Guides of Storms Of Snow


Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Blizzard - Buffalo and the storm of snow of the century!
The arctic trough of January 28 th 1977 with the isotherm -34°C to 850 hPas that the whole Iowa winds and with Buffalo, with "only" one -12°C on the head, upset by the storm of due snow to the "effect lake."
Paper NCEP of reanalisi from the file of the MeteoGiornale.
The last winters of the seventies in the United States cold and snowy fuono exceptionally, kind in the oriental part of the Country.
There was who shouted to the beginning of a new it was glacial and considerations of the kind found a justification in the events that year was run after after year: the snow and the cold on to end some years '70 were pushed more times up to the south point of the Florida, notoriously investing even her tropical Miami.
To Boston a dreadful snowstorm of snow happened in the month of March accumulated 60 cms.
of snow in a few hours with winds to over 150 km / h.
These are alone some of the jokes of the cold and the snow in that years.
But surely the most resounding event is constituted by the storm that it buried Buffalo in 1977.
The city is found on the east extremity of the Lake Erie and is famous for the abundant winter snowfalls, in how much the cold winds from Canada passing above the surface of the lake they create real walls of snow that him impattano on the coast (such phenomenon is known as Lake Effect Snow).

Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Meteo Nord America - You end of Wilma: a storm of snow
Forecasts " Meteo Italia Europe Asia Africa Oceania Nord America South America Channels Meteo " Canale North America " Meteo Nord America You end of Wilma: a storm of snow of Massimo Aceti closed Schools, cancelled flights, firm fishing-boats in I bring, electric black-out in about ten thousand of residences: these a powerful person's effects storm of "nor'easter" that you/he/she has struck the states of the middle Atlantic and the New England in USA.
In the map of analysis GFS elaborated by MeteoGiornale and reported to the forenoon of October 25, the depression they are noticed in quota on the states of the east north of USA and that to the ground, ex-hurricane Wilma, in Atlantic.
A powerful person storm of "nor'easter" that you/he/she has drawn energy from Wilma, the hurricane that had caused serious damages among Yucatan, Cuba and Florida in precedence, you/he/she has held in chessman the east north of the "States" between 24 and on October 26 last.
When the hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico go up again the Atlantic ocean offshore the oriental coasts of USA, if they come to contact with cold foreheads of sub-polar origin, they strengthen them, originating these strong storms extra-tropical calls "nor'easter", or rather "north-oriental."


Photo by Also the storm of snow brushes the film of Yimou
fact of beautiful interpretations and pieces of cleverness Also snow's storm.
it brushes the film of Yimou of Roberto NEPOTI China, year 859.
While the powerful dynasty Tang enters decline, an intrigue involves three people: Mei, young revolutionary blind, and the two official Leo, head of the police and Jin, that he/she is sold off for a warrior solitary named Wind.
To tangle the papers, the love intervenes with its succession of lie and doppiogioco, betrayal and revenge.
Two years later "Hero" (from us gone out ago few months), Zhang Yimou returns to practice in the wuxia; but this time does him/it respecting to the letter the rules of the cinema of Chinese sword.
The scheme of the tyrannical power and the secret (the sect of the Flying Daggers) society that he/she fights him/it is the traditional container of a drawers history, all sensations; protagonists gentlemen of the war, ambiguous riders and walkirie from the face of angel.
And' to this point that, in the spectator, you/he/she can insinuate a sense of déjà vu some frustrating, despite the luxury of the images.
That him volatilizza, however, as soon as we start to look her at forest of the flying daggers for that that it is indeed: a great melodrama made of asolo, recitative, choirs and continuous pieces of cleverness.

