Guides of Community Montana Alps LEPONTINE


Community Montana Valleys Antigorio Divedro Formazza
I pool Rebirth of the Mountain it operates on the territory of reference of the Community Montana Antigorio Divedro Formazza.
The town territory of Crevoladossola is to horse of the Alps Pennine and the Alps Lepontine divided by the gorge postglaciale of the Sempione dug by the Diveria, that is overcome transiting on the historical Napoleonic (1801) bridge..
Water can be tasted in the park of the Thermal baths, in the Place you Bathe, that the Community Montana has managed since 2002, and he/she offers cares free idropiniche in a separate and pleasant environment.
Crodo together has to this wealth the presence of well two museums and a tall part that it competes in beauty and urbanistic maintenance with the most famous Italian alpine places.
Formazza ancient suburb they climb on, constituted from wood houses with roofs in stone following the tradition of the people Walser of Germanic origin that has moved to the south of the alpis the traditional culture of the north Europe.
But Montecrestese is not only bell tower, in fact there is woods of chestnut tree among the more appreciated, a preserved rural architecture perfectly and still very visible the vestigia of the Leponzis, ancient alpine people that resided in these regions, among these the most imposing is the Tower of Roldo, authentic Celtic tempietto.

it programs activity 2004
28 May - 4, 11, 18 June (Community Montana of Porlezza).
The Community Montana Alps Lepontine have submitted Polytechnic Innovation of the Polytechnic in Milan to the Consortium the realization of a program of technical formation on the alpine material culture, for the definition of the state of environmental fact of the valley and in the institution of courses finalized to the education of the operators on the territory.
10, 17, 24 September - 1, 8, 15 October (Community Montana of Porlezza).


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ReteGEV Lombardia p2
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Alps Lepontine.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Tall Lario.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Lario Orientale.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Lario Orientale.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Triangle Lariano.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Val Seriana.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Val Cavallina.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Val of Scalve.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Sebino.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Val Seriana.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Commune of Villanova on the Clisi (Community Montana of the tall Garda Bresciano).
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Valceresio.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Valley Trompia.
Descriptive page of the service GEV near the Community Montana of the Valtellina of Sondrio.

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Community Tall Montana Lario Occidentale - province of Chest of drawers, Lombardy - administration, tourism, proclamations and competitions, events, lake of Chest of drawers
1) contributions to the artisan enterprises for the introduction of trials and products to low environmental impact 2) Proclamation for the concession of contributions to micro, small and averages it undertook for projects of technological innovation 3) Incentives for the ammodernamneto, expansion and qualification of the structures and tourist infrastructures in Lombardy 4) Interventions for the support of the competitiveness of the enterprises '2000-2006 Docups Ob2 Mis 1.1 Sottomisuras F' to participate in the proclamation they are to disposition the counters of free assistance of the institute of searches The Poliedro that on Tuesdays have been held since 14.30 at 18.00 o'clock to Gravedona near the center of the Community Tall Montana Lario Occidentale and the Thursday from the 9.30 to the 13.00 to Porlezza near the Community Montana Alps Lepontine.


AccompagNatur - Guides Escursionistiche Ambientali of the Val d\'Ossola
Miners' songs, spazzacamini, smugglers, mountaineers and emigrants are old, with which a repertoire of great cultural value has been built.
The DT is found to Crodo, in the province of Verbania (Piedmont), among the mountains of the valley Antigorio near the Park Natural Vigil Devero and to few minutes from the val Formazza; quassù marmots, bucks and chamois live among rododendri, larici, alpine stars and spellbound little ponds.
The Park protects the great alpeggis of Vigil and Devero in the western Alps Lepontine.
'Where art, faith, history and nature meet him: Where art, faith, history and nature meet him: the Sacred Calvary Mountain, a small jewel among the Alps (Patrimony of the humanity).
The site of an in harmony team of Environmental Guides Escursionistiche that collaborates with Alpine Guides of felt experience to offer excursions of every level in all safety.


