aspect the competitive level of the competition unwound himself/herself/themselves in the splendid skiing scenery dolomitico, due to the share of some of the athletes of the great National Teams of the specialty, of the Regional Committees of the Federation and the Military Sporting Groups and of State: I center Sporting Policemen of Forest Val Gardena; Group Skiing Yellow Flames of Predazzo; I center Sporting Flames Gold of Moena; Sporting Army of Courmayeur and the Sporting Center of the Forest one of the State of Auronzo I center, as well as Canadian athletes, American, Slovak, Japanese, Turkish, Greek, Spanish, Australians, Belgians, Estonian and Swiss.

Turin 2007 - Winter Universiade - alpine Ski
The specialties of the alpine ski, are masculine sono: is female.
The free descent is the most spectacular among the specialties of the alpine ski.
The discesistis, where the layout allows him/it, they go to the search of the maximum aerodinamicità: individualizing the trajectories briefest, they allow to flow the skis to create the smaller possible attrition and they reach at times superior speed to the 120 km / h.
I am therefore necessary a great control on the skis and rapidity in to perform the continuous changes of direction.
The competition disputes him in two manches on the same footstep, but with different layouts: it wins the athlete that gets the good time adding those some two mancheses.
The competition develops him in two manches on the same footstep but with different layouts, with the same formalities of the giant slalom.
The slalom asks for dowries of agility and dexterity such to avoid forks him, or rather when one or both the skis don't pass inside the pole.
The footsteps of the competitions of slalom are rather steep, with frozen snow often artificially so that to avoid the premature deterioration of the mantle so brusquely whipped by the foils of the skis.

Official site Ski Team Lagorai - competitions Scialpino and Scialpinismo - Lagorai Cima d\'Asta - Tesino
Official site Ski Team Lagorai - competitions Scialpino and Scialpinismo - classifications, on-line registrations, info, news - Trophy Renato Broccato (Passo Brocon), Trophy Moggio Mariano (Passo Brocon), Lagorai Cima of auction - The Ski Team Lagorai organizes competitions of alpine ski and mountaineering, raced with the School Italian ski Lagorai, social competitions.On this site you can find all on the world of the ski: classifications, rules, programs, news, delays, annulments, info footsteps, meteo and very other.The competitions primarily develop him on the chain of the Lagorai and Top of auction for the ski mountaineering and to the Footstep Brocon for the alpine ski.The center of the Ski Team Lagorai is to Castle Tesino in Trentino (Italy) Brocaded .Trofeo Renato - Lagorai Cima of auction - Trophy Moggio Mariano (competition in nighttime) -.

- Concluded The First Day Of Competitions For The 35° Combined Sail-ski
3 of the 23.02.2007 IMPERIA - Concluded The First Day Of Competitions For The 35° Combined Sail-ski they are disputed today, in the skiing district of Lemon Piedmont, in absence of wind and with a timid sun that to lines it appeared among the clouds, the two tests of giant slalom of the 35°Combinata Sail Ski, competition organized by the Yacht Club Imperia that it encourages the various crews to measure him in a giant and then in a regatta in sea.
The footsteps, perfectly taken care of by the Society Riserva Bianca, and a splendid floury snow you/they have united, in the spirit of the competition, velisti lovers of the ski and non seeing athletes excellently driven by experienced companions.
The classification of the Combined Sail-ski for classes of boats will be compiled on the base of the gotten score adding the points of the test of sail and those gotten by the skiers that they will participate in the regatta.

ARPAV - Collaboration of ARPAV to the competitions of World Cup of Alpine Ski of the Val Gardena and Val Badia
Collaboration of ARPAV to the competitions of World Cup of Alpine Ski of the Val Gardena and Val Badia.
ARPAV, through the Center Avalanches of Arabba, have assured his/her own support daily furnishing devoted meteorological bulletins, specific for the zones of competition.
The issued bulletins in the antecedent days the competitions have been of support for the predisposition of the layouts of competition, considered also the shortage of natural snow and the favorable general conditions not to the productions of artificial snow.
During the competitions the previsoris of the Center Avalanches have furnished, besides the normal bulletin, information in real time by telephone, and on the occasion of the two competitions of the Val Badia, you consider the forecasts of adverse time for the days of competition, you/they have witnessed to the reunions of the heads it quadrates in the preceding evenings the competitions.
The Committees organizers have expressed the full appreciation for the work developed by ARPAV through the Center Avalanches of Arabba, both for the assistance during the competitions and for the information previsionali furnished in the preceding days, information that have allowed the organizers to guarantee the feasibility of the competitions to the International Federation of Ski.