Examples of Javascript - Storm of Snow - Mr. WebMaster
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Reading Web - You reading? What a history! - 4. The Green Years - Giampiero Comolli, storms her of snow. Infancy of the reading and infancy of the metaphor
Of almost all that books, son those sentences or pages that there restan in the mind.
You have done her all, with that sign, to the times you remember even yourself of when you have put him, and of the emotion.
"I don't intend to speak of the readings for the infancy how much of an infancy of the reading."
The essay of Comolli is tense to reconstruct this auroral condition of the to read: how to find again her/it, also when the registry age of the infancy is tramontata? Meanwhile recognizing the lines of it you constituted: the isolation (and the hideaway), the trip (with the figure of the departure and the dismissal), the overturning that remains once concluded the reading.
Only making space to the desiring dimension is possible to reach the infancy of the reading.
of Pavia Provincia in Pavia, Open I hover you! For a pedagogy and a didactics of the reading; From the book to the books: for a didactics of the history of the literature and an education to the reading.
Actions of the national conference of Aosta October 26-27-28 th 1989.


Nimbus Online - Meteorology in the world
June 16 th 2002 - you/he/she could seem strange that the zone of the Great North American Lakes receives quantitative of snow comparable more to a zone the averages' montana latitudes that to one of lowland, so much more than the area is found to an equivalent latitude to that of Italy I center northern and you/he/she is mitigated by the presence of the lakes, comparable to whose surface is that of a small inside sea.
13 FEB 2002 - In the period of Christmas 2001 a storm of snow of rare intensity has paralysed for some days the American city of Buffalo, NY and the near area of the falls of the Niagara.
26 Nov 2001 - In you determine geographical reality, the tides of cold air passing above expanses of temperature more elevated water, they determine the to rise up of intense snowy phenomena along the coasts, also out of important perturbations to staircase sinottica.
1) it is a hilly zone, with villages from the names to us strangers, their fame, in the United States, it is tied up to the snow; we find us, in fact, in the heart of the "South Eastern Lake Ontario Snowbelt", the most interesting among the "snow's belts" that they encircle to South and to East the Great Lakes of the North America; .


USA: "Storrm of the century", the storm of the century
In the second week of March of 1993, a storm of rare violence ran over the United States oriental, beating many records of intensity of the wind, snow's quantity, cold and minima cheat us, provoking around 270 victims and paralysing the transports for two days.
In the first hours of March 13 the center depressionario transited then on the Florida with rains torrential and numerous tornados it quickly went up again interesting all the oriental states with snowstorms of snow that, from the Alabama, they extended him up to the Canadian border; on the region appalachianas fell in a few hours 130 cms of snow and 110 in the city of Syracuse (New York) near the Lake Ontario.
We see here under the satellite image.
In the center of the cyclone the pressure reached extremely low (961-963 hPas) values and the elevated gradient barico it pushed the winds up to 150 hourly Km; low temperatures were not only recorded on the whole northeast (-24.4 to Burlington, Vermont), but also in the Southern (-16.7 in Birmingham, Alabama) states.
We see here under the meteorological paper to the level of the sea.
The month of March is often characterized by intense perturbations on the central and oriental states of USA: while to the north it is still winter, to the south it is already spring and the contrasts thermal damage origin to frequent depressions, in March 93 such contrasts were manifested in more violent way of the usual one and some meteorologists they pointed out among the causes the eruption of the volcano Pinatubo that had from a little freed in the atmosphere an enormous quantity of ashes, able to reduce the solar radiation.

Being this a pictorial synthesis through a graphic icon doesn't surprise that some phenomena can be repeated with wordings similar type possible rain or probable rain.Differences are minimali and due simply to associations of is cloudy, percentages of probability that the phenomenon takes place.
For phenomenon in the proximities they intend the adjacent areas in a ray of 5 KM from the station that you/he/she has noticed him/it or anticipated.
Weak Temporal Little balls of Ice Strong Storm Little balls of Ice Storm Little balls of Ice Weak Little balls of Ice Upside-down Strong Little balls of Ice Upside-down Little balls of Ice Reverse Weak Upside-down Little balls of Ice.
In the Proximities Low Lifting of Dust on wide area.

