Guides of Alps Centrali


My Technology My A701 - Central Mountain Alpi - Three Sails
PDA smartphone with GPS My A701 more softwares MyNav Mountain Alps Centrali on card SD from 1 GB.
The packet My A701 - Central Mountain Alpi includes anymore the PDA smartphone with GPS My A701 the software of navigation MyNav Mountain with the cartography escursionistica of the Alps Centrali, precaricato on a card of memory in formed Secure Digital from 1 GB.

Falls of ice of the central alpis
U na drives complete and detailed of the falls of ice of the Alps Centrali, in Lombardy (provinces of Sondrio, Lick, Bergamo and Brescia) and in Switzerland, for a total of 458 itineraries, equipped of maps, photo, accesses, description and technical characteristics, and of 210 other possibilities of slope reported more synthetically.
A work that comes to fill a twenty year-old publishing void, taken care of by a Guide alpine expert of the sector.


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Sismicità dell\'Alta Valtellina and of the adjacent zones
Introduction The strongest earthquakes in the period December 1999 - April 2000 You sismicità of the Alps Centrali.
Application of technical paleosismologiche to the study of recent deformations of slope in the alpine zones.
The epicentris of the earthquakes that have interested the region of the Alps Centrali in the period 1000-1975 are represented in Fig.
4 - Sismicità of the Alps Centrali in 4 temporal windows.
8 - Sismicità of the Alps Centrali in the period 1976-1995.
Reassuming, in the figures 9 and 10 are represented the sismicità of the Alps Centrali in the period 1000-1995, divided in two energetic levels.
12 - paper of the meaningful structural elements of the Alps Centrali to the purpose of the definition of the active tectonics.

Life Ursus: brown l\'orso from the Park Adamello-Brenta in the Alps Centrali
brown bear, once diffused on the whole alpine chain, in the past decades you/he/she has found in the Natural Park Adamello Brenta his/her last natural shelter.
In the portion most northern of the Park, between the val of Tovel and the area of Spormaggiore, they remain 3-4 individuals of that that up to the XIII century was one of the presences more remarkable faunistiche of the whole Alps.
Before the last sad page of the history of the bear on the Alps realized him, the Park Adamello Brenta, in collaboration with the Province of Trento and the National institute for the Wild Fauna, you/he/she has promoted a vast important project of reintroduction, with the ambitious objective to reconstruct a vital population of it that, beginning from the Trentino, is able in a future to colonize the whole Italian Alps Centrali.
A special study has confirmed that, inside an area of around 6.500 kmqs, understanding, besides the western Trentino, also part of the alpine provinces of Brescia, Sondrio, Bolzano and Verona, around a bystander of the territory it is still fit to the presence of the kind.
In the future it will be turned particular attention to the monitoraggio, not only of the single subjects, but of the whole population, so that to be able to establish the necessary times to reach the final objective of the project: a vital least population of 40-60 individuals on the Alps Centrali.

Europe intraisass
Magazine of Literature, Mountaineering and Visual Arts.
Totenkirchl - Mirror of an evolution of Ivo Rabanser (a trip on the traces of DÜLFER and in the evolution of the mountaineering).
Play on the Dru of Mark Conti (August 21 st 1987, late afternoon; four mountain climber, reach the Bloc Coincé, they begin the long descent to double rope after having finished the Direct American on the West Wall.
Luca's Maspes Jumar Iscariota "Rampikino" (Wall Northwest: the first solitary of the street most difficult of the historical mountain of the Alps Centrali).
The our Well Francis's Pompoli Nevis (Knot Of Top Moscow: two mountain climber to the search of the Vajo Nascosto open a new street).
A flight in Valsugana of Mauro Moretto (Red Stone: a spectator mountain climber assists to an extraordinary flight).


Val Senales. The queen of the Alps
Among the sacred temples of the tourism they climb on there is the Val Senales, rich of landscape attractions and of alpine destinations.
The strong contrasts make this angle of heaven that begins with the tops on the South slope of the Alps Centrali fascinating, near Merano for then to penetrate him in the real valley.
Among the sacred temples of the tourism they climb on there is the Val Senales, rich of landscape attractions and of alpine destinations.


Course of Specialistic Degree in Geophysics of Exploration and Applied
You/he/she has developed searches of geomorphology, glaciology, glacial geology, geology of the Quaternary one and geoarcheologia in various sectors of the Alps (Adamello-Presanella, Ortles-Cevedale, Val Senales, Valley of Aosta), in the Prealpis lombarde, on the Lake of Garda, in the Appennino emiliano and in the central sector of the Lowland Padana.
Glacial variations and evolution of the glacial geomorphology and periglaciale in relationship to the recent environmental variations in the Alps Centrali and Maritime.
The withdrawal of the glaciers of the Alps Italiane and the climatic variations, from the deglaciazione to the actual phase.
Transformations in action of the glaciers of the Italian Alps.
The express withdrawal of the glaciers and the dynamics of the areas deglaciate in the Alps Marittime and Central.

