Guides of Natural Alps Risorse


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The Caravan of the Alps 2005
100 roads to play Black Flags Biodomenica Caccia to the Treasures of Italy I Change of Climate her Caravan of the Alps Carovana of the Climate The Client Mysterious Climate and Poverty let's Unpack us Party of the tree Festambiente Goletta Green Schooner of the Lakes The Keepers of the Nature it Drives Blue Italy is not on sale Kyoto, the light that doesn't consume the Planet Them I want Alive Mal'Aria Non you joke with the fire Nontiscordardimé Operazione Rivers Pendolaria Piccola Great Italy PM10 I hold you of eye Project Cernobyl Puliamo the World Salvaitalia Salvalarte Beaches Clean Stops to the mercury The three days of the swan Train Green Feeding Ecosystem Urbano Turismo Appeals and petitions Earth Futura: the world that we want Legambiente and ANEV: an accord to promote the eolico.
Caravan of the Alps, realized in collaboration with the Office of the environment and the Guardianship of the Territory, it is the country of Legambiente for the defense and exploitation of the Alps: a great space they climb on international, situated geologic giant to the center of the European continent.
Over 4 million inhabitants they live in the Italian Alps: a wide region in which enormous natural resources are assembled and of biodiversity, but also a great economic and productive potentiality.


Sectors - Ground and natural resources - U.O. Natural resources
Natural resources Her thematic natural resources-landscape-agriculture, is specific activities of the Sector treated in integrated form to offer a systemic reading of the interaction of the factors antropici, but also of the natural evolution, accelerated by the climatic changes that characterize this period, on the natural environment, on the cultivated ground and on the landscape.
Natural resources it furnishes a scientific support to the competent Administrations in the study of the biodiversity, of the nature and of the alpine (Convention of the Alps) landscape, of "Paper Nature" and of the agricultural problem list.

Sectors - Ground and natural resources - Organigramma
Fulfillment of the inherent activities to the jobs of reception office, of protocol and filing of the documentation that it concerns to the various thematic of competence of the Sector Ground and Natural Resources.
deal him with the thematic ones related to the natural resources, landscape and agriculture through sectorial activity treated in integrated form with the purpose to furnish a systemic reading of the interaction of the factors antropici and of the natural evolution accelerated by the sudden climatic changes that characterize this period on the natural environment, on the cultivated ground and on the landscape.
It furnishes a technical / scientific support to the competent Administrations in the study of the biodiversity of the nature and the alpine (Convention of the Alps) landscape, of "Paper Nature" and of the problem list related to the agriculture.
Natural resources: Cordinamento of the activities related to the management of the agricultural and natural resources, to the maintenance of the nature, to the guardianship of the landscape and areas protected earthlings and of the Project of Sector Life Ambiente 2003 FREEPCBs.
Organizational position: Connected activity to the maintenance of the nature and the management of the parks and the natural reserves.

UAGRA - Degree Theses
Forest-dependent species in fragmented landscape: the houses of red squirrel in alpine ecosystem.
Course of triennial Degree in Analysis and Management of the Natural Resources - University of the Studies of the Insubria - Varese V.
Course of triennial Degree in Analysis and Management of the Natural Resources - University of the Studies of the Insubria - Varese E.
Monitoraggio of the population of Chamois of the alpis (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) in the National Park of the Val Grande.
Course of triennial Degree in Analysis and Management of the Natural Resources - University of the Studies of the Insubria - Varese P.
The white (Lepus timidus) Hare in alpine environment: seasonal variations in the selection of the habitat and in the use of the space.
Course of magistral Degree in Analysis and Management of the Natural Environments - University of the Studies in Milan F.
Analysis multiscala of the abilities of move of the metapopolazione of brown Bear (Ursus arctos, L.) of the Alps Centrali.
Course of triennial Degree in Analysis and Management of the Natural Resources - University of the Studies of the Insubria - Varese A.
Dynamics space-storms of the alpine (Lepus timidus) hare in the province of Sondrio.


The Convention of the Alps in synthesis. CIPRA
The Convention of the Alps in synthesis 09/03/2007 Convention picture you Depart her contracting of the Convention of the Alps, that is Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monk, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and European Union, 'in compliance to the principles of the prevention, of the cooperation and of the responsibility of who cause environmental damages' they hock him in the Convention of the Alps in a global politics for the maintenance and the protection of the Alps using the resources in responsible and durable way.
They have been worthwhile besides to intensify the cooperation transfrontaliera in the alpine region as well as to widen her/it on the geographical and thematic plan. .
November 9 th 2006 the 9 ^ Lecture of the Alps has launched to Alpbach / To a declaration 'Population and Culture' not binding legally. .
The CIPRA asks a protocol 'Population and culture' of the Convention of the Alps, 01/06/2000.
In the rural areas the plans and the programs should assure terrestrial proper for the agriculture, to the forest economy and pastorizia and to guarantee the guardianship and the improvement of the territory of great ecological and cultural value as well as the defense from the natural risks.