Reportages of MeteoSardegna by MeteoGiornale: - The term blizzard means storm of wind and snow.
Events meteo " Snowed winter 2003/2004 Ozieris and north Sardinia, blizzard of February 28 th 2004 The term blizzard means storm of wind and snow.
of Andrew Meloni February 28 th 2004, after a winter season with scarce precipitations, a character perturbation cold it goes down from the Valley of the Gnaws, Sardinia reaches in the 27 evening.
A strong reverse of rain falls, the first thunders are felt.
The cold air is coming and along the road that from Sassari to Ozieri, I come upon me in various reverses of hail and then sleet.
The station meteo Davis individualizes an event I fell at 19.30 o'clock with temperature of the air of +4, 6°C and 2, 3 of dew point (value in slope in comparison to the afternoon).
During an air a mass of cold air and the temperature it transits it actually goes down to +2°C and it falls a dense sleet.
The storm is actually accompanied by gusts of wind to 58 km / h..
The night among 27 and 28 sees later a worsening to the 1, 30 with upside-down that of mixed rain to snow, that you/they quickly will make taking on the reliefs as soon as above Ozieri.
To the morning to the dawn the reliefs over the 550 meters of quota will appear uniformly bleached.

News of MeteoSardegna by MeteoGiornale: News from the World - Jacuzia, nights still under the -40°C, but they climb the mottos
Focus Sardegna " You chronicle " News from the World Jacuzia, nights still under the -40°C, but they climb the mottos of Giovanni Staiano Over 20°C daily excursion to Ojmjakon as to Jakutsk.
The station meteo of Ojmjakon, in Jacuzia.
Source You Jacuzia, the region siberiana that represents the "pole of the cold" in the hemisphere north, has entered the period of the great daily thermal excursions, with the intense cold still during the night, favored by the frozen ground but the sun that it makes to lift quite a lot the diurnal temperatures, in comparison to the months in the meteorological winter.
Saturday 18 March the extreme of Ojmjakon have been -46, 2° /-21, 0°C (29 cms of snow to the ground), those of Selagoncy -41, 3° /-14, 1°C (35 cms of snow to the ground), those of Jakutsk -32, 1° /-10, 3°C (45 cms of snow to the ground).
On March 18 extreme of 28, 5°/37, 4°C in Bangkok, 38, 7°C the motto to Yangon, in Myanmar.
Some places above the 40°C (a lot of other neighbors to this threshold) in central Thailand: 41, 0°C Tak, 40, 0°C Bhumidol Dam, 39, 9°C Wichians Buri.

Cold - snow later
When the phase of first impact is old, the danger is not stopped - even if the storm of snow and cold is finished we are not out of danger still: the snow accumulated by the wind in great quantities is potentially dangerous and the cold could have made inefficient the fittings.
Snow's accumulation on the roof of the buildings, especially if not projected to the purpose or with limited inclinations, you/he/she can tire the structure of it.
Lacking proper conditions it is to abstain well from any intervention, nevertheless, being able, it is opportune to try to free the roof from the excessive snowy mass.
To this purpose (if the roof is not elevated and is attainable with the staircase) you/he/she can reveal useful a garden rake with which to cut and to make to slip downward small "slices" of the snowy mantle.
As many opportune, when possible, it is the removal of the "needles" and of the "blades" of ice that you/they are formed suspended to the spioventis of the roofs and the roofings that, with the thaw, you/they could fall above to things and underlying people.
One of the frequent dangers mostly after a frost or a storm of snow you/he/she is represented by the slippery ground.

I freeze meve during
If the cold gathers us in our residence - You snow and the cold have isolated our residence, but if we have predisposed how much necessary there are no particular motives for worry.
Nevertheless waiting for the restoration of the normal conditions it is necessary to adopt some precautions.
First of all it is to avoid well to heat the whole house limiting the heating to the principal room that we will frequent together with the other occupants during the whole emergency.
If the house is endowed with plant of heating with water heaters reduce to the least (don't close entirely) one the faucets of the instruments of the other rooms (if the rooms are cold add covers!).
If, passed the storm, it is necessary to shovel the snow to open a passage alternated the job to frequent standstills of rest.
During the whole winter season, but to great reason during the emergency, you must wear ample and comfortable suits, on more layers: more layers than garments guarantee a protection more effective in comparison to a single layer of thick suits (more two worn light garments heat one on him anything else other than an only heavy sweater!).