Guides of Alps Flora


Flowers of Mountain Orobie
The photos of the flowers of mountain of the Valley Brembana and Alps Prealpi Orobie are in resolution 1000x750 and freely prelevabili.
The Cherry in flower on the Prealpis Orobie.
Page 2-->> Flowers of Mountain - Flora of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie Bergamasche.
Flowers of Mountain - Valley Brembana Alps Prealpi Orobie - These photos of Flowers of Mountain are devoted to all those people that, during the trips and excursions on the mountain of the Orobies, they not only admire the majesty of the surrounding nature but they also detain him on the small details that crown these images of extraordinary beauty with the most different colors and the most varied and elegant forms: the flowers of mountain.

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Flora of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie - Valley Brembana
Flora of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie bergamasche.
Atragene Alpina plants woody, sarmentosa, climbing, shed on the mountains of the northern hemisphere, it buds in June - July, his/her great flowers of blue color to 4 long sepals 7-8 cs.
Eritrichio plants of ridottissime dimensions, tall from 2 to 5 cms, it covers of thin floral pads, the brecciame of the alpine crests and the peaks of rock calciocarente, between 2.300 and 3.100 ms of quota.
Meleagride Alpino kind that derives his/her name from Fritillus=bossolo to play to the dice, for the form of the flower and for, his/her variegatura reticolare.
Primula Farinosa plants frequent in the swamps and in the alpine calcareous peat zones and climb on of it, but it also foresees in the swamps planiziali.
Stella Alpine well known plant, that the punishment is not worth to describe of it because' and' well rare that has not been seen in place, or in some reproduction to press.
Flora of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie Bergamasche.

IPLA SpA - Flora Alpi Western of the South (INTERREG II To)
This project of search was born in 1998, in the picture of the program of cooperation transfrontaliera among States of the UE (Interreg IIA), with the purpose to realize a data base common on flora and vegetation of the whole western alpine arc.
And' is predisposed besides a methodology of cartographic representation of the data floristici to different staircase: western alpine area, Piedmont and local geographical areas.
Results: 2088 bibliographical references informatizzate 118.694 records of kind inserted in the bank dates 31.607 stations georeferenziate This project you/he/she has set the bases for the birth of new projects what for instance the Interreg III A "Maintenance and management of the flora and the habitats in the Alps Occidentali of the south", the development of the new Banks given naturalistic regional and the modernization of the existing ones.
Beginning from this experience you/he/she has been proposed and approved a new Project INTERREG III In Italy-France denominated 'Maintenance and management of the Flora and the Habitats in the Alps Occidentali of the South'..

Flora of the Orobies - Flowers of Mountain
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Private residences in spectacular environments will give you all of this' of which have need to live the life of the Prealpis Orobie from the inside.


Flora of the Orobies - Flowers of Mountain
In this page we will illustrate the protected flora.
In the southern sector the vegetation assumes luxuriant aspects and the flora it becomes very rich.
Subsequently the band of the dwarf and twisted bushes extends him, almost prostrate to the ground, in prevalence of alpine ontano, less than pine they climb on with the wide presence of rododendro ferrufineo and of juniper.
You by now, toward the 2300 meters to the alpine pastures more properly, rich of genziane, of pulsatille, sassifraghe, soldanelle and alpine stars.
Musks and lichens appear, that continue in the band of the desert nivale, where the alpine chrysanthemum they are present, the ranuncolo of the glaciers, and still some androsacees and sassifraghe.
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.


Naturalistic runs: flora of the Alps Apuane
The vegetable population of the Alps Apuane is also fruit of the migration of different groups of plants that, in different times and for different motives, they have spread up to this chain, arriving from more directions.
Another group is constituted by plants that they find diffusion in western Europe and for which the Alps Apuane often represent the oriental limit of the distribution.
A non numerous group of plants me meaningful, from the North Europe is pushed to South up to the Appennino and to the Apuanes during the quaternary glaciations, among these we remember the alpine (Dryas octopetala) camedrio, the alpine (alpine Woodsia) felcetta and the sandstone meringioide (Sandstone moehringioides).

