Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte - The commune of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte
Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte counts 4.074 inhabitants (Eufemiesi) and has a surface of 32, 9 square kilometers for a housing density of 123, 83 inhabitants for square kilometer.
Registry signs: The commune of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte has made to record in the 1991 census a population equal to 4.184 inhabitants.
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Common of Sant\'Eufemia d\'Aspromonte - city guides info
Common of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte Region Calabria - Province of Reggio of Calabria.
Preceding (Sant'Alessio in Aspromonte) commune - Common following (Sant'Ilario of the Ionian).
The Commune of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte on the motors of search: .
Common of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte p.


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Eufemia of Aspromonte rises to the feet of the Aspromonte, surrounded by verdant slopes, wound by colors of the Mediterranean stain.
Week Saint Procession of the mysteries in custom of epoch.
The Domenica August Procession of the Saints copatroni, Cosma and Damiano.
6 September Bonfire in honor of S.Eufemia, Virgo and Martyr.
16 September religious Procession and civil celebrations in honor of the Saint Patrona.
Holy Eufemia rises to the feet of the Aspromonte, absorbed in the vegetation and in the landscape typical of the rural suburbs.
Sant'Eufemia, virgin and martyr of Calcedonia, have given also the name to this country of which patrona is become.
The day of the martyrdom of the Saint, to Calcedonia, the 16 September of 303 B.C., it is the day of the liturgical and civil party.
The cult of the Saint from extended Calcedonia him quickly in the East and in West thanks to the influence in the history of the church of the 451 Calcedonia Council.
Also in he/she asked her and in the monasteries of Calabria the party of Saint Eufemia was founded, protectress of the orthodoxy.
Bartolo, Abbey and Brood her/it, Sant'Eufemia Di Aspromonte is crossed from the ancient street Popilia that put in communication Rome with Sicily.

Province of Reggio Calabria - Itineraries - Violet Coast - Itineraries
- Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte Costs her Violet, draws of shore that extends him up to Villa S.
Giovanni and it is so called for the purplish color of his/her sea, it begins to Palms, modern town with great plazas and breadths avenues placed on a leaning balcony in the sea, to the north-western extremity of the Aspromonte dominated by the Sant'Elia mountain.
To signal besides the Mother Church, the Church of the Help, the Church of the Rosary, the Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Carmine, in the place Pietrenere the ruins of the Tower of the Black Stones, in the place S.
Placed in the extreme slope tirrenico of Calabria, Seminara anciently dressed again a great military importance, politics and commercial finding himself/herself/itself in a position of great transit.
To the center of the town it is risen the sanctuary of the Madonna of the Poor men that guards the Sacred Image of the Madonna, destination and cult of a lot of populations of the province reggina, of Calabria and of Sicily.
To alone 12 kilometers of distance from Melicuccà, crossing the SS 112 and going beyond the center of St. Procopio (in whose church of the Rosary is possible to admire the marmoreal statue of the Madonna with the Child of 1532) him comes to Acquaro of Cosoleto, that owes his/her fame to the sanctuary entitled to St. Rocco.

Common of Sant\'Eufemia D\'Aspromonte: Tourist information, Appointed telephone, Cap 89027
Common of Sant'Eufemia Di Aspromonte.
General information on origins, history and actuality of Sant'Eufemia Di Aspromonte.
Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte is a commune of around 4.070 inhabitants that is found in Calabria, in the province of Reggio Calabria..
Sant'Eufemia of Calcedonia, celebrated on September 16, it is the patrona of Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte.


Museum of the Country Civilization Scidese
wet luigi vicesindaco of the actual town administration of scido, small country to the slopes of the thick one of the aspromonte to make enjoyable to all the visitors internet the various collections of objects entertained near the same museum.
scido aspromonte and national park of the aspromonte are tourist resources of sure value, united to a natural patrimony of inestimable value.


ASPROMONTE.IT - Section devoted d\'Aspromonte to the National Park
From the commune of Bova, through the horrid de! Footstep of the Zita and Cross of St. Leo (1145 ms), the Fields of Bova are reached; then through one excavated, after the ruins of the old center, the chiesetta of St. Leo can be visited, one of the few vestigias existing basiliane in Aspromonte.
Interesting center on the only artery that from the Ionian it brings to Gambarie, base of departure for excursions toward Montalto, is famous for the sources of mineral waters.
From the forest tollgate of St. Savior (1223 ms), on the Fields of Bova, him dipartono roads, excavate and paths that bring grecanici of the valley of the Amendolea to the centers, to the ruins of Africo and Casalnuovo, to the church basiliana of St. Leo and to the fiumares of the south-oriental slope of the Aspromonte (with the falls of Maesano, Parmarello and Forgiarelle)..
It dominates through suggestive landscapes the valley of the fiumara of Sant'Agata.
It is an important geographical knot for excursions toward the Fields of Sant'Agata (1251 ms), of great interest antropico and geographical.
The Strut of the Watch is a stupendous balcony on the oriental Aspromonte, where they poll different monoliths.

