Guides of Common Of Bridge In the Alps


Bridge in the Alps - The commune of Bridge in the Alps
32014) it belongs to the province of Belluno and dista 10 kilometers from Belluno, chief town of the homonym province.
Bridge in the Alps counts 7.913 inhabitants and has a surface of 58, 0 square kilometers for a housing density of 136, 43 inhabitants for square kilometer.
Registry signs: The commune of Bridge in the Alps has made to record in the 1991 census a population equal to 7.562 inhabitants.
In the 2001 census you/he/she has made to record a population equal to 7.913 inhabitants, showing therefore in the decade 1991 - 2001 a variation inhabitants' percentage equal to 4, 64%.
The inhabitants are distributed in 3.218 family nucleuses with an average for family nucleus of 2, 46 components.
Geographical signs: The territory of the commune results inclusive among the 378 and the 2.133 meters on the level of the sea.
Occupational signs: They result to insist on the territory of the commune 230 industrial activities with 1.125 employees equal to 43, 84% of the busy work force, 184 activities of service with 522 employees equal to 20, 34% of the busy work force, other 207 activities of service with 706 employees equal to 27, 51% of the busy work force and 49 administrative activities with 213 employees equal to 8, 30% of the busy work force.

Summary Fit Corporate body you launch - Official Bulletin of the Region of Veneto
direction for the defense of the ground - roma office of the infrastructures and the transports - judge to the waters - venezia office of the economic development - general direction perenergia and the mining resources, roma office for the goods and the activities' cultural - venezia regional park of the necks euganei - este - padova province of belluno province of padova province of rovigo province of treviso province of venezia province of verona province of vicenza se.t.a.
Action Corporate body you Launch / Common Of Bridge In the Alps (BUR 06/10/2006 n.87) Esproprio to really favor the terrestrial followings for the rearrangement to rotatory of the intersection among the SS 51, the SS.PPs.
Action Corporate body you Launch / Common Of Bridge In the Alps (BUR 14/07/2006 n.63) Costituzione of a right of servitude of pedestrian passage and technological nets on the immovable sites in the Commune of Bridge in the Alps.
Action Corporate body you Launch / Common Of Bridge In the Alps (BUR 31/03/2006 n.31) Estratto of decree of expropriation related to the jobs for the realization of an ecological center in loc.


Photo by

I detail Action of Corporate body you Launch - Official Bulletin of the Region of Veneto
direction for the defense of the ground - roma office of the infrastructures and the transports - judge to the waters - venezia office of the economic development - general direction perenergia and the mining resources, roma office for the goods and the activities' cultural - venezia regional park of the necks euganei - este - padova province of belluno province of padova province of rovigo province of treviso province of venezia province of verona province of vicenza se.t.a.
Extract of decree of expropriation related to the jobs for the realization of an ecological center in loc.
For every effect of law it makes him known that the Commune of Bridge in the Alps with Decree n.1 /Esp.
of 13.03.2006 you/he/she has pronounced to really favor the expropriation of the immovable sites in the Commune of Bridge in the Alps, identified catastalmente to the N.C.T.
CSTNLL41R57B662C and Costantini Mirella, been born to Bridge in the Alps (Bl) the 19.10.1948 _ C.F.
CSTMLL48R59B662M, owners for 1/3 every, with equal indemnity to European 3.916, 50.-, for the realization of an ecological center in loc.
Prà de Shutter.Those people who have rights, reasons, pretensions on the aforesaid indemnity can propose opposition within 30 (thirty) following days to the publication of the drawn out present.

Belluno the Province of the Dolomites - Common of Bridge in the Alps
The origin of the first urban installations, in the actual territory of Bridge in the Alps, it reverts in Roman epoch.
They are testimonies of it the graves, one with small place containing vases of metal, clay vases with burnt bones and the registrations recovered in the proximities of Polpet; recoveries also to Soccher, to Cadola and Canevoi where a situla was recovered with istrizione paleoveneta.
In territory of Casan recoveries of bronze objects are recorded, bracelets in iron, beads of glass, vases and crocks, huge prehistoric material that would make to think to some preceding nucleuses to the Roman epoch.
And' likely that a small fortress has been built in the first centuries of Christ to defense of the road axle that from the Friuli, through the Alpago, it introduced in the valley of the Piave.
Another corroborated datum concerns the continuity of installations, nearly uniform, that you/they would have found denomination of Parish of Frùsseda, knot of connection between north and south.
More before, in medieval epoch, the native name would have been replaced by that of Capodiponte.
Particular relief, in the history of the country, the bridge him connection on the Piave.

