Guides of In the Alps

To the Alps

Flora of the Alps Marittime - botanical Cataloguing of the flora of the Alps Marittime
Complete botanical cataloguing and adjourned of flowers and plants of the Alps Marittime.
When it speaks of Alps Marittime, today he habitually intends a very narrow territory, inclusive between the Hill of Curtain and the Hill of the Maddalena.
Here I have chosen to intend her in well wider way, not only including the Alps Liguri up to the line Albenga - V.Tanaro, but also thick secondary French up to the Esterel.
And' a choice also dictated by the botanist that to the Flora of the Alps Marittime, agreements in this way, have devoted, with its collaborators, 40 years of searches: E.Burnat.
He/she wants only to be an attempt to offer, under the thin and synthetic form of the database, enriched by the photos however, a general panorama of the flora of the Alps Marittime.
For the others I/you/they are submitted me to the signalings brought in literature, also not recent.

Medicinal grass of the Alps
Habitat: cultivated and wild from the plan in the zones climb on of it.
In case of diffused rheumatic pains to the various articulations he profitably resorts to the oil of camomile.
Who, troubled by the daily worries, stenta, the evening, to take sleep, will find a sure remedy drinking, before lying down, a strong tisana of camomile to which a spoon of honey and a bicchierino of grappa have been assistant.
Habitat: hedges and bushes from the plan in the zones climb on of it.

info: To the Alps

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01/018 - A.S.D. Archers of the Alps
Attention! The dates of the 50m Match Round and the 3Di Archers of the Alps have been exchanged.
The two invitation 12+12 organized by the Archers of the Alps on March 31 and April 1 st 2007..
All the partners are guests to participate in the ordinary general meeting that will be held near the institute Lambs of Course Soviet Union March 13 th 2007 at 20.30 o'clock..

The best television cameras in the Alps
For the lovers of the Alps, the meteorological situation in real time.
television cameras give more pannings and suggestive presents in Internet: surprise the upcoming perturbations and the most abundant snowfalls in Europe! .
Anticipated temperatures for today to the various quotas in the slope.
Northerly in the Alps: useful above all to foresee the Thermal Zero.
A window on the zone of Courmayeur (tall Valley of Aosta).

Path of the Orobies Alps Prealpi Orobie
ll Path of the Flowers and' one among the more' interesting naturalistic itineraries of the Prealpis Bergamasche long which to the grandeur' of the landscape they are added rare.
The proposed runs are rich of information: characteristics give geomorfologiche of the territory of the Orobies, to the discovery of uncontaminated naturalistic oasis still, to the revaluation of the housing nucleuses and architectural structures of artistic and historical interest....
Forecasts Meteo of the Alps and Prealpi Orobie Bergamasche, with detailed forecasts, gives temperatures, statistics precipitations, snowy mantle and updatings live under conditions of maltempo.
About ten footsteps for the descent and for the fund, guaranteed natural or artificial innevamento up to advanced spring, fittings, itineraries of ski mountaineering among the more' interesting.
Also in winter the tourist offer of the Valley Brembana and of the Orobies and' of absolute quality.'
The Path of the Orobies, that develops him along the mountains of the Province in Bergamo, allows to bathe in the heart and in the wildest zones in these Alps, offering really suggestive foreshortenings of the environment how much unforgettable occasions to admire the flora and the fauna (marmots, chamois, the eagle and by now numerous flocks of stambecchi.


Alps Occidentali - A virtual visit with panoramic photos
I live in Valley of Susa for which I/you/they have involved in before person in the stories related to the project of the railway line to high speed / tall ability Lione-Turin.
Welcome to this virtual visit of the western Alps.
The photos have been taken back in the Piedmontese Alps, among the Valley it Uncorks of Demonte and the Valley of Aosta.
Everything starts in the autumn of 2000 with the mass in line of about ten pannings it took back in the low Valley of Susa and in Val Sangone.
Since then the site is grown of year in year, thin to reach the actual 240 pannings that cover a meaningful extension of the Piedmontese Alps.
The zone documented by the images is found in north-western Italy, few west kilometers in Turin.
A thanks goes to the Italian Meteorological Society that has allowed, thanks to the accurate local forecasts that it free furnishes, to know in advance the arrival of the few proper days for the resumptions.

To the Alps:

Convention of the Alps -
Article 2: You force general you Depart her contracting, in compliance to the principles of the prevention, of the cooperation and of the responsibility of who cause environmental damages, they assure a global politics for the maintenance and the protection of the Alps, fairly keeping in mind of the affairs of all the alpine Countries and their alpine Regions, as well as of the European Economic Community, and using the resources in responsible and durable way.
For the attainment of the objective of which to the paragraph 1, the contracting Parts will take particularly suitable measures in the followings fields: Population and culture - with the purpose to respect, to preserve and to promote the cultural and social identity of the local populations and to assure its vital resources of base, particularly the installations and the economic development compatible with the environment, as well as with the purpose to favor the mutual understanding and the relationships of collaboration among the alpine and extra-alpine populations.
Safeguard of the quality of the air - with the purpose to drastically reduce the polluting issues and their negative effects in the alpine region, as well as the transmission of polluting substances coming from the outside, to a level that is not harmful for the man, the fauna and the flora.

Park of the Alps Marittime - L\'Area Protetta
The natural Park of the Alps Marittime has been created in 1995, following the fusion of the natural Park of the it will silver (founded in 1980) with the Reserve of the Wood and the Lakes of Palanfré (founded in 1979).
The Alps Marittime, extreme southern edge of the alpine chain, divides the Piedmontese lowland from the coast nizzarda and they is inclusive among two passes very frequented since the antiquity: the Hill of Curtain and the Hill of the Maddalena.
Both the slopes of the Maritime ones are submitted to protection: in fact, on the French side, the national Park of the Mercantour extends him, famous all over the world in the Valley of the Wonder, site that entertains going up again thousand of rocky incisions for the more to the age of the Bronze.
The beauty of these mountains, the wealth of chamois, of trouts and of a splendid and luxuriant vegetation struck with strength Vittorio Emanuele II, when in 1855 the king of Sardinia visited the Valley Chalk and his/her thermal baths.
Its appreciation didn't pass unnoticed, and the mayors of the Communes of the tall valley, well knowing its passion venatoria and the advantages that would be derived from a summer presence in the zone of the royal family, they established to surrender the rights of hunting and fishing to the king on big part of their territory.

Park of the Alps Marittime - Park of the Alps Marittime and Parc National du Mercantour toward an European Park
Park of the Alps Marittime and Parc National du Mercantour toward an European Park.
The natural Park of the Alps Marittime and the Parc national du Mercantours protect, thanks to a frontier common of 35 km, a surface of over 100.000 hectares that he/she understands the thick ones of the Gelàs, of the it will silver and of the Mercantour.
It occupied the two slopes of the Alps before the 1861 Turin essay that it behaved the rejoining of the County in Nice to France.
This last, in 1995, and ridenominato has been widened in natural Park of the Alps Marittime.
The testimony of their presence is in the important monumental complex that understands trentamila rocky incisions of the Valley of the Wonder, in France and those of the Vej of the Bouc, in Italy.
In the same year in the site Silver-Mercantour the releases of gipeto start, one year in France and Italy, in the circle of the international project of reintroduction of the kind on the alpine arc.
The Parks continue to operate for the exploitation of the natural patrimony that you/they have to transmit to the future generations for mission.