Convention of the Alps -
Article 2: You force general you Depart her contracting, in compliance to the principles of the prevention, of the cooperation and of the responsibility of who cause environmental damages, they assure a global politics for the maintenance and the protection of the Alps, fairly keeping in mind of the affairs of all the alpine Countries and their alpine Regions, as well as of the European Economic Community, and using the resources in responsible and durable way.
For the attainment of the objective of which to the paragraph 1, the contracting Parts will take particularly suitable measures in the followings fields: Population and culture - with the purpose to respect, to preserve and to promote the cultural and social identity of the local populations and to assure its vital resources of base, particularly the installations and the economic development compatible with the environment, as well as with the purpose to favor the mutual understanding and the relationships of collaboration among the alpine and extra-alpine populations.
Territorial planning - with the purpose to guarantee the contained and rational use and the healthy and harmonious development of the whole territory, holding particularly consideration the natural risks, the prevention of excessive or insufficient uses, as well as the maintenance or the restoration of natural environments, through the identification and the general evaluation of the demands of use, the integrated planning and for a long time term and the harmonization of the consequent measures.

Message on the Convention of the Alps - sustainable Development of the regions of mountain
Message on the Convention of the Alps - sustainable Development of the regions of mountain Message on the sustainable Convention of the Alps Sviluppo of the regions of mountain The federal Suggestion intends to assure in the regions of mountain a sustainable development, or rather an economic strengthening combined to the use responsible of the natural resources.
It submits therefore to the Parliament the message for the ratification of the Convention of the Alps and the five relative protocols "Planning of the territory and sustainable development", "Agriculture of mountain", "Protection of the nature and guardianship of the landscape", "Forests climb on of it" and "Tourism."
The Governments of the alpine Cantons practically undersign unanimous the message.
The Alps are a situated particularly sensitive ecological and economic space in the heart of Europe.
With his/her Protocols, the Convention of the Alps constitutes a base for a great consideration of the respective affairs.
The central objectives are a best collaboration transfrontaliera among the regions of mountain as it regards the problems ecological and economic communes and a harmonization to the whole alpine space of the level of protection.

Gazette of Castelpoggio: Natural resources
Earth was transported in country with the mules that were the only useful mean to transport the resources from the woods toward Castelpoggio to that time.
Written November 07 th 2006 at 09:34 o'clock in Natural Resources, History | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0).
Written October 26 th 2006 at 16:05 o'clock in the Kitchen, Natural Resources | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0).
One of these have been the recovery of the path through the restoration, with techniques of naturalistic Engineering, of the landslide that is detached after the said ditch of the Leccia, cleaning of the path, setup of some fences to beginning path and at the end, cartellonistica along the run, link to reach the caves of the Tecchia.
Written October 02 th 2006 at 11:28 o'clock in Natural Resources | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0).
Written September 29 th 2006 at 17:22 o'clock in the Kitchen, Natural Resources | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0).
Written September 29 th 2006 at 16:54 o'clock in Natural Resources | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0).
The province of Mass-Carrara you/he/she is characterized from a discreet level of citizenship and from an elevated number of emergencies floro-faunistiche.

Gazette of Castelpoggio: Park Alps Apuane
26 October 2006 Park Alps Apuane Campocecina and the Sagro mountain, attainable in less than twenty minutes from Castelpoggio, they are slant that represent the first buttresses of the chain of the Alps Apuane, that it extends him on the territory of the provinces of Mass-Carrara and of Lucca.
Good part of this territory is under the guardianship of the Regional Park of the Alps Apuane, that in the country of Castelpoggio, it finds to north one of its doors of entry.
The Park has been constituted with the Regional law 5/85 to protect this unique mountainous chain for its geo-morphological, naturalistic and landscape characteristics.
Abundant it is also the deprived mountainous portion of vegetation that with his/her rocky and steep surface it makes in fact these reliefs very similar to the Alps from which you/they have taken the name.
The park offers the possibility of runs trekking and naturalistic, visits to cave, caves and other natural beauties.

December 2006 th 15"
An already initiated future, that has a well known name in Italy to whom deals with finance (macro, not micro.): NATURAL ALPS RISORSE.
Alps Funds Sgr it is a society of management of the saving been born in 1997, it manages funds common of investment on behalf of private clientele, firms and financial institutions.
It invests on the firms that are dealt with natural resources: energy, water, metals.
The discourse from the point of view of the business doesn't make a fold: " The offer of natural resources of the planet earth is in fact limited and in some cases scarce, while the question is and will be in continuous increase and therefore who checks precious resources, who develops of it of alternatives, who improves the efficiency of exploitation of those existing, who recycles those you already use it will have a role of first floor in the next future"..
To check the natural resources, to check the water manage the thirst of million of people.

Parks of the Region of Arusha - environmental Education
The project will interest the inclusive Parks in the Region of Arusha having environmental characteristics and problem list of management comparable to the Park Natural Alps Marittime.
All of this premised, general objective of the project is to consolidate the relationships of collaboration and cultural exchange between Region of Arusha (Tanzania) and Region Piedmont (Italy) in the environmental, tourist and social sector, with particular respect to the maintenance and management of the natural resources and to the sustainable development.
Specific objective of the project is to put a program of formation and technological and cultural exchange between Italian public organisms and working tanzaniani into effect, in regional circle, in the sector of the maintenance and management of the natural resources.
Particularly: To favor the development of a vision and an approach sovranazionale in the sector of the maintenance and the management of the natural resources and the parks through a turned program of cultural exchanges to administrators of protected areas, finalized to a comparison of experiences and knowledges in the sector of the administrative activity, of planning and planning.