Belluno the Province of the Dolomites - Common of S.Gregorio in the Alps
From Feltre to St. Gregorio in the Alps (km 19) along the government road in direction of Belluno; to Saint Giustina turns to the left him the hilly slant that descend gradually from the thick one of the M progressively going up again.
Pizzocco (2186 ms) the hills are studded of villages, farms, beautiful villas main and rustic whose architecture, poor but extremely dignified, it is still the sign of an aware civilization.
I break down him/it alpine you/he/she is characterized by the profile dolomitico of the Pizzocco, game rocky horn that sinks his/her secret walls in the inside valleys, not visible from the lowland.The inhabited area is gathered around the parish church where it preserves him one among the works of art more interesting than the whole area bellunese: such in fact it is the shovel of representing Alexander Bonvicino (said 'the Moretto' from Brescia) the Madonna in throne among the holy Gregorio and Valentine painted around 1519.
Extraordinary painting, of taste still fully giorgionesco, of a naturalness and exceptional brightness.Some villas as the Villabruna to Fumàch, the Sandi to Paderno, etc.
they reinstate, in the amenity of these hills from where the whole median course of the Valley of the Piave is dominated, the local taste of the life in country that the aristocracy feltrina derived from that Venetian since the century XVI.

Benefits rustic bridge in the alpis, yours rustic to bridge finds in the alpis
WWW.CASA.IT Trova yours rustic to Bridge in the alpis on
Sale rustic to bridge in the alpis you announce Him real estate of bridge in the alpis they help who looks for an immovable property: sale rustic to bridge in the alpis, lease rustic to bridge in the alpis, sale rustic to bridge in the alpis, rustic lease to bridge in the alpis.
Ruin to be restructured completely with garden, possibility of buried garage, any tie.
Half tabià to be restructured with ample portion of ground.
Rustic to restructure, adjacent to other residence of 60 mqs.
The immovable property has an exclusive ground of 54 mqs.
around and you/he/she is situated in the Park of the Dolomites Bellunesi at the end of a town road, calm and sunny position.
The immovable property develops him on three floors more attic and it has a surface of mq.
Placed in common in the paesino of S.Andrea of Gosaldo to the feet of the Croda Grande in the heart of the Dolomites Agordine.
Splendid position in a calm place for lovers of the nature and neighbor also to the ski footsteps of Fork Aurine that dista two km.
The residence has a small open of pertinence.
Portion of rustic to restructure composed by barn, stall and court.

COMMON OF BRIDGE IN THE ALPS: immovable bridge in the alpis, finds a bridge immovable property in the alpis
WWW.CASA.IT Trova your Bridge immovable property in the alpis on
Sale bridge immovable properties in the alpis you announce Him real estate of bridge in the alpis they offer the best solution to whom looks for an immovable property: sale bridge immovable properties in the alpis, lease bridge immovable properties in the alpis, sale bridge immovable property in the alpis, lease bridge immovable property in the alpis.
some among the more immovable properties' sees in this province: immovable bridge in the alpis.
Alps) in beautiful zone toward the Nevegal vendesi VILLETTA with garden on 3 levels (100 mqs for plain); excellent care in the finishes, three rooms, three baths, etc.
Lottery of terrestrial mq.1000's edificabile with it persuades edificatoria of mc.400..
Apartment to the last floor of ample length with furnished kitchen, stay, 3 rooms, 2 baths and 2 terraces, garage and garden of ownership 340-3213112.
The hotel is a modern construction on three floors placed to the entry of the center, in a position from which the sporting equipments are comfortably attainable, the fittings of gone up again and the very famous Course Italy with its wanted negotiates.To disposition of the guests of the hotel sauna and tanning lamps.They organize besides courses of ski, rental equipment and laboratory, for the winter period.

Information Hotel Bridge In the Alps ©
The commune of Bridge In the Alps is in the region Veneto and in the province of Belluno.
The inhabitants are 7.904 and the surface it is of 57 km 2, with a density of 136 people for km 2.
Distances: from Rome 476 km, from Florence 280 km and from Venice 83 km.
35) interesting sites: Common of Bridge in the Alps.

