Guides of Geology Dolomites


The fundamental tappes of the geology of our territory trentino will now be described, taking in examination the various eras geologiche: .
This last, that is formed ago around 300 million years, in the Carboniferous one, period in which you/they are made to go up again a lot of coal layers, appears on the surface in Valsugana and you/he/she is located under the Dolomites.
The zones to North of Trento, under the sea of the Tetide, rich of numerous forms of life, they gave place to the formation of the Dolomites and to other bastions type calcareous-dolomitico, present on the territory.
It begins so the process of formation of the rocks dolomitiche.
23 million years ago a strong compression is created in the rigid base porfirica Atesina that determines the lifting of the zone dolomitica and the formation of a fault, denominated line of the Valsugana.
The following erosion of the rocks that you/they were fractured and the removal of material dolomitico, due to meteoric factors and idrologici, hands in surface the deep layers of the metamorphic plinth and the base porfirica Atesina.
The morphology of the territory has been influenced, over that from the geology, also from the river erosions, from the transport of sediments and from the formation of lakes formed him inside the existing basins.

Geology (Italian portal of the sciences of the earth).
Seen Online of geology (magazine and histories of geology and environment) again.
Geologia2000 (resources for the students of the III millen me).
Course of Environmental Geology (Prof.G.Giorgi).
Stings in paper (motor of search of material studiabile and useful resources to the students of geology).
Course of GIS (applied to the Geology and the environment of the Prof.
Dispensations of Geology Applied of the Prof.V.Francan the.
Resources geologiche (didactic space whether to look for files, photo, documents all related to the Geology).
Actions of the 5º cycle of Lectures of geology, history and archaeology.
The history, the ecosystems, the geology and the climate of our planet.
Four centuries of the word geology-Quadricentenario of the word geology.


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Park National Dolomites Bellunesi: The nature: Geology
The geology You history of the Dolomites Bellunesi is a long and complex history, initiated in warm tropical seas more than two hundred million years ago and marked subsequently from some events chiave:.
Big part of the territory is planned on rocks of sedimentary origin but don't miss the exceptions as in the tall Valley of the Mis and in the Valley Imperina where they appear on the surface, in correspondence of the 'Line of the Valsugana' (important fault that represents the geologic border of the Dolomites), very ancient rocks of metamorphic origin.

Park National Dolomites Bellunesi La nature: Geology: Morphology carsica
Morphology carsica Her forms carsiche, originated from the slow solvent action operated by the water (weakly sour for the presence of carbonic anhydride) on the calcareous rocks and dolomitiche, they compete to qualify and to embellish some of the most suggestive environments and great environmental value of the Park.

The portion sovrascorsa is represented by a whole called strata Austridi, while the fraction that is not crossed on the strata already positioned corresponds to the so-called southern calcareous Alps, a series of mountainous chains that understands, among the others, the Dolomites.
Important for the variety of the litotipis and for the wealth of the fossils they are above all the Prealpis lombarde and the Dolomites.
The Trias was also interested by volcanic demonstrations in the Alps Giulie, in the Dolomites and in Lombardy.


LOCATION: In Veneto, between the Venetian prealpis and the Dolomites, on the right shore of the Piave, between Feltre and Belluno.
ENVIRONMENT: Mountainous complex constituted by three groups dolomitici separated from deep perpendicular valleys to the river auction of the Piave, characterized by strong excursions altimetriche and from the sour aspect, but don't miss pastures and sweets hills.
GEOLOGY: The great variety orografica of the territory of the Park is anciently justified from the fact that part of this territory it constituted the backdrop of a deep sea whose basin, correspondent to the today's area of Belluno, was inserted among the base about thirty and that friulana.
For the Jurassic one the Limestones Grey (with various levels of dolomitizzazione and sometimes rich of fossils) and other rich calcareous formations of clayey components and selciferi are followed.


The Museum tridentino of natural sciences - For the school 2006
The Museum of Geology of didactic Predazzo Proposte.
Consultations and special didactic projects > II Laboratori to the Museum of Geology > practical Activity, of about 3 hours, during which can be developed also in before person the different phases of the scientific search with the employment of simple methodologies of recognition.
Excursions geologiche > A geologic excursion in the Dolomites is as a fascinating trip in the time, to the discovery of landscapes and environments by now disappeared: seas rich in life, submarine mountains, islands tropical and energetic volcanos.
I pass after footstep among environments that speak of water and fire, the students you/they can identify the rocky breakthroughs, the fossils and the mineral ones that have made the Dolomites unique mountains to the world for their spettacolarità.
Marmolada, the Regina of the Dolomites > You Marmolada, with his/her 3.343 ms s.l.m., it is the taller mountainous group of the Dolomites.
Thanks to his/her grandeur and his/her extraordinary beauty you/he/she has called "Regina of the Dolomites"..
The laboratories can be developed to the Museum of Geology of Predazzo or directly in the scholastic centers.

Residence Apartments Garni Araldina Alta Abbey Corvara Dolomiti - A history initiated 300 million of
Subsequently the sea starts to invade the region dolomitica, from east toward west, up to the Valley of the Adige: of this period is the Formation to Bellerophon (chalks and dark limestones and fossiliferi) during the Trias - from 250 million to 210 million years ago the birth of different Formations that interessanto it is had in particolar way the tall Abbey: the Formation of Werfen, Formation of Livinallongo, the Formation of S.
The Dolomites, universally famous for the suggestività of the environment and for the scientific interest, they have spectacular unique natural landscapes on our planet.
The stories that the evolution of the landscape has allowed dolomitico, you deciphers through the study of the rocks and the forms of the relief, you/they can be made ago to go up again to at least 250 million years.
230 million years ago, the region dolomitica was interested besides by strong volcanic episodes, accompanied by earthquakes, seaquakes, variations of the level of the sea and submarine landslides, that modified the aspect of the region: enormous quantities of lave, tufi and vulcaniti were poured again along the slant of the bluffs provoking the extinction and the filling of the depths of it arms of sea prepared among them.