Course of Specialistic Degree in Geophysics of Exploration and Applied
Title of the Dissertation of Doctorate: "Evolution geomorfologica and morfostrutturale of the south-oriental part of the Thick one of the it will silver (Alps Marittime)."
Glacial geomorphology and periglaciale in various sectors of the Alps Occidentali Italian and French (Silver-Mercantour, Chambeyron-Ubaye, Briançon-Lautaret), in the central (Ortles-Cevedale) Alps and in the chain Wrangell-St Ellias (Alaska-Yukon).
Within the glacial geomorphology, the searches have been conducted especially in the southern Alps Occidentali, where the reconstruction of the phases of the deglaciazione post-maximum glacial you/he/she is founded on datings with isotopic cosmogenici (Be-10) developed through a collaboration with the University of Purdue (Indiana-USA)..
The survey geomorfologico and geologic, in partnership to analysis geomorfometriche (spatial dates handling) has allowed to individualize the imprint (structural grain) of the alpine tectonics in the relief of the it will silver and to individualize crustal sectors to different kinematics.
Glacial variations and evolution of the glacial geomorphology and periglaciale in relationship to the recent environmental variations in the Alps Centrali and Maritime.

Brown L\'Orso marsicano in Italy (ursus arctos)
In Italy the conditions of survival are still enough in some sectors of the Appennineses and the east north of the Alps; in our country they are present two subspecies: the European brown bear and the brown bear marsicano.
In passed the brown bear it was also present on the whole alpine arc, where the distribution and the consistence of the kind began to contract notably beginning from the XVIII century, up to its definitive disappearance in the whole center-western portion of the Italian Alps happened in the first halves the '900.
In 1999 to save the small nucleus of bears survived by a by now inevitable extinction, the Park Adamello Brenta with the Autonomous Province of Trento and the National institute of the Wild Fauna, usufruendo of a financing of the European union, has given start to the project Life Ursus finalized to the reconstitution of a vital nucleus of bears in the Alps Centrali through the release of some individuals coming from Slovenia.
The Return Of the Brown bear On the Alps once present on the whole alpine arc, because of the hunting in 1950 few bears had remained on the Alps, three or four samples as soon as to the shade of the Brenta, thick of the western Trentino.

UAGRA - Degree Theses
Forest-dependent species in fragmented landscape: the houses of red squirrel in alpine ecosystem.
Monitoraggio of the population of Chamois of the alpis (Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra) in the National Park of the Val Grande.
The white (Lepus timidus) Hare in alpine environment: seasonal variations in the selection of the habitat and in the use of the space.
Analysis multiscala of the abilities of move of the metapopolazione of brown Bear (Ursus arctos, L.) of the Alps Centrali.
Dynamics space-storms of the alpine (Lepus timidus) hare in the province of Sondrio.
Application of the monitoraggio telemetrico in the study of the terrestrial vertebrates: the case of the alpine (Goat ibex ibex, Linnaeus, 1758) stambecco in the thick one of the Adamello - Presanella.
Use of the space and selection of the habitat in environments stop alpine: the case of the white (Lepus timidus) hare in tall Valtellina.
Analysis of the seasonal productivity of mushrooms epigei and ipogei in alpine forest environment in relationship to the ecology trofica of the common (Sciurus vulgaris) squirrel.
Behavioral ecology of the greatest (Podiceps cristatus) Svasso and experimentation of ecological methods of dissuasion on the populations of the principal water bodies prealpini. - Federation Italian Winter Sport
Sponsor Offices Link Forum now Looks for six in: Homepage: Disciplines: Ski mountaineering: News 14/11/05 Mountaineering, cadet-junior assembly Trentino and Alps Centrali Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 November to the Footstep of the Tonal one is anticipated an assembly for the athletes of the ski mountaineering of the categories cadets - junior and espoir of the Committees Trentino and Alps Centrali.
The Responsible skis mountaineering of the Committees, Salty Luca and Rino Pedergnana, have decided to gather his/her own young people for an assembly next weekend.

Caterina Valfurva (1740) - Caresèr (2600) - Pinzolo (1530) - Vipiteno (945) - Shore of Tures (1600) - Curtain of Ampezzo (1275) Cave of the Predil (901) The Temperature Of the air Alps Occidentali In the station of Gressoney of Ejola the year idrologico 1998-1999 have opened with a temperature of October similar to that normal, which has clearly followed one more November fred­dos and a very warm period that you/he/she is extended up to the first ten of January.
Alps Orientali Her temperatures of the year idrologico 1998-1999 generally result inferior to those normal in the months of the late Autun­no and more elevated in Spring, with I discard him/it great in the month of May, when they are also overcome of 2.0°C the averages of the period, as you/he/she is observed to S.
In the summer months, and especially in those of July and of August, if the station of Shore of Tures is excepted in the Alps Aurine, the temperatures of the considered year have also overcome the normal values of 0.60°C (S.
Valentine to the Molt) The Precipitations Alps Occidentali To Gressoney of Ejola the autumn precipitations have been rather scarce in comparison to the normal values; instead those winter and spring result more abundant, as those of the end in the summer.