Bridge in the Alps, Alpago: events, demonstrations, shows, concerts and cultural meetings
Home / Map events in the province / Bridge in the Alps and Alpago Torna to the map of the province Events: Bridge in the Alps and Alpago Ponte in the Alps Venerdì 9 Saturday March 10 th 2007 hours 21.00 and.
they will bring on the scene the bright comedy of Stephen Benni.
Of and with Paola Brolati (musicians Adolfo Zilli and Igor Maras).
That "blue thread" of water that historically unites the two sites, it allowed the navigation of platforms that you/they transported in Venice the first subjects: the wood of the woods and the iron of the mines.
Association Tandem, in collaboration For-place and with the patronage of the Commune of Bridge in the Alps.
Every Wednesday up to the end of May 2007.
The lessons of popular dances continue Venetian, Piedmontese, French, Scottish, Irish, Spanish, Rumanian, Greek, Russian, Serbs, Turks and Israelis to the rhythm of ancient ballads, to learn rhythms and footsteps.
This 14° appointment with the art will see statements of the particular crayons, performed some years ago by the painter pontalpino, on the occasion of the birth of its children.
Delicate and mysterious sketches devoted to the Angels.
Works that, through the homogeneity in the technique, in the use of the color and in the tonality, they translate the wish of elevation of the author.

Province of Belluno - From Bridge in the Alps all’Alpago
From Bridge in the Alps to the Alpago Polpèt: church of Saint Maria Nascente; Càdola: church of Saint Maria of the Rosary; Parish of Alpago: church of Saint Maria of the Rosary; Villa: church of St. Rocco.
In the commune of Bridge in the Alps architectural and artistic testimonies of a certain merit still live and in the parish ones of Polpèt and of Càdola meaningful sixteenth-century cloths of Nicolò De Stephen can be appreciated, of Mark and Caesar Vecellio.
The itinerary moves him therefore in the basin of the Alpago; here, the painting of the XVI century appears documented only in the churches of Parish and Villa, with two works of the bellunese De Stefani.
Edited by Mark Zucco in date 19/02/2007 All the rights on the contents of the site are of Ownership of the Province of Belluno Acce ssibilità | Conditions of sale and-commerce | Credits | Gu ida to the site | M appa | Privacy | Signaling Area of fast-access President Who governs Guide to the offices and the Right services and defense of the city Financings Center press Competitions, contracts and contests Reserved Area ID Password has lost the password? | Recorded! Registrations mailing list.
The territory feltrino The historical center of Feltre Da the oriental outskirts of Feltre to the "Pedemontana" Her parishes of the Left Piave: Lentiai, Mel and Trichiana Sedico and his/her fractions The Lower part and the tall Agordino La valley of Zoldo Il I center historical of Belluno I outskirts of Belluno, from the Schiara to the Nevegàl Da Bridge in the Alps to the Alpago The Cadore from Peraròlo to St. Vito The Cadore from Parish to Lorenzago The Comelico And-Commerce.
Province of Belluno - Bridge in the Alps
The Valley of the Piave that goes down from the area of Longarone, in fact, him biparte allowing to transversally continue the course of the river toward Belluno and the Feltrino, while, directly more to south, the valley opens dominated by the Lake of S.
Cross, in which you/they make capolino the mountains and the countries of the basin alpagota.Bridge in the Alps, and the ancient Parish of Frusseda, rises that is here in position baricentrica in comparison to the flows of the traffic and the communications that interest the Venetian lowland, the tall part of the province of Belluno and the middle course of the Piave up to the Valsugana.The territory pontalpino introduces some composite characteristics in reason for the various morphological, landscape and environmental connotations that it offers.
From the pebbly shore of the Piave to the mountains that impend in all the directions delivering the peculiarities of the alpine zones and prealpine, from the environment of the typical country bellunese to that urban affirmed him with the development of the greatest centers, Bridge in the Alps it reserves an articulated range of elements and a rich territorial sample and insediativo.Among the mountains, those more meaningful altimetricamentes are the Mountain Serves, extremely verdant up to the top, that reaches the 2133 ms and the Dolada Mountain that it is risen to 1938 ms on the left orografica of the Piave also dominating the whole Alpago.