Park of the Alps Marittime - Guides and Publications
Books and guides Cartography Videocassettes Atlas of the flowers of our Alps Messaggi of the natural Park of the Alps Marittime Notebooks of the Park Info gipeto scientific Infomigrans Rendiconti Her didactic activity.
Fauna, flora, geology, history and an ample range of naturalistic itineraries and escursionistici.
Bilingual (Italian and French) guide with winds excursions in the protected areas of the Mercantour, Alps Marittime, Tall Valley Pesio and Tanaro, Alps Liguri.
Small guide to the discovery of the environments and the flora of the botanical garden of the Park to the Thermal baths of Valdieri.
Paper of the paths of the natural Park of the Alps Marittime.
A child and his/her dad, sailing on internet, they cross the site of the Park of the Alps Marittime.
Atlas of the flowers of the Alps Sud-occidentali.
Compote of color photographs that you/they illustrate over 2000 present kinds in the Alps Liguri operates, Maritime and Cozie Meridionali through a run that develops afresh him Hires, in the West Ligure, along the Val Roia, the valleys of the Cuneese, the Val Tinée and the Queyras.
A territory that understands numerous protected areas, what the Park of the Alps Marittime, the Park of the tall Valley Pesio and Tanaro, the French National Park of the Mercantour.

Park Alps Apuane - Guides and Publications
It drives to the Park of the Alps Apuane Administrator: Giuliano Valdes.
It drives to the tall Street of the Park of the Alps Apuane This publication introduces him as complementary to the Guide of the Park of the Alps Apuane.
"Men on the Apuanes" part from Tito Livio, from Giving and from the Ariosto, but it starts to have told the enterprises of the man since 1600 a today's days, around 360 years of scientific history, alpine, amateur, hotel that have succeeded to reconstruct in the zone apuo-versiliese....
Geologic paper of the Park of the Alps Apuane Paper in 2 sheets formed 70x100cm.
Sheet 2: you section geologiche and stratigraphical-structural schemes of the Alps Apuane.
Wandering" of Pian of the Fioba; to the inside they know contained the most recent contributions the of the flora and the fauna of the Alps Apuane.
The flowers of the Apuanes Guida to the knowledge of the principal vegetable kinds - endemic, relitte and however rare - present inside the Park of the Alps Apuane.
The mushrooms of the Apuanes Guida to the knowledge of the principal macromicetis of the Park of the Alps Apuane.
The Orchids of the Apuanes Guida to the knowledge of the orchids of the Park of the Alps Apuane.

The Flora in the Zone Montana Cuneese
You are in: > Flora La Flora in the Zone Montana Cuneese L' naturalistic importance of the zone montana cuneese - testified besides by the presence of three Natural Parks - it mainly derives from the great variety of the present vegetable kinds and from the rarity of some of them, without forgetting, naturally, the fauna entertained in the various valleys.
The wealth of the flora is to impute him - above all as it regards the zones most southern, that is Alps Liguri and Maritime - to the particular geographical (you are thought that the Alps Liguri, of triangular form approximately, with vertexes to the Hill of Cadibona, to the Hill of Curtain and the Mouth of the Roja, they are almost entirely found to south of the passing ideal parallel for the city of Genoa) position and the geologic history.
This discourse is worth, in good substance, also for a conspicuous part of the Alps Marittime, while the Valleys most northern (Nuisance, Maira, Varaita and Po) they are characterized by smaller botanical wealth even if, in some cases, characteristic kinds of the Alps Centrali are found again, in the zones non certain elective.

Flora of the Grappa - Home Page
While new kinds are evolved by the flora of the tertiary (neoendemismi) one:.
In the plan culminate her and along the crests there are environments that draw near to the alpine plan and they entertain some characteristic kinds.(es.
He/she understands besides the plateau of the Seven Communes and the prealpis trevigiane from Valdobbiadene to Vittorio Veneto, widening himself/herself/itself to south up to the lagoon in Venice, Eraclea and Caorle.
Such job is almost uninterruptedly extended until 1996; after such it dates the excursions they are also extended to the neighboring territories and interesting zones of the alpis and the Appennineses up to the Gran Stone and Maiella.
For the classification I have followed to the criterions of the 'Flora Di Italy' of the Pignatti.

Piedmont in Pills - Parks - Fauna & Flora
Numerous kinds of rare birds nest in the alpine valleys and in the lake zones and along the rivers.
In the maritime Alps it is frequent the summer passage of the Muflonis coming from France.
In the Alps Cozie and Val of Susa the fauna is alpine with chamois, bucks, roes, mufloni and stambecchi.
On the Alps Lepontine chamois, marmot and alpine hare excel, while her the volatile ones the royal eagle and the rooster forcello.
Along the rivers it is especially luxuriant the riparian flora with the poplar.
On the Alps Liguri and Maritime beech tree and fir abound, while on the Alps Cozie, Pennine and Graie the larice reigns.
A vast and rich flora we find her/it in the thick one of the it will silver.
Poor area instead of flora is the heading of the Valley of the Po where the presence of metamorphic eruptive rocks they prevent the development.
In Valsesia, in the Alps Pennine the Fritillaria grows tubiformis from the campanulate great flowers.