Guides of From the Alps A the Andes


ISF TRENTO " "From the Alps to the Andes - Colca and Cembra two twin valleys"
Archive March 2007 (2) Februaries 2007 (2) Januaries 2007 (2) Decembers 2006 (5) Novembers 2006 (4) October 2006 (6) Septembers 2006 (5) "From the Alps to the Andes - Colca and Cembra two twin valleys" From on November 27 to December 1 you/he/she will be prepared near the faculty of Engineering, Trento, the photographic show "From the Alps to the Andes - Colca and Cembra two twin valleys"..
Don't lose the appointment to see the splendid photos that make the parallelism among the valley about thirty and that Peruvian.



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Alps give To the Andes of I2SDD Ugo and I2GFS Franco
The happy brigade us position on two different fuoristradas and while Franco disappears in the cloud of consecrate characters and you/he/she immediately is brought in triumph in the Cathedral to the cry of saint ', fortunately I succeed in getting further me to the chetichella and I move me to house of the friend Alcides, a beautiful and modern villa in a peripheral and residential zone of the city.

Alps give father To the Andes of I2SDD Ugo and I2GFS Franco
From as years in Bolivia after the decision to leave forever the native Stezzano, a small country to the doors in Bergamo, has devoted his/her own life to the medical profession in an as many small and unknown Andean pueblito to over 3200 mt in the district of Cochabamba.
And the day after good morning, after the usual Italian coffee kindly offered (it would be more correct to say extorted as from custom) by his/her/their sisters where Franco was entertained, we have climbed above there for the Andes crossing a road that up to few years you/he/she was only practicable ago in the good season using half fuoristradas, while in the period of the rains you/he/she was totally impracticable for the as and sudden streams that crossed her/it dragging himself/herself/itself rocks of every dimension.
The medical staff is composed over that from Pietro and from his/her wife Maci that manages the laboratory of analysis, also from a youth but valid surgeon, from a laureanda Spanish biologist and from a fed number of experts that of time in time they operate in the structure in base to the necessities of the moment.


publishing / From the Andes in the Alps, enough a word " Chips & Sauce
The society in matter has center to the feet of the White mountain and produces shoes, backpacks, sacks to hair, of everything some for the mountaineering, the climb and the snowboard.
In short a cultural patrimony of the humanity, that doesn't have anything to besides everything whether to do with the Alps neither with the snowboard.
This small history makes us notice the asymmetry in the protection of the intellectual goods: if from a side the countries of the north of the world are very severe in to pretend from those developing a rigid protection of marks, brevets and copyright, nevertheless anybody guardianship is recognized to the saperis and the cultures of the least rich people.


MediaWatch - From the Andes in the Alps, enough a word
by publishing email From the Andes in the Alps, enough a word Source: The Manifesto ( 27 July 2006 Quechuas: you ask to a little boy of today of what he treats and easily he/she will answer you that it is a brand of sporting attire.
The society in matter has center to the feet of the White mountain and produces shoes, backpacks, sacks to hair, of everything some for the mountaineering, the climb and the snowboard.
In short a cultural patrimony of the humanity, that doesn't have anything to besides everything whether to do with the Alps neither with the snowboard.
This small history makes us notice the asymmetry in the protection of the intellectual goods: if from a side the countries of the north of the world are very severe in to pretend from those developing a rigid protection of marks, brevets and copyright, nevertheless anybody guardianship is recognized to the saperis and the cultures of the least rich people.

Mosaic of peace - From the Andes in the Alps
by email Music From the Andes in the Alps Hanno sung a continent that Latin American.
Do you have present? Well now imagine him/it, while it is phoning morning to his/her interviewer to apologize to have had the unloaded jail cell for the fixed interview the day before.
the support of the CIA, dethroned in bloody way the democratic socialist government of El Salvador Allende, establishing a dictatorial regime.
The Intis Illimani, that within the experience of the 'Nueva Canción Chilena' you/they had supported, together to artists as Violeta Parrà and Victor Jara, the electoral campaign of Allende, was forced to an exile convict in Italy that, for 15 years (up to the end of the regime), it became their adoptive country.
The music and the poetry of singer songwriters as From her, De Gregori, De Andrè, but also the relationship with the canzonetta of Sanremo that so much success had in Chile and above all the dream transmitted of the Italian cinema that, he/she affirms Jorge smiling, you/he/she had raised subsequently often them on the other side of the ocean through the images of different Italy from that known.
The miraculous recipes on the economy of Countries as Peru and Argentina have miserably collapsed, Ecuador and Bolivia are crossing strong and dangerous institutional crises and also the governments more progressive as in Uruguay and Brazil they don't succeed in doing enough to assuage the difficulties of big part of the population.'