Sant\'Eufemia d\'Aspromonte
Seite 1 von 2 Sant'Eufemias of Aspromonte Sant'Eufemia of Aspromonte is a commune of 4.073 inhabitants (Eufemiesi) of the province of Reggio Calabria.
Eufemia of Aspromonte rises to the feet of the Aspromonte, surrounded by verdant slopes, wound by colors of the Mediterranean stain.

NATIONAL PARK DELL\'ASPROMONTE: It visualizes common card
EUFEMIA Di City aspromonte surrounded by the castagnetis, draws great benefit from its position, median among the mountain and the sea, that it makes her/it a center very appreciated by the tourists.
Different works of art are preserved in the Church Arcipretale: a painting of Saint Caterina realized by the Visalli, a statue in marble, representing the Madonna of the Graces, of the XVI century, different icons.
In the church of Sant'Ambrogio it is found, only sample remained in the whole south, a bell of Byzantine age.
Sant'Eufemia boasts the natives of Anthony Tripodi, says the Aspromontano painter of international fame that has been residing for different time to Rome.
Sant'Eufemia has also seen the development of an intense commercial and handicraft activity.

Atlas of the Typical Products in the Parks - National Park dell\'Aspromonte
Center of the park: Saint Stephen in Aspromonte (Rc).
In the area grecanica of the Aspromonte in some villages still speaks a dialect similar to the ancient Greek and here is possible to find, but not in commerce, a rare cheese pecorino realized with a die of particular wood, the musulupa, that leaves on the form an imprint circular representing human figures, rag dolls.
Particularly interesting the nougats, full of soft pasta of almond or of bits almonds and covered of wafer, of iced sugar or of chocolate, white or black.
The bergamotto found in the coastal band, long hundred kilometers at the base of the slopes of the Aspromonte, among Villa St. Giovanni and Cheerful Ionic, the ideal ground for its production.
Extraordinary the harvest of mushrooms in the forests of beech trees of the Aspromonte: porky, pineroli, gnawed you, tricolomas are on sale in impromptu stands on the roads of the immediate hinterland reggino, particularly to Gambarie.

=>Blue world: The Greek's fortress, The National Park dell\'Aspromonte - by<=
In the woods of the Aspromonte very elusive animals live as the black woodpecker, the wild cat, the marten and the wolf.
When the sea and the mountains unite him in a happy match that bears the name of national park of the Aspromonte the surprises they are endless!.
To the luxuriant green and the mystery of a wild panorama that it alternates to terrestrial accidental and rocky oases of vegetation, caused from little ponds of the comfort and terraces on the sea, the characteristic plans of the Aspromonte, he happens the kingdom of nettuno, that in this annulled hidden, it dominates two seas: the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian, connected by the narrow one!.
A natural patrimony that extends him in a surface of almost 80.000 hectares, that you/they embrace the whole Aspromonte from the 800 meters in on, and it involves 37 communes of the province of Reggio Calabria.
Extreme southern layer of the chain appenninica the Aspromonte constitutes a very variegated environment for morphological composition.
The thick Aspromonte is formed in prevalence from a group of metamorphic rocks, understanding small granite parts, surrounded by rock type sedimentary.
The change is warned it is warned if he passes from the slope tirrenico to that ionic.

=>Blue world: The Greek's fortress: The gastronomy of the National Park dell\'Aspromonte by<=
The Greek's fortress: the demonstrations in the National Park of the Aspromonte (R.C.) Italy.
Show-market of the Products Typical of the National Park of the Aspromonte.
Procession of Friday Saint to the Calvary Mountain, Procession of Sunday of Easter with her "Sbelata" (I meet with the Madonna and risen Christ), Procession of the announced (following Sunday to Easter) one..
The Sanctuary, included in the Calabrian itineraries of the Jubilee 2000 it is inhabited from a monk and the whole year is open.
Pilgrimage afoot to reach the Sanctuary of S.
Artistic and cultural demonstrations to the Museum Santa Barbara.
July 14 th 2001 the representatives of the Corporate body doing part of the Community of the National Park of the Aspromonte, agreed upon near the Sanctuary of Wrists, they enacted a New Alleanza between Society and Nature in Aspromonte, undersigning the Paper of the Civilization of the Aspromonte.
Thousand and thousand of Calabrian believers and Sicilians annually go in pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Wrists, sacred place, load of history and millennial traditions.
Here as the writer Corrado Alvaro, in a passage drawn from "Calabria", he/she remembers the ancient history of the birth of the Sanctuary of Wrists and the cult of the Madonna of the Mountain: "In the Aspromonte we have a Sanctuary that calls Wrists, but commonly of the Madonna of the Mountain.