Guides of Green Alps


Wooden restaurations and lapidei, treatment and cooked recovery, wood and stone
The project of restauration, partly conservative, partly reintegrativo, it foresaw interventions on: · monumental staircase in marble Moncervetto and Green Alps.
It was, besides, anticipated the supply and the laying of steps in white marble Moncervetto, plates of the same completion marble of the landings, zoccolature in Green Alps, plates in absolute black marble.
The parapet, in marble Green Alps of Cesana, had been, in more points, seriously fractured; you/he/she has been, therefore, reconstructed with inserts in resin epossidica pigmented with earths.

Tables in marble and travertino
Plain in marble realized Yellow Sahara and Green Alps, only modern marbles.
Only ancient marbles for this exclusive and prestigious table! Yellow ancient of Numidia, ancient Diaspro Verde, Red ancient and Pencil lazuli.
Plain in marble Green Guatemala, 64 xes 64 cms, base in wood and marble, total height 71 cms.


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I articulate selected month
Close to a lot of rocks carbonatiche, litotipi was employed silicatici, what the Ancient Porfido Rosso coming from Egypt and the Porfido Verde Ancient extract in Greece, two among the most expensive materials of the antiquity, as testified by the edict of Diocleziano.
The impure marbles are colored in green for the presence of chlorite (Green Ming, of Indian origin) or chlorite + actinoto + at all white (Cipollino Apuano).
In a variety (Ancient Church-green Green) they are present fragments of pure and impure marbles to tremolite: such breach is type sedimentary.
The intense history alpine deformativa is testified by different structures plicative, visible microscopically in thin section, to the staircase of the hand champion, to the staircase of the block and the front of cultivation.
The varieties currently in commerce they are the Green Tinos, the Naussa, the Fruit salad and the Verias.
The Green Marble Tinos, extract in the homonym island of the archipelago of the Cicladis, is a metaoficalcite to tremolite and talc, very similar macroscopically to the drawn out Piedmontese rock once in the Valley of Susa: its principal characteristic is the presence of a system of veins continuous carbonatiche and pervasivo.

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Prefabricated in Cement Manufactured articles Coverages Sheds - Summania Beton
Built bipiano realized with attic and coverage in alveolar plates and panels of tamponamento prefabricated with finish in grit of marble "Green Alps" and "Red Verona"..
Manufactured with coverage serious "Range Y", skylights in resin polyester to the metacrilato fixes and openable, panels of tamponamento in grey cement smooth from I will cancel, covering zone offices with panels prefabricated of tamponamento with external finish in mixed grit of marble "Green Alps and White Carrara"..
Villa offices on three floors with attic and coverage realized with elements of the series "TT", panels prefabricated of tamponamento with external finish in grit of marble "Green Alps"..


Residential complex
Its architectural structure develops him in height guaranteeing the maximum extension of the green surface that surrounds him/it.
The quality of the materials becomes conclusive in the choice of the covering of façade, realized with great plates that reproduce, through a complex industrial trial and with the employment of subjects first natural, the Stone of Barge and the marble Green Alps, of production Ariostea.
The chromatic combining results really succeeded: it dominates the façade the clear color, with ample vanished zones of grey silver and extending yellow to the brown one of the Stone of Barge, interrupted by the horizontal bands of intense green color of the Green Alps.


Green shop: the shop of Turin-CIRIE \ - The Alps - Corso Gen.From the Church
To Cirie' the shop Green Shop is found near the Commercial Center 'Her Alps' in Progress Gen.From the Church - 10073 (TO).
The attachés to the sale will be happy to welcome you and to help to choose you the products Green Shop correct for you! .
It looks for the shop Green Shop more' next to your house..

The Newspaper of Carrara
And' a marble brecciato, with pasta elements of statuary cemented by a grid of rather dense stains, of varying color from the grey one up to the green.
And' a rock ultrabasica, of green color, with bluish veins and clearer striations; it has pearly brightness.
It originates from the alteration in Serpentine of a rock ultrabasica: The product of alteration, clearer, it allows to emerge some spots of unchanged rock to brown green color.
Green Oficalce with a lot of veins of calcite: You digs to Pietralavezzare in the Valley of the Polcevera in the Province in Genoa.
Rock dark green serpentinosa; it is extracted in the Valmalenco in Lombardy.
I also found green intense with stains green-ashy.

Animals Alps Orobie
The chamois, thanks also to the favorable habitat, you/he/she has reached important (around 5.000 animals) density so much to result among the most consistent of the Alps.
The avifauna almost all includes the kinds typical of the western alpine arc from the rooster forcello, to the white partridge, to the crowd of passeriformi.
- Sale apartments houses Valley Brembana - The Point of reference for the one who looks for houses, apartments, immovable, villas, farms, rustic, local commercial or other type of immovable property in sale in the splendid Valley Brembana dipped in the Prealpis Orobie in the province in Bergamo.
Residence, studio apartments, bilocali, mansards in tall val brembana - Foppolo Branzi - Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in the Tall Valley Brembana dipped in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Residence with studio apartments, bilocali, trilocali and mansards for your vacations in Tall absorbed Val Brembana in the green of the Alps Orobie Bergamasche.
Sale apartments and houses vacation in the Valley Brembana in the province in Bergamo Prealpi Orobie.
Private residences in spectacular environments will give you all of this' of which have need to live the life of the Prealpis Orobie from the inside.

Green tourism in Italy, Vacations in mountain on the Italian Alps, summer Stays in the nature
Green tourism in Italy, Vacations in mountain on the Italian Alps, summer Stays in the nature.
Alpine ski, snowboard, ski mountaineering and winter sport on the ski footsteps of the Alpe Ciamporino.
The natural park Alpe Veglia and the valleys of the Ossola: excursions, mountaineering, climb and walks among woods, lawns, little ponds, tall tops, snow's expanses.

You travel in the Alps:: Vacation in the Dolomites:: Vacation in the green - Hotel Oberhammer
Maximum confort for your trips in the Alps I your stays and trips in the Alps deserve a comforting and pleasant environment.
A vacation in the green just as drawn by a book of fables - at the end of a departed intense day to ski or to practise trekking in the Alps, the rooms of our hotel will guarantee you the relax and the confort of which you have need.

The mosaic
The slate, the noblest of the natural stones, the hardest, the most resistant.The drawn out stone with work in distant countries returns to the earth.In the gardens of our beautiful houses, it recovers soon his/her colors, in the warm tonalities of the beige, of the red, of the green, of the brown one.The edges worked by the water, the veins drawn of the time bring to the taste of a calmer life to the perfume of firewood that burns.Material spessorato, so many formats and Greek frets damage the possibility to enrich and a whatever surface to make even more particular.