Park of the Alps Marittime - Guides and Publications
Books and guides Cartography Videocassettes Atlas of the flowers of our Alps Messaggi of the natural Park of the Alps Marittime Notebooks of the Park Info gipeto scientific Infomigrans Rendiconti Her didactic activity.
Bilingual (Italian and French) guide with winds excursions in the protected areas of the Mercantour, Alps Marittime, Tall Valley Pesio and Tanaro, Alps Liguri.
In enclosure four papers in staircase 1:50:000 purchasable separately.
Small guide to the discovery of the environments and the flora of the botanical garden of the Park to the Thermal baths of Valdieri.
Small and essential guide for the naturalistic path autoguidato prepared inside the botanical garden Valderia.
Paper of the paths of the natural Park of the Alps Marittime.
A child and his/her dad, sailing on internet, they cross the site of the Park of the Alps Marittime.
Atlas of the flowers of the Alps Sud-occidentali.
Compote of color photographs that you/they illustrate over 2000 present kinds in the Alps Liguri operates, Maritime and Cozie Meridionali through a run that develops afresh him Hires, in the West Ligure, along the Val Roia, the valleys of the Cuneese, the Val Tinée and the Queyras.

Piedmont Parchi n. 78 - from the Alps Marittime to the Andes (continuous)
I number text and photo Patrician Red manager park Alps Maritime Quilqueyhuanca: the valley of the condors Among you are up to him common to the two parks, there is the presence of two great vultures to risk of extinction: for us, the gipeto, for Huascaràn the condor.
The Andes cannot be left without having seen these great birds.
Ugo, yesterday guide and carrier of the famous French mountain climber René Desmaison, guardiaparco and do-all carpenter, accompany today our delegation up to Quilqueyhuanca: the Park has here a small hatchery of "queñua" (Plylepis sp.): a tree from the reddish bark that skims through him as that of the birch tree) and a shelter with cots and kitchen from field.
The ample and grassy valley, where they pasture calm horses and cattle from the thick hair, it imperceptibly purchases gradient: he always walks and he never arrives.
Any winged outline ploughs the skies, only wild geese in the marshes leading valley.
Suddenly a gigantic sign: on the path a pen, the greatest that has ever seen: measure at least 65 cms, with a big rachide as my finger thumb.
But the most alive impression of this part of the Park is that of the small school of Querococha: 20 children between 3 and 14 years, children of the nomadic shepherds that raise blade and other animals in the boundless plateaus steppici of the outskirts.

Zurbriggen, autobiography of an alpine guide |
The book is the autobiography of the first salitore of the Ancongua, as well as an unique document to know the great guide of Macugnaga.
With the title "From the Alpes to the Andes" the book, translated in English, it went out to London in 1899 and for a series of strange circumstances you/he/she was never published in Italy.
Among the lines of the story the truth of the English travellers slips out, client-mountain climber of the great guide of Macugnaga.
Colleague of Emile Rey, with which you/he/she performed different ascensions on the Rosa and on the White, participated in various extraeuropean consignments together with strong and wealthy English mountain climber of the time: on the Baltoro, in New Zelanda, in Tien Shan and still in Karakorum.
"Spoiled by his/her great trips, often capricious and aware of the enterprises finished, fierce and proud, irascible when anything didn't suit him to genius and occasionally able to curse as a Turkish, at times again dear and modest, of an adorable purity, some too much prone to drink, everything impetuses and releases, a mixture of well-mannered gentleman, of valligiano gone out of a great school, of Swiss coldly calculator and intent without scruples to his/her own advantage, of "commander" of the Alps, braggart brought aloft by the audacity and by the good luck and - after all - a tender heart and a man everything of a piece, a fascinating and nice personality and certainly one of the most genial guides, more reckless person and more crowned by success of every time."

Looks from the tall one, of Giulio Malfer Inserted by Editing on March 5, 2007 - 18:34 A book on the mountaineering and that it stupendously tells the mountaineering through a different way.
But it is above all a book that crosses him the men, the mountain climber.
K2 my adventure is a mountain climber history, a researcher, a dad and a husband that it finds again him on the most remote slope of the second mountain of the world, with few companions, too snow, so much desire to climb and some nostalgia for house.
Simone Moro is on the Annapurna, with the consignment it will claim the life his/her best friend, the famous Russian mountain climber Anatoli Boukreev, and to another companion of rope.
In 1986 his/her usual companion away Julie Tullis brought him, together to other 4 mountain climber that were found over quota 8000 stopped by a storm and corpses then dehydrated for cerebral edema.
You " read all And if the continuous life, of Caesar Maestri Caesar's Maestri enterprise on the Cerro Torre one have become some greatest polemics of the history of the mountaineering. Relazione by normal and you report scalings to the normal streets of tops of Alps and Dolomites is the Italian portal of the normal streets of slope to the tops of the Alps, Dolomites and Appennineses: if you look for here the relationship of the normal street of slope to a mountain you can find technical cards and relationships of itineraries to reach the top of hundreds of mountains of the alpine arc, from the most famous to the less notes, from the easy paths to the runs on rock and glacier.
The itineraries and the present scalings in the site bring the description detailed of the itineraries of slope, times, difficulty and necessary equipment and they concern the peaks of the alpis and Italian mountains, excursions, strong streets, you climb on rock, I crossed on glacier, paths and normal streets to climb the tops of the mountains.
And will be really you the protagonists of the site, inserting online your relationships of climb in mountain and of the normal streets to the tops, becoming so of the climbers of! .