SBLOS I the convention of the system
267/2000 deliberated by the respective Town Suggestions and by Community Meetings of the following Local Corporate body: Common of Menaggio, Community Montana Alps Lepontine, Community Montana Lario Intelvese, Community Tall Montana Lario Occidentale, Common of Argegno, Common of Well Lario, Common of Blessagno, Common of Brienno, Common of Carate Urio, Common of Carlazzo, Common of Casasco Intelvi, Common of Castiglione Intelvi, Common of Colonno, Common of Suggestion of Rumo, Common of Cremia, Common of Domaso.
7. Directive suggestion 1) The directive Suggestion is composed from the President, from an Adviser in representation of every Common, Community Montana, titular Corporate body of meaningful Library.

CETS - Lombardy
Community Montana Tall Park Garda Bresciano Regional Park of the Adamello Common of Ostiglia, relatively to the system of protected areas of the Oltrepo Mantovano Comunità Montana Alps Lepontine, relatively to the protected areas: It reserves Natural Lake of Plan and area of importance environmental Tall Lake of Chest of drawers Alps Lepontine Actaplan it will be busy in the following activities: .

Lombardy, nets wireless for less distant territories
During the International Lecture on the Program Community Alpine (Alpin Space Summit) Space that is developed to Stresa in the last days, the Region Lombardy has introduced the project PUSEMOR, acronym of "Public services in sparsely populated mountain regions. new needs innovative and strategies"..
It absolutely deals with an innovative project and financed with community resources, that it has as objective that to bring public services in the zones poorly climb on of it inhabited.
The project will interest the territories of the Communities climb on Alps Lepontine, Valchiavenna and Valley of it it Sand-blasts.
Seen the success of this first experimentation, with a following financial intervention equal to 11 million of European to be worth on Community Funds for the disadvantaged areas 18 projects I/you/they have been financed pilot that the coverage has almost allowed with nets wide gang of the totality of the areas sottoutilizzate of the regional territory.

We have classified and listed in ordered way all the sites web of the Communities Climb on of it and of the Regional Delegations of the UNCEM with the intent to facilitate the search in the net of the reality montana of interest.
It signals to the address the site internet of your Community Montana and we will add him/it among our links.
It seeks the Community Montana that contains: .

Regional suggestion of the Lombardy
Milan, 2 February '06 - you Start the procedures for the constitution of a new Community montana in the Valley Seriana.
This morning the Committee consiliare constitutional Business, presided by Paul Valentini (FI), it has in fact express to majority (in favor FI; AN; It ties North and Sveva Dalmasso of the group will recommend her/it 'For the Lombardy; contrary DS and communist Rifondazione) to seem favorable to the advanced application from the town Suggestions of Ardesio, Gandellino, Gromo, Valgoglio and Villa Of Ogna.Last year the five Communes of the province in Bergamo had revoked his/her own adhesion to the Community montana Valley Seriana Superiore and asked the constitution of a new corporate body, vindicating, he/she is read in the document, 'their territorial autonomy in consideration of theirs analogous peculiar partner-economic, historical, cultural and territorial conditions.'
The decision of the Committee, marks an intermediary and necessary footstep to give succession to the procedures for the constitution of a new Community montana.'
The document, that will now have to return in Junta for the definitive approval for then to be passed to the examination of the respective provincial Committee, foresees also: - the inclusion of the Communes of Cigognola and Saint Juliet (PV) in the Community montana of Pavia Oltrepò - the reentry of Lumezzane (BS) in the Community montana Valley Trompia - the passage of the Commune of Osteno (CO) from the CM Lario Intelvese to the CM Alps Lepontine Currently in Lombardy 30 Communities are constituted climb on around of it that develops him on a surface of 10.346 kmqs and they involve 558 communes for a total of 1 million and 187 thousand inhabitants.

The consequent property and economic-financial relationships to the fusion of the town territories of which are regulated to the article 1, for delegation of the Region, from the Community Montana Alps Lepontine.
If the Community Montana Alps Lepontine don't carry out to the accomplishment of the delegated functions, the relative provisions, previous warning and assignment of a term to provide, you/they are assumed by the regional junta, also through a commissioner's nomination to acta, of agreement with the errand competent consiliare.
To the liquidation and the reimbursement of the expenses sustained by the Community Montana Alps Lepontine in realization of the delegated functions of which to the article 3 he provides with decree of the competent executive for subject, to the senses of the article 14 of the l.r.