Guides of Snow Milan


Meteo Giornale | News | Forecasts meteo | Weather forecast | Climate | Gives meteo: Climatology Italy - Sixteen years of snowfalls in Milan
Forecasts " Meteo Italia Europe Asia Africa Oceania Nord America South America Climate and Meteo " Il Climate in the World " Climatology Italy Sixteen years of snowfalls in Milan of Andre Eid Days with snow and had accumulations both day for day both season for season, in the chief town lombardo in the last sixteen years.
The snow of January 26/27 th 2006, the most intense of the last 20 years in the chief town lombardo.
In this article I introduce a personal study on the snowy events to Milan in the inclusive period among the cold semester 1990/91 and that 2005/2006.
In the following lines we will analyze month for month and season for season the needed snowfalls, pointing out the day of the snowfall and beside, among parenthesis, snow's centimeters approximately fallen.
The site of survey is found in the west zone of the city of Milan (except that for the first season)..
December signals three snowfalls: the day 8 with accumulation 0 cms of snow (that is without accumulation), 9 with 10 cms of snow and the 26 of December with 1 cm.
The total general for the season 1990-91 are of 10 days with snowfalls and of around 31 cms of accumulation of snow. " chronicle " the whole Italy under the cold Snow in Milan, uneasiness in the flights
Delays and departures cancelled in Malpensa, Linate and Turin Caselle Rome - Italy is under the snow and, according to the alarm launched by the civil Protection yesterday, the temperatures will keep on going down at least for other 24 hours because of the icy air coming from the polar zones.
Among the most stricken regions the Lombardy, where a storm of snow has created problems especially in the airports of Linate and Malpensa, that also staying operational, you/they have been able to work to rilento for safety motives and to allow the cleaning up of footsteps and aircrafts.
Snow is also fallen on the Venetian lowland, while on the dolomitis the mullion of mercury is fallen touching on some footsteps as the Pordoi it also rates -21.
Snow also in the Emilia Romagna, on the northern coast of the Brands and in Abruzzo where the spazzaneves are at work also on the highways.
Snow also in Ciociaria and on the countries of the Valley of the Aniene.
Abundant snow also to the South, especially in Calabria.
In Basilicata the rain and the snow have already provoked the collapse of some houses sgomberate from some weeks.
Milan wakes up this morning covered by some centimeter of frozen snow and swept by a cold wind.


Photo by " chronicle " Snow and cold in the whole North Milan, stopped the half public
(Trib.Me.) Chronicle Stamps this article it Sends this article LINK Correlated Tevere to Rome, it passes the fear but on the shore the alarm Tevere stays, the level returns to go down but tomorrow you/he/she has attended other rain Already ended the truce maltempo it snows in Lombardy and Liguria Neve and cold in the whole North Milan, stopped the half public Maltempo between Liguria and Piedmont Migliaia of jammed motorists Arno, it improves the situation alarm rain to the South Center From the file.
of Migliora the situation on the A3 Neve in Emilia, bora to Trieste Snow and cold to the Center-south frozen Roads, closed schools Allerta meteo for the Center South snow also to low quota Freezer-Italy from south north allerta of the civil protection In the night, problems for thousand of motorists on the Turin-Savona.
In the metropolis lombarda, stops the streetcars for the collapse of the lines aerial Snow and cold in the whole North.
I traffic only with chains Milan - Snow, wind and cold in the whole North.
The fallen snow for the whole night on Milan is provoking big uneasiness to the circulation of the half public.
Because of the strong snowfall, the highway Milan-Genoa is closed to the height of Tortona (Alexandria) and the direct traffic in Liguria you/he/she is diverted on her/it 'suspender' of the A26. - it Snows in Milan, plain snow goes off
The vicesindaco De Corato: more timely interventions of last year it Snows in Milan, the plain snow Spazzaneve and truck it goes off saltcellar they are ready to intervene for avoiding uneasiness.
January 8 th 2003: before snow in Milan clicca on a photo to go to the gallery.
The last Snowfall - To Milan it doesn't snow from over one year.
The last time, in December of 2001, a true snowstorm of snow had caught by surprise in evening the city, remained for times paralysed for the ice that the road fund had made impracticable.
December 2001: Milan paralysed by the snow clicca on a photo to go to the gallery.
The shedding of salt will be effected along the roads when snow overcomes the five centimeters, it communicates the administration.
December 2001: Bleached Milan clicca on a photo to go to the gallery.
Snow balls For The MILAN - And' all white also to the Pinetina, the sporting center of the Inter.
But Hector Cuper wants to also make a will the reflexes of the nerazzurris with the snow balls.

Corriere della Sera - The maltempo paralyses the North Italy
Milan - A perturbation "exceptional for intensity and duration" you/he/she has interested for 48 hours the whole North Italy, with snowfalls also to low quota of such an intensity that was not verified from over 20 years.
Milan - critical Situation above all in Milan and province, where the block of the has been revoked already anticipated traffic for Sunday.
Over 40 snow's centimeters fallen in the city, around 60 the present cms of snowy mantle in the province.
"We believe however that the worse is passed" they sustain however from the unity of crisis prepared near the prefecture in Milan.
The city prepares him to face the weekend with practically desert roads, while on the viabilità extraurbana is signalled some points of crisis, particularly on the government 36 I Milan-lick some heavy means put on the wrong side you/they have provoked the closing of some releases.
You/he/she has established him/it the Committee Snow that gathers all the subjects that operate in the Milanese port.
Notable difficulty is had in Gallarate (Varese) draws her/it - Milan and along the Milan-Genoa for two locomotives in damage.
7 give, 30 of Friday, to Milan, the Malpensa Express effects runs every time rather than every